function! TestFold(...) let fail = 0 let linenr = 4 "Start after header if exists("a:1") let index = a:1 else let index = 0 endif while linenr < line("$") let line = getline(linenr) let levels = substitute(line, '.\{-}<\(\d*\)>', '\1::', 'g') let levels_list = split(levels, '::') if len(line) == 0 " Empty lines can be used as separators and will have zero " folding let level_expected=0 elseif index < 0 || (index >= len(levels_list)) " Abort if requested index is NOT available in the levels list echo 'Invalid line format: (' . linenr . ')' echo line return 1 else " Store expected indent level let level_expected=levels_list[index] endif " Check indent level let level = foldlevel(linenr) if (level != level_expected) let fail = 1 echo "Error: level=" . level . " level_expected=" . level_expected . " (" . linenr . ") >>>>" . line endif let linenr += 1 endwhile if (fail == 1) echo 'Fold test failed:' echo 'g:verilog_syntax_fold_lst: ' . g:verilog_syntax_fold_lst return 1 else echo 'Fold test passed' return 0 endif endfunction function! TestIndent() let fail = 0 let fail_lines = '' let linenr = 0 while linenr < line("$") let linenr += 1 let line = getline(linenr) let ind1 = indent(linenr) execute 'normal! '.linenr.'gg==' let ind2 = indent(linenr) if ind1 != ind2 let fail = 1 if (fail_lines == '') let fail_lines = linenr else let fail_lines = fail_lines.','.linenr endif endif endwhile if (fail == 1) echo 'Indent test failed:' echo fail_lines return 1 else echo 'Indent test passed' return 0 endif endfunction function! TestEfm(tool, mode, search_uvm) let expected_errors = 0 let expected_warnings = 0 let expected_lints = 0 let uvm_expected_errors = 0 let uvm_expected_warnings = 0 let uvm_expected_lints = 0 " Re-read test file silent view test/errorformat.txt " Obtain tool configuration from file let config_found = 0 let linenr = 0 while linenr < line("$") let linenr += 1 let line = getline(linenr) " Tool config line let tool_config = matchlist(line, '^### *' . tolower(a:tool) . ' E=\(\d\+\), *W=\(\d\+\)\(, *L=\(\d\+\)\)\?') if len(tool_config) != 0 let expected_errors = tool_config[1] if a:mode == 1 let expected_warnings = tool_config[2] else let expected_warnings = 0 endif if a:mode <= 2 let expected_lints = tool_config[4] else let expected_lints = 0 endif let config_found = 1 if !a:search_uvm break endif endif " UVM config line let uvm_config = matchlist(line, '^### *UVM E=\(\d\+\), *W=\(\d\+\)\(, *L=\(\d\+\)\)\?') if len(uvm_config) != 0 let uvm_expected_errors = uvm_config[1] if len(uvm_config) > 1 let uvm_expected_warnings = uvm_config[2] endif if len(uvm_config) > 3 let uvm_expected_lints = uvm_config[4] endif let uvm_config_found = 1 if config_found break endif endif endwhile if !config_found echo 'Test for tool ' . tolower(a:tool) . ' was not found' return 1 endif " Calculate total expected errors if a:search_uvm let expected_errors += uvm_expected_errors let expected_warnings += uvm_expected_warnings let expected_lints += uvm_expected_lints endif " Setup 'errorformat' and 'makeprg' call verilog#VerilogErrorFormat(a:tool, a:mode) setlocal makeprg=cat\ % " Populate quickfix window silent! make! redraw " Check results let errors = 0 let warnings = 0 let lints = 0 let qf_list = getqflist() for qf_entry in qf_list " Only check valid entries if qf_entry.valid != 0 " Consider Fatal and matches without type as errors if qf_entry.type == 'E' || \ qf_entry.type == 'F' || \ qf_entry.type == '' let errors += 1 endif if qf_entry.type == 'W' let warnings += 1 endif " Consider Info as lint if qf_entry.type == 'L' || \ qf_entry.type == 'I' let lints += 1 endif endif endfor echo 'Results:' echo ' Expected errors = ' . expected_errors . ', errors found = ' . errors echo ' Expected warnings = ' . expected_warnings . ', warnings found = ' . warnings echo ' Expected lints = ' . expected_lints . ', lints found = ' . lints echo ' errorformat = ' . &errorformat echo 'Quickfix contents:' for qf_entry in qf_list echo qf_entry endfor if errors == expected_errors && warnings == expected_warnings && lints == expected_lints echo 'Error format test passed' return 0 else echo 'Error format test failed:' return 1 endif endfunction function! TestSyntax(file_name, test_name) let test_name=substitute(a:test_name, ',', '_', '') if test_name == "" let test_name="default" endif let ref_file_name='test/' . a:file_name . '.html' let new_file_name='test/' . a:file_name . '.' . test_name . '.html' execute 'silent view test/' . a:file_name syntax enable " Generate HTML version of the file let g:html_line_ids=0 let g:html_number_lines=0 let g:html_no_progress=1 TOhtml " Clean up resulting HTML to minimize differences with other " versions of TOhtml script 1,/<body>/-1 delete /<\/body>/+1,$ delete %s/ id='vimCodeElement'//e " Write final buffer execute 'w! ' . new_file_name bd! " Compare with reference silent let output = system('diff ' . ref_file_name . ' ' . new_file_name) if output == "" echo 'Syntax test "' . a:file_name . '" with folding ' . test_name . ' passed' echo '' return 0 else echo '=====DIFF START=====' echo output echo '=====DIFF END=======' echo 'Syntax test "' . a:file_name . '" with folding ' . test_name . ' failed' echo '' return 1 endif endfunction " vi: set expandtab softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: