local util = require 'lspconfig.util' return { default_config = { cmd = { 'haskell-language-server-wrapper', '--lsp' }, filetypes = { 'haskell', 'lhaskell' }, root_dir = function(filepath) return ( util.root_pattern('hie.yaml', 'stack.yaml', 'cabal.project')(filepath) or util.root_pattern('*.cabal', 'package.yaml')(filepath) ) end, single_file_support = true, settings = { haskell = { formattingProvider = 'ormolu', cabalFormattingProvider = 'cabalfmt', }, }, lspinfo = function(cfg) local extra = {} local function on_stdout(_, data, _) local version = data[1] table.insert(extra, 'version: ' .. version) end local opts = { cwd = cfg.cwd, stdout_buffered = true, on_stdout = on_stdout, } local chanid = vim.fn.jobstart({ cfg.cmd[1], '--version' }, opts) vim.fn.jobwait { chanid } return extra end, }, docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server Haskell Language Server If you are using HLS, enable the language server to launch on Cabal files as well: ```lua require('lspconfig')['hls'].setup{ filetypes = { 'haskell', 'lhaskell', 'cabal' }, } ``` ]], default_config = { root_dir = [[ function (filepath) return ( util.root_pattern('hie.yaml', 'stack.yaml', 'cabal.project')(filepath) or util.root_pattern('*.cabal', 'package.yaml')(filepath) ) end ]], }, }, }