*plantuml-previewer.txt*		plugin for preview PlantUML

Version: 1.5.1
Author:  Weirong Xu <weirongxu.raidou@gmail.com>
License: MIT License

CONTENTS				*plantuml-previewer-contents*

Introduction		|plantuml-previewer-introduction|
Install			|plantuml-previewer-install|
Usage			|plantuml-previewer-usage|
Interface		|plantuml-previewer-interface|
  Commands		  |plantuml-previewer-interface-commands|
  Variables		  |plantuml-previewer-interface-variables|

INTRODUCTION				*plantuml-previewer-introduction*

plantuml-previewer is a plugin to preview PlantUML

INSTALL					*plantuml-previewer-install*

- Java
- Graphviz : https://www.graphviz.org/download/
  - Mac >
    brew install graphviz
  - Ubuntu >
    apt-get install graphviz
  - Other
- open-browser.vim https://github.com/tyru/open-browser.vim
- aklt/plantuml-syntax https://github.com/aklt/plantuml-syntax (vim syntax file for plantuml)

USAGE					*plantuml-previewer-usage*

1. Start editing plantuml file in Vim
2. Run |:PlantumlOpen| to open previewer webpage in browser
3. Saving plantuml file in Vim, then previewer webpage will refresh

INTERFACE				*plantuml-previewer-interface*

COMMANDS					*plantuml-previewer-interface-commands*

	Open previewer webpage in browser, and watch current buffer

	Like |PlantumlOpen|, but won't open in browser

	Stop watch buffers

	|PlantumlOpen| or |PlantumlStop|

:PlantumlSave [{filepath}] [{format}]
	Export uml diagram
	If {filepath} is missing, the {filepath} using the same file path as
	plant uml, and default extension guessed by |g:plantuml_previewer#save_format|
	If {format} is missing, the {format} will be guessed by {filepath}

	Available formats: >
	png, svg, eps, pdf, vdx, xmi,
	scxml, html, txt, utxt, latex
	Example: >
	:e diagram.puml

	:PlantumlSave diagram.png
	:PlantumlSave diagram.svg
VARIABLES				*plantuml-previewer-interface-variables*

	The location of the Java executable.
	Default: "java"

	plantuml.jar path
	Default: "lib/plantuml.jar"

	|:PlantumlSave| default format
	Default: "png"

	Custom plantuml viewer path
	The plugin will copy viewer to here if the directory does not exist
	And `tmp.puml` and `tmp.svg` will output to here
	Default: "~/.plantuml-previewer"

        Extend the include path that plantuml uses to find files included
        via "!include".
        Default: ""

	Debug mode
	Default: 0
