#!/usr/bin/env python """ Profile a piece of Python code with ``cProfile`` that uses the diff parser. Usage: profile.py <file> [-d] [-s <sort>] profile.py -h | --help Options: -h --help Show this screen. -d --debug Enable Jedi internal debugging. -s <sort> Sort the profile results, e.g. cumtime, name [default: time]. """ import cProfile from docopt import docopt from jedi.parser.python import load_grammar from jedi.parser.diff import DiffParser from jedi.parser.python import ParserWithRecovery from jedi.common import splitlines import jedi def run(parser, lines): diff_parser = DiffParser(parser) diff_parser.update(lines) # Make sure used_names is loaded parser.module.used_names def main(args): if args['--debug']: jedi.set_debug_function(notices=True) with open(args['<file>']) as f: code = f.read() grammar = load_grammar() parser = ParserWithRecovery(grammar, code) # Make sure used_names is loaded parser.module.used_names code = code + '\na\n' # Add something so the diff parser needs to run. lines = splitlines(code, keepends=True) cProfile.runctx('run(parser, lines)', globals(), locals(), sort=args['-s']) if __name__ == '__main__': args = docopt(__doc__) main(args)