" Author:Travis Gibson <https://github.com/Garland-g> " Description: This file adds support for checking perl6 syntax let g:ale_perl6_perl6_executable = \ get(g:, 'ale_perl6_perl6_executable', 'perl6') let g:ale_perl6_perl6_options = \ get(g:, 'ale_perl6_perl6_options', '-c -Ilib') let $PERL6_EXCEPTIONS_HANDLER = 'JSON' let $RAKUDO_ERROR_COLOR = 0 function! ale_linters#perl6#perl6#GetExecutable(buffer) abort return ale#Var(a:buffer, 'perl6_perl6_executable') endfunction function! ale_linters#perl6#perl6#GetCommand(buffer) abort return ale_linters#perl6#perl6#GetExecutable(a:buffer) \ . ' ' . ale#Var(a:buffer, 'perl6_perl6_options') \ . ' %t' endfunction function! ale_linters#perl6#perl6#ExtractError(dict, item, type, buffer) abort let l:file = '' let l:line = 1 let l:column = '' let l:text = '' let l:pre = '' let l:counter = 2 let l:end_line = '' let l:linepatternmessage = 'at\s\+line\s\+\(\d\+\)' if has_key(a:dict[a:item], 'filename') && !empty(a:dict[a:item]['filename']) let l:file = a:dict[a:item]['filename'] endif if has_key(a:dict[a:item], 'line') && !empty(a:dict[a:item]['line']) let l:line = a:dict[a:item]['line'] let l:counter -= 1 endif if has_key(a:dict[a:item], 'column') && !empty(a:dict[a:item]['column']) let l:column = a:dict[a:item]['column'] endif if has_key(a:dict[a:item], 'message') && !empty(a:dict[a:item]['message']) let l:text = substitute(a:dict[a:item]['message'], '\s*\n\s*', ' ', 'g') let l:counter -= 1 endif if has_key(a:dict[a:item], 'line-real') && !empty(a:dict[a:item]['line-real']) let l:end_line = l:line let l:line = a:dict[a:item]['line-real'] endif for l:match in ale#util#GetMatches(l:text, l:linepatternmessage) let l:line = l:match[1] let l:counter -= 1 endfor " Currently, filenames and line numbers are not always given in the error output if l:counter < 2 \&& ( ale#path#IsBufferPath(a:buffer, l:file) || l:file is# '' ) return { \ 'lnum': '' . l:line, \ 'text': l:text, \ 'type': a:type, \ 'col': l:column, \ 'end_lnum': l:end_line, \ 'code': a:item, \} endif return '' endfunction function! ale_linters#perl6#perl6#Handle(buffer, lines) abort let l:output = [] if empty(a:lines) return l:output endif if a:lines[0] is# 'Syntax OK' return l:output endif try let l:json = json_decode(join(a:lines, '')) catch /E474/ call add(l:output, { \ 'lnum': '1', \ 'text': 'Received output in the default Perl6 error format. See :ALEDetail for details', \ 'detail': join(a:lines, "\n"), \ 'type': 'W', \ }) return l:output endtry if type(l:json) is v:t_dict for l:key in keys(l:json) if has_key(l:json[l:key], 'sorrows') \&& has_key(l:json[l:key], 'worries') if !empty(l:json[l:key]['sorrows']) for l:dictionary in get(l:json[l:key], 'sorrows') for l:item in keys(l:dictionary) let l:result = \ ale_linters#perl6#perl6#ExtractError( \ l:dictionary, \ l:item, \ 'E', \ a:buffer, \ ) if l:result isnot# '' call add(l:output, l:result) endif endfor endfor endif if !empty(l:json[l:key]['worries']) for l:dictionary in get(l:json[l:key], 'worries') for l:item in keys(l:dictionary) let l:result = \ ale_linters#perl6#perl6#ExtractError( \ l:dictionary, \ l:item, \ 'W', \ a:buffer, \ ) if l:result isnot# '' call add(l:output, l:result) endif endfor endfor endif else let l:result = ale_linters#perl6#perl6#ExtractError( \ l:json, \ l:key, \ 'E', \ a:buffer, \ ) if l:result isnot# '' call add(l:output, l:result) endif endif endfor endif return l:output endfunction call ale#linter#Define('perl6', { \ 'name': 'perl6', \ 'executable': function('ale_linters#perl6#perl6#GetExecutable'), \ 'output_stream': 'both', \ 'command': function('ale_linters#perl6#perl6#GetCommand'), \ 'callback': 'ale_linters#perl6#perl6#Handle', \})