---@tag telescope.actions.set ---@config { ["module"] = "telescope.actions.set", ["name"] = "ACTIONS_SET" } ---@brief [[ --- Telescope action sets are used to provide an interface for managing --- actions that all primarily do the same thing, but with slight tweaks. --- --- For example, when editing files you may want it in the current split, --- a vertical split, etc. Instead of making users have to overwrite EACH --- of those every time they want to change this behavior, they can instead --- replace the `set` itself and then it will work great and they're done. ---@brief ]] local a = vim.api local log = require "telescope.log" local Path = require "plenary.path" local state = require "telescope.state" local utils = require "telescope.utils" local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state" local transform_mod = require("telescope.actions.mt").transform_mod local action_set = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) error("'telescope.actions.set' does not have a value: " .. tostring(k)) end, }) --- Move the current selection of a picker {change} rows. --- Handles not overflowing / underflowing the list. ---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr ---@param change number: The amount to shift the selection by action_set.shift_selection = function(prompt_bufnr, change) local count = vim.v.count count = count == 0 and 1 or count count = a.nvim_get_mode().mode == "n" and count or 1 action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr):move_selection(change * count) end --- Select the current entry. This is the action set to overwrite common --- actions by the user. --- --- By default maps to editing a file. ---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr ---@param type string: The type of selection to make -- Valid types include: "default", "horizontal", "vertical", "tabedit" action_set.select = function(prompt_bufnr, type) return action_set.edit(prompt_bufnr, action_state.select_key_to_edit_key(type)) end -- goal: currently we have a workaround in actions/init.lua where we do this for all files -- action_set.select = { -- -- Will not be called if `select_default` is replaced rather than `action_set.select` because we never get here -- pre = function(prompt_bufnr) -- action_state.get_current_history():append( -- action_state.get_current_line(), -- action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) -- ) -- end, -- action = function(prompt_bufnr, type) -- return action_set.edit(prompt_bufnr, action_state.select_key_to_edit_key(type)) -- end -- } local edit_buffer do local map = { edit = "buffer", new = "sbuffer", vnew = "vert sbuffer", tabedit = "tab sb", } edit_buffer = function(command, bufnr) command = map[command] if command == nil then error "There was no associated buffer command" end vim.cmd(string.format("%s %d", command, bufnr)) end end --- Edit a file based on the current selection. ---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr ---@param command string: The command to use to open the file. -- Valid commands include: "edit", "new", "vedit", "tabedit" action_set.edit = function(prompt_bufnr, command) local entry = action_state.get_selected_entry() if not entry then utils.notify("actions.set.edit", { msg = "Nothing currently selected", level = "WARN", }) return end local filename, row, col if entry.path or entry.filename then filename = entry.path or entry.filename -- TODO: Check for off-by-one row = entry.row or entry.lnum col = entry.col elseif not entry.bufnr then -- TODO: Might want to remove this and force people -- to put stuff into `filename` local value = entry.value if not value then utils.notify("actions.set.edit", { msg = "Could not do anything with blank line...", level = "WARN", }) return end if type(value) == "table" then value = entry.display end local sections = vim.split(value, ":") filename = sections[1] row = tonumber(sections[2]) col = tonumber(sections[3]) end local entry_bufnr = entry.bufnr local picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) require("telescope.pickers").on_close_prompt(prompt_bufnr) pcall(vim.api.nvim_set_current_win, picker.original_win_id) local win_id = picker.get_selection_window(picker, entry) if picker.push_cursor_on_edit then vim.cmd "normal! m'" end if picker.push_tagstack_on_edit then local from = { vim.fn.bufnr "%", vim.fn.line ".", vim.fn.col ".", 0 } local items = { { tagname = vim.fn.expand "<cword>", from = from } } vim.fn.settagstack(vim.fn.win_getid(), { items = items }, "t") end if win_id ~= 0 and a.nvim_get_current_win() ~= win_id then vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(win_id) end if entry_bufnr then if not vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(entry_bufnr, "buflisted") then vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(entry_bufnr, "buflisted", true) end edit_buffer(command, entry_bufnr) else -- check if we didn't pick a different buffer -- prevents restarting lsp server if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0) ~= filename or command ~= "edit" then filename = Path:new(filename):normalize(vim.loop.cwd()) pcall(vim.cmd, string.format("%s %s", command, vim.fn.fnameescape(filename))) end end -- HACK: fixes folding: https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/issues/699 if vim.wo.foldmethod == "expr" then vim.schedule(function() vim.opt.foldmethod = "expr" end) end local pos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) if col == nil then if row == pos[1] then col = pos[2] + 1 elseif row == nil then row, col = pos[1], pos[2] + 1 else col = 1 end end if row and col then local ok, err_msg = pcall(a.nvim_win_set_cursor, 0, { row, col }) if not ok then log.debug("Failed to move to cursor:", err_msg, row, col) end end end --- Scrolls the previewer up or down. --- Defaults to a half page scroll, but can be overridden using the `scroll_speed` --- option in `layout_config`. See |telescope.layout| for more details. ---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr ---@param direction number: The direction of the scrolling -- Valid directions include: "1", "-1" action_set.scroll_previewer = function(prompt_bufnr, direction) local previewer = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr).previewer local status = state.get_status(prompt_bufnr) -- Check if we actually have a previewer and a preview window if type(previewer) ~= "table" or previewer.scroll_fn == nil or status.preview_win == nil then return end local default_speed = vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(status.preview_win) / 2 local speed = status.picker.layout_config.scroll_speed or default_speed previewer:scroll_fn(math.floor(speed * direction)) end --- Scrolls the results up or down. --- Defaults to a half page scroll, but can be overridden using the `scroll_speed` --- option in `layout_config`. See |telescope.layout| for more details. ---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr ---@param direction number: The direction of the scrolling -- Valid directions include: "1", "-1" action_set.scroll_results = function(prompt_bufnr, direction) local status = state.get_status(prompt_bufnr) local default_speed = vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(status.results_win) / 2 local speed = status.picker.layout_config.scroll_speed or default_speed local input = direction > 0 and [[]] or [[]] vim.api.nvim_win_call(status.results_win, function() vim.cmd([[normal! ]] .. math.floor(speed) .. input) end) action_set.shift_selection(prompt_bufnr, math.floor(speed) * direction) end -- ================================================== -- Transforms modules and sets the corect metatables. -- ================================================== action_set = transform_mod(action_set) return action_set