"============================================================================= " $Id: menu.vim 246 2010-09-19 22:40:58Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/menu.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte <EMAIL:hermitte {at} free {dot} fr> " <URL:http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/> " Version: 2.2.1 " Created: 13th Oct 2006 " Last Update: $Date: 2010-09-19 18:40:58 -0400 (Sun, 19 Sep 2010) $ (28th Aug 2007) "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Defines the global function lh#menu#def_menu " Aimed at (ft)plugin writers. " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh/ " Requires Vim 7+ " History: " v2.0.0: Moving to vim7 " v2.0.1: :ToggleXxx echoes the new value " v2.2.0: Support environment variables " Only one :Toggle command is defined. " TODO: " Should the argument to :Toggle be simplified to use the variable " name instead ? " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Internal Variables {{{1 let s:k_Toggle_cmd = 'Toggle' if !exists('s:toggle_commands') let s:toggle_commands = {} endif "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 function! lh#menu#verbose(level) let s:verbose = a:level endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if exists('s:verbose') && s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#menu#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # Common stuff {{{2 " Function: lh#menu#text({text}) {{{3 " @return a text to be used in menus where "\" and spaces have been escaped. function! lh#menu#text(text) return escape(a:text, '\ ') endfunction " # Toggling menu item {{{2 " Function: s:Fetch({Data},{key}) {{{3 " @param[in] Data Menu-item definition " @param[in] key Table table from which the result will be fetched " @return the current value, or text, whose index is Data.idx_crt_value. function! s:Fetch(Data, key) let len = len(a:Data[a:key]) if a:Data.idx_crt_value >= len | let a:Data.idx_crt_value = 0 | endif let value = a:Data[a:key][a:Data.idx_crt_value] return value endfunction " Function: s:Search({Data},{value}) {{{3 " Searches for the index of {value} in {Data.values} list. Return 0 if not " found. function! s:Search(Data, value) let idx = 0 while idx != len(a:Data.values) if a:value == a:Data.values[idx] " echo a:Data.variable . "[".idx."] == " . a:value return idx endif let idx = idx + 1 endwhile " echo a:Data.variable . "[".-1."] == " . a:value return 0 " default is first element endfunction " Function: s:Set({Data}) {{{3 " @param[in,out] Data Menu item definition " " Sets the global variable associated to the menu item according to the item's " current value. function! s:Set(Data) let value = a:Data.values[a:Data.idx_crt_value] let variable = a:Data.variable if variable[0] == '$' " environment variabmes exe "let ".variable." = ".string(value) else let g:{variable} = value endif if has_key(a:Data, "actions") let l:Action = a:Data.actions[a:Data.idx_crt_value] if type(l:Action) == type(function('tr')) call l:Action() else exe l:Action endif endif return value endfunction " Function: s:MenuKey({Data}) {{{3 " @return the table name from which the current value name (to dsplay in the " menu) must be fetched. " Priority is given to the optional "texts" table over the madatory "values" table. function! s:MenuKey(Data) if has_key(a:Data, "texts") let menu_id = "texts" else let menu_id = "values" endif return menu_id endfunction " Function: s:NextValue({Data}) {{{3 " Change the value of the variable to the next in the list of value. " The menu, and the variable are updated in consequence. function! s:NextValue(Data) " Where the texts for values must be fetched let labels_key = s:MenuKey(a:Data) " Fetch the old current value let old = s:Fetch(a:Data, labels_key) " Remove the entry from the menu call s:ClearMenu(a:Data.menu, old) " Cycle/increment the current value let a:Data.idx_crt_value += 1 " Fetch it let new = s:Fetch(a:Data,labels_key) " Add the updated entry in the menu call s:UpdateMenu(a:Data.menu, new, a:Data.command) " Update the binded global variable let value = s:Set(a:Data) echo a:Data.variable.'='.value endfunction " Function: s:ClearMenu({Menu}, {text}) {{{3 " Removes a menu item " " @param[in] Menu.priority Priority of the new menu-item " @param[in] Menu.name Name of the new menu-item " @param[in] text Text of the previous value of the variable binded function! s:ClearMenu(Menu, text) if has('gui_running') let name = substitute(a:Menu.name, '&', '', 'g') let cmd = 'unmenu '.lh#menu#text(name.'<tab>('.a:text.')') silent! exe cmd endif endfunction " Function: s:UpdateMenu({Menu}, {text}, {command}) {{{3 " Adds a new menu item, with the text associated to the current value in " braces. " " @param[in] Menu.priority Priority of the new menu-item " @param[in] Menu.name Name of the new menu-item " @param[in] text Text of the current value of the variable binded to " the menu-item " @param[in] command Toggle command to execute when the menu-item is selected function! s:UpdateMenu(Menu, text, command) if has('gui_running') let cmd = 'nnoremenu <silent> '.a:Menu.priority.' '. \ lh#menu#text(a:Menu.name.'<tab>('.a:text.')'). \ ' :silent '.s:k_Toggle_cmd.' '.a:command."\<cr>" silent! exe cmd endif endfunction " Function: s:SaveData({Data}) {{{3 " @param Data Menu-item definition " Saves {Data} as s:Data{s:data_id++}. The definition will be used by " automatically generated commands. " @return s:data_id let s:data_id = 0 function! s:SaveData(Data) let s:Data{s:data_id} = a:Data let id = s:data_id let s:data_id += 1 return id endfunction " Function: lh#menu#def_toggle_item({Data}) {{{3 " @param Data.idx_crt_value " @param Data.definitions == [ {value:, menutext: } ] " @param Data.menu == { name:, position: } " " Sets a toggle-able menu-item defined by {Data}. " function! lh#menu#def_toggle_item(Data) " Save the menu data as an internal script variable let id = s:SaveData(a:Data) " If the index of the current value hasn't been set, fetch it from the " associated variable if !has_key(a:Data, "idx_crt_value") " Fetch the value of the associated variable let value = lh#option#get(a:Data.variable, 0, 'g') " echo a:Data.variable . " <- " . value " Update the index of the current value let a:Data.idx_crt_value = s:Search(a:Data, value) endif " Name of the auto-matically generated toggle command let cmdName = substitute(a:Data.menu.name, '[^a-zA-Z_]', '', 'g') " Lazy definition of the command if 2 != exists(':'.s:k_Toggle_cmd) exe 'command! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,lh#menu#_toggle_complete ' \ . s:k_Toggle_cmd . ' :call s:Toggle(<f-args>)' endif " silent exe 'command! -nargs=0 '.cmdName.' :call s:NextValue(s:Data'.id.')' let s:toggle_commands[cmdName] = eval('s:Data'.id) let a:Data["command"] = cmdName " Add the menu entry according to the current value call s:UpdateMenu(a:Data.menu, s:Fetch(a:Data, s:MenuKey(a:Data)), cmdName) " Update the associated global variable call s:Set(a:Data) endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! s:Toggle(cmdName) if !has_key(s:toggle_commands, a:cmdName) throw "toggle-menu: unknown toggable variable ".a:cmdName endif let data = s:toggle_commands[a:cmdName] call s:NextValue(data) endfunction function! lh#menu#_toggle_complete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) return join(keys(s:toggle_commands),"\n") endfunction "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " # IVN Menus {{{2 " Function: s:CTRL_O({cmd}) {{{3 " Build the command (sequence of ':ex commands') to be executed from " INSERT-mode. function! s:CTRL_O(cmd) return substitute(a:cmd, '\(^\|<CR>\):', '\1\<C-O>:', 'g') endfunction " Function: lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode() {{{3 function! lh#menu#is_in_visual_mode() return exists('s:is_in_visual_mode') && s:is_in_visual_mode endfunction " Function: lh#menu#_CMD_and_clear_v({cmd}) {{{3 " Internal function that executes the command and then clears the @v buffer " todo: save and restore @v, function! lh#menu#_CMD_and_clear_v(cmd) try let s:is_in_visual_mode = 1 exe a:cmd finally let @v='' silent! unlet s:is_in_visual_mode endtry endfunction " Function: s:Build_CMD({prefix},{cmd}) {{{3 " build the exact command to execute regarding the mode it is dedicated function! s:Build_CMD(prefix, cmd) if a:cmd[0] != ':' | return ' ' . a:cmd endif if a:prefix[0] == "i" | return ' ' . <SID>CTRL_O(a:cmd) elseif a:prefix[0] == "n" | return ' ' . a:cmd elseif a:prefix[0] == "v" if match(a:cmd, ":VCall") == 0 return substitute(a:cmd, ':VCall', ' :call', ''). "\<cr>gV" " gV exit select-mode if we where in it! else return \ " \"vy\<C-C>:call lh#menu#_CMD_and_clear_v('" . \ substitute(a:cmd, "<CR>$", '', '') ."')\<cr>" endif elseif a:prefix[0] == "c" | return " \<C-C>" . a:cmd else | return ' ' . a:cmd endif endfunction " Function: lh#menu#map_all({map_type}, [{map args}...) {{{3 " map the command to all the modes required function! lh#menu#map_all(map_type,...) let nore = (match(a:map_type, '[aincv]*noremap') != -1) ? "nore" : "" let prefix = matchstr(substitute(a:map_type, nore, '', ''), '[aincv]*') if a:1 == "<buffer>" | let i = 3 | let binding = a:1 . ' ' . a:2 else | let i = 2 | let binding = a:1 endif let binding = '<silent> ' . binding let cmd = a:{i} let i += 1 while i <= a:0 let cmd .= ' ' . a:{i} let i += 1 endwhile let build_cmd = nore . 'map ' . binding while strlen(prefix) if prefix[0] == "a" | let prefix = "incv" else execute prefix[0] . build_cmd . <SID>Build_CMD(prefix[0],cmd) let prefix = strpart(prefix, 1) endif endwhile endfunction " Function: lh#menu#make({prefix},{code},{text},{binding},...) {{{3 " Build the menu and map its associated binding to all the modes required function! lh#menu#make(prefix, code, text, binding, ...) let nore = (match(a:prefix, '[aincv]*nore') != -1) ? "nore" : "" let prefix = matchstr(substitute(a:prefix, nore, '', ''), '[aincv]*') let b = (a:1 == "<buffer>") ? 1 : 0 let i = b + 1 let cmd = a:{i} let i += 1 while i <= a:0 let cmd .= ' ' . a:{i} let i += 1 endwhile let build_cmd = nore . "menu <silent> " . a:code . ' ' . lh#menu#text(a:text) if strlen(a:binding) != 0 let build_cmd .= '<tab>' . \ substitute(lh#menu#text(a:binding), '&', '\0\0', 'g') if b != 0 call lh#menu#map_all(prefix.nore."map", ' <buffer> '.a:binding, cmd) else call lh#menu#map_all(prefix.nore."map", a:binding, cmd) endif endif if has("gui_running") while strlen(prefix) execute <SID>BMenu(b).prefix[0].build_cmd.<SID>Build_CMD(prefix[0],cmd) let prefix = strpart(prefix, 1) endwhile endif endfunction " Function: s:BMenu({b}) {{{3 " If <buffermenu.vim> is installed and the menu should be local, then the " apropriate string is returned. function! s:BMenu(b) let res = (a:b && exists(':Bmenu') \ && (1 == lh#option#get("want_buffermenu_or_global_disable", 1, "bg")) \) ? 'B' : '' " call confirm("BMenu(".a:b.")=".res, '&Ok', 1) return res endfunction " Function: lh#menu#IVN_make(...) {{{3 function! lh#menu#IVN_make(code, text, binding, i_cmd, v_cmd, n_cmd, ...) " nore options let nore_i = (a:0 > 0) ? ((a:1 != 0) ? 'nore' : '') : '' let nore_v = (a:0 > 1) ? ((a:2 != 0) ? 'nore' : '') : '' let nore_n = (a:0 > 2) ? ((a:3 != 0) ? 'nore' : '') : '' " call lh#menu#make('i'.nore_i,a:code,a:text, a:binding, '<buffer>', a:i_cmd) call lh#menu#make('v'.nore_v,a:code,a:text, a:binding, '<buffer>', a:v_cmd) if strlen(a:n_cmd) != 0 call lh#menu#make('n'.nore_n,a:code,a:text, a:binding, '<buffer>', a:n_cmd) endif endfunction " " Functions }}}1 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: