local util = require 'lspconfig.util' return { default_config = { cmd = { 'helm_ls', 'serve' }, filetypes = { 'helm' }, root_dir = util.root_pattern 'Chart.yaml', single_file_support = true, }, docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/mrjosh/helm-ls Helm Language server. (This LSP is in early development) `helm Language server` can be installed by following the instructions [here](https://github.com/mrjosh/helm-ls). The default `cmd` assumes that the `helm_ls` binary can be found in `$PATH`. If need Helm file highlight use [vim-helm](https://github.com/towolf/vim-helm) plugin. ]], default_config = { root_dir = [[root_pattern("Chart.yaml")]], }, }, }