"============================================================================= " FILE: util.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita " License: MIT license "============================================================================= let s:is_windows = has('win32') || has('win64') function! dein#util#_init() abort endfunction function! dein#util#_set_default(var, val, ...) abort if !exists(a:var) || type({a:var}) != type(a:val) let alternate_var = get(a:000, 0, '') let {a:var} = exists(alternate_var) ? \ {alternate_var} : a:val endif endfunction function! dein#util#_is_windows() abort return s:is_windows endfunction function! dein#util#_is_mac() abort return !s:is_windows && !has('win32unix') \ && (has('mac') || has('macunix') || has('gui_macvim') || \ (!isdirectory('/proc') && executable('sw_vers'))) endfunction function! dein#util#_get_base_path() abort return g:dein#_base_path endfunction function! dein#util#_get_runtime_path() abort if g:dein#_runtime_path !=# '' return g:dein#_runtime_path endif let g:dein#_runtime_path = dein#util#_get_cache_path() . '/.dein' if !isdirectory(g:dein#_runtime_path) call mkdir(g:dein#_runtime_path, 'p') endif return g:dein#_runtime_path endfunction function! dein#util#_get_cache_path() abort if g:dein#_cache_path !=# '' return g:dein#_cache_path endif let g:dein#_cache_path = get(g:, \ 'dein#cache_directory', g:dein#_base_path) \ . '/.cache/' . fnamemodify(dein#util#_get_myvimrc(), ':t') if !isdirectory(g:dein#_cache_path) call mkdir(g:dein#_cache_path, 'p') endif return g:dein#_cache_path endfunction function! dein#util#_get_vimrcs(vimrcs) abort return !empty(a:vimrcs) ? \ map(dein#util#_convert2list(a:vimrcs), 'expand(v:val)') : \ [dein#util#_get_myvimrc()] endfunction function! dein#util#_get_myvimrc() abort let vimrc = $MYVIMRC !=# '' ? $MYVIMRC : \ matchstr(split(dein#util#_redir('scriptnames'), '\n')[0], \ '^\s*\d\+:\s\zs.*') return dein#util#_substitute_path(vimrc) endfunction function! dein#util#_error(msg) abort for mes in s:msg2list(a:msg) echohl WarningMsg | echomsg '[dein] ' . mes | echohl None endfor endfunction function! dein#util#_notify(msg) abort call dein#util#_set_default( \ 'g:dein#enable_notification', 0) call dein#util#_set_default( \ 'g:dein#notification_icon', '') call dein#util#_set_default( \ 'g:dein#notification_time', 2) if !g:dein#enable_notification || a:msg ==# '' || has('vim_starting') call dein#util#_error(a:msg) return endif let icon = dein#util#_expand(g:dein#notification_icon) let title = '[dein]' let cmd = '' if executable('notify-send') let cmd = printf('notify-send --expire-time=%d', \ g:dein#notification_time * 1000) if icon !=# '' let cmd .= ' --icon=' . string(icon) endif let cmd .= ' ' . string(title) . ' ' . string(a:msg) elseif dein#util#_is_windows() && executable('Snarl_CMD') let cmd = printf('Snarl_CMD snShowMessage %d "%s" "%s"', \ g:dein#notification_time, title, a:msg) if icon !=# '' let cmd .= ' "' . icon . '"' endif elseif dein#util#_is_mac() let cmd = '' if executable('terminal-notifier') let cmd .= 'terminal-notifier -title ' \ . string(title) . ' -message ' . string(a:msg) if icon !=# '' let cmd .= ' -appIcon ' . string(icon) endif else let cmd .= printf("osascript -e 'display notification " \ ."\"%s\" with title \"%s\"'", a:msg, title) endif endif if cmd !=# '' call dein#install#_system(cmd) endif endfunction function! dein#util#_chomp(str) abort return a:str !=# '' && a:str[-1:] ==# '/' ? a:str[: -2] : a:str endfunction function! dein#util#_uniq(list) abort let list = copy(a:list) let i = 0 let seen = {} while i < len(list) let key = list[i] if key !=# '' && has_key(seen, key) call remove(list, i) else if key !=# '' let seen[key] = 1 endif let i += 1 endif endwhile return list endfunction function! dein#util#_is_fish() abort return dein#install#_is_async() && fnamemodify(&shell, ':t:r') ==# 'fish' endfunction function! dein#util#_is_powershell() abort return dein#install#_is_async() && fnamemodify(&shell, ':t:r') =~? 'powershell\|pwsh' endfunction function! dein#util#_has_job() abort return (has('nvim') && exists('v:t_list')) \ || (has('patch-8.0.0027') && has('job')) endfunction function! dein#util#_check_lazy_plugins() abort return map(filter(dein#util#_get_lazy_plugins(), \ "isdirectory(v:val.rtp) \ && !get(v:val, 'local', 0) \ && get(v:val, 'hook_source', '') ==# '' \ && get(v:val, 'hook_add', '') ==# '' \ && !isdirectory(v:val.rtp . '/plugin') \ && !isdirectory(v:val.rtp . '/after/plugin')"), \ 'v:val.name') endfunction function! dein#util#_check_clean() abort let plugins_directories = map(values(dein#get()), 'v:val.path') let path = dein#util#_substitute_path( \ globpath(dein#util#_get_base_path(), 'repos/*/*/*')) return filter(split(path, "\n"), \ "isdirectory(v:val) && fnamemodify(v:val, ':t') !=# 'dein.vim' \ && index(plugins_directories, v:val) < 0") endfunction function! dein#util#_writefile(path, list) abort if g:dein#_is_sudo || !filewritable(dein#util#_get_cache_path()) return 1 endif let path = dein#util#_get_cache_path() . '/' . a:path let dir = fnamemodify(path, ':h') if !isdirectory(dir) call mkdir(dir, 'p') endif return writefile(a:list, path) endfunction function! dein#util#_get_type(name) abort return get(dein#parse#_get_types(), a:name, {}) endfunction function! dein#util#_save_cache(vimrcs, is_state, is_starting) abort if dein#util#_get_cache_path() ==# '' || !a:is_starting " Ignore return 1 endif let plugins = deepcopy(dein#get()) for plugin in values(plugins) if !a:is_state let plugin.sourced = 0 endif if has_key(plugin, 'orig_opts') call remove(plugin, 'orig_opts') endif " Hooks for hook in filter([ \ 'hook_add', 'hook_source', \ 'hook_post_source', 'hook_post_update', \ ], 'has_key(plugin, v:val) \ && type(plugin[v:val]) == v:t_func') call remove(plugin, hook) endfor endfor if !isdirectory(g:dein#_base_path) call mkdir(g:dein#_base_path, 'p') endif call writefile([string(a:vimrcs), \ json_encode(plugins), json_encode(g:dein#_ftplugin)], \ get(g:, 'dein#cache_directory', g:dein#_base_path) \ .'/cache_' . g:dein#_progname) endfunction function! dein#util#_check_vimrcs() abort let time = getftime(dein#util#_get_runtime_path()) let ret = !empty(filter(map(copy(g:dein#_vimrcs), 'getftime(expand(v:val))'), \ 'time < v:val')) if !ret return 0 endif call dein#clear_state() if get(g:, 'dein#auto_recache', 0) silent execute 'source' dein#util#_get_myvimrc() if dein#util#_get_merged_plugins() !=# dein#util#_load_merged_plugins() call dein#util#_notify('auto recached') call dein#recache_runtimepath() endif endif return ret endfunction function! dein#util#_load_merged_plugins() abort let path = dein#util#_get_cache_path() . '/merged' if !filereadable(path) return [] endif let merged = readfile(path) if len(merged) != g:dein#_merged_length return [] endif sandbox return merged[: g:dein#_merged_length - 2] + eval(merged[-1]) endfunction function! dein#util#_save_merged_plugins() abort let merged = dein#util#_get_merged_plugins() call writefile(merged[: g:dein#_merged_length - 2] + \ [string(merged[g:dein#_merged_length - 1 :])], \ dein#util#_get_cache_path() . '/merged') endfunction function! dein#util#_get_merged_plugins() abort let ftplugin_len = 0 for ftplugin in values(g:dein#_ftplugin) let ftplugin_len += len(ftplugin) endfor return [g:dein#_merged_format, string(ftplugin_len)] + \ sort(map(values(g:dein#_plugins), g:dein#_merged_format)) endfunction function! dein#util#_save_state(is_starting) abort if g:dein#_block_level != 0 call dein#util#_error('Invalid dein#save_state() usage.') return 1 endif if dein#util#_get_cache_path() ==# '' || !a:is_starting " Ignore return 1 endif let g:dein#_vimrcs = dein#util#_uniq(g:dein#_vimrcs) let &runtimepath = dein#util#_join_rtp(dein#util#_uniq( \ dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath)), &runtimepath, '') call dein#util#_save_cache(g:dein#_vimrcs, 1, a:is_starting) " Version check let lines = [ \ 'if g:dein#_cache_version !=# ' . g:dein#_cache_version . ' || ' . \ 'g:dein#_init_runtimepath !=# ' . string(g:dein#_init_runtimepath) . \ ' | throw ''Cache loading error'' | endif', \ 'let [plugins, ftplugin] = dein#load_cache_raw('. \ string(g:dein#_vimrcs) .')', \ "if empty(plugins) | throw 'Cache loading error' | endif", \ 'let g:dein#_plugins = plugins', \ 'let g:dein#_ftplugin = ftplugin', \ 'let g:dein#_base_path = ' . string(g:dein#_base_path), \ 'let g:dein#_runtime_path = ' . string(g:dein#_runtime_path), \ 'let g:dein#_cache_path = ' . string(g:dein#_cache_path), \ 'let &runtimepath = ' . string(&runtimepath), \ ] if g:dein#_off1 !=# '' call add(lines, g:dein#_off1) endif if g:dein#_off2 !=# '' call add(lines, g:dein#_off2) endif " Add dummy mappings/commands for plugin in dein#util#_get_lazy_plugins() for command in get(plugin, 'dummy_commands', []) call add(lines, 'silent! ' . command[1]) endfor for mapping in get(plugin, 'dummy_mappings', []) call add(lines, 'silent! ' . mapping[2]) endfor endfor " Add hooks if !empty(g:dein#_hook_add) let lines += s:skipempty(g:dein#_hook_add) endif for plugin in dein#util#_tsort(values(dein#get())) if has_key(plugin, 'hook_add') && type(plugin.hook_add) == v:t_string let lines += s:skipempty(plugin.hook_add) endif endfor " Add events for [event, plugins] in filter(items(g:dein#_event_plugins), \ "exists('##' . v:val[0])") call add(lines, printf('autocmd dein-events %s call ' \. 'dein#autoload#_on_event("%s", %s)', \ (exists('##' . event) ? event . ' *' : 'User ' . event), \ event, string(plugins))) endfor call writefile(lines, get(g:, 'dein#cache_directory', g:dein#_base_path) \ .'/state_' . g:dein#_progname . '.vim') endfunction function! dein#util#_clear_state() abort let base = get(g:, 'dein#cache_directory', g:dein#_base_path) for cache in dein#util#_globlist(base.'/state_*.vim') \ + dein#util#_globlist(base.'/cache_*') call delete(cache) endfor endfunction function! dein#util#_begin(path, vimrcs) abort if !exists('#dein') call dein#_init() endif " Reset variables if has('vim_starting') let g:dein#_plugins = {} let g:dein#_event_plugins = {} endif let g:dein#_ftplugin = {} let g:dein#_hook_add = '' if !dein#util#_has_job() call dein#util#_error('Does not work in the Vim (' . v:version . ').') return 1 endif if a:path ==# '' || g:dein#_block_level != 0 call dein#util#_error('Invalid begin/end block usage.') return 1 endif let g:dein#_block_level += 1 let g:dein#_base_path = dein#util#_expand(a:path) if g:dein#_base_path[-1:] ==# '/' let g:dein#_base_path = g:dein#_base_path[: -2] endif call dein#util#_get_runtime_path() call dein#util#_get_cache_path() let g:dein#_vimrcs = dein#util#_get_vimrcs(a:vimrcs) let g:dein#_hook_add = '' if has('vim_starting') " Filetype off if exists('g:did_load_filetypes') || has('nvim') let g:dein#_off1 = 'filetype off' execute g:dein#_off1 endif if exists('b:did_indent') || exists('b:did_ftplugin') let g:dein#_off2 = 'filetype plugin indent off' execute g:dein#_off2 endif else execute 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(g:dein#_runtime_path) execute 'set rtp-='.fnameescape(g:dein#_runtime_path.'/after') endif " Insert dein runtimepath to the head in 'runtimepath'. let rtps = dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath) let idx = index(rtps, $VIMRUNTIME) if idx < 0 call dein#util#_error('Invalid runtimepath.') return 1 endif if fnamemodify(a:path, ':t') ==# 'plugin' \ && index(rtps, fnamemodify(a:path, ':h')) >= 0 call dein#util#_error('You must not set the installation directory' \ .' under "&runtimepath/plugin"') return 1 endif call insert(rtps, g:dein#_runtime_path, idx) call dein#util#_add_after(rtps, g:dein#_runtime_path.'/after') let &runtimepath = dein#util#_join_rtp(rtps, \ &runtimepath, g:dein#_runtime_path) endfunction function! dein#util#_end() abort if g:dein#_block_level != 1 call dein#util#_error('Invalid begin/end block usage.') return 1 endif let g:dein#_block_level -= 1 if !has('vim_starting') call dein#source(filter(values(g:dein#_plugins), \ "!v:val.lazy && !v:val.sourced && v:val.rtp !=# ''")) endif " Add runtimepath let rtps = dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath) let index = index(rtps, g:dein#_runtime_path) if index < 0 call dein#util#_error('Invalid runtimepath.') return 1 endif let depends = [] let sourced = has('vim_starting') && \ (!exists('&loadplugins') || &loadplugins) for plugin in filter(values(g:dein#_plugins), \ "!v:val.lazy && !v:val.sourced && v:val.rtp !=# ''") " Load dependencies if has_key(plugin, 'depends') let depends += plugin.depends endif if !plugin.merged call insert(rtps, plugin.rtp, index) if isdirectory(plugin.rtp.'/after') call dein#util#_add_after(rtps, plugin.rtp.'/after') endif endif let plugin.sourced = sourced endfor let &runtimepath = dein#util#_join_rtp(rtps, &runtimepath, '') if !empty(depends) call dein#source(depends) endif if g:dein#_hook_add !=# '' call dein#util#_execute_hook({}, g:dein#_hook_add) endif for [event, plugins] in filter(items(g:dein#_event_plugins), \ "exists('##' . v:val[0])") execute printf('autocmd dein-events %s call ' \. 'dein#autoload#_on_event("%s", %s)', \ (exists('##' . event) ? event . ' *' : 'User ' . event), \ event, string(plugins)) endfor if !has('vim_starting') call dein#call_hook('add') call dein#call_hook('source') call dein#call_hook('post_source') endif endfunction function! dein#util#_config(arg, dict) abort let name = type(a:arg) == v:t_dict ? \ g:dein#name : a:arg let dict = type(a:arg) == v:t_dict ? \ a:arg : a:dict if !has_key(g:dein#_plugins, name) \ || g:dein#_plugins[name].sourced return {} endif let plugin = g:dein#_plugins[name] let options = extend({'repo': plugin.repo}, dict) if has_key(plugin, 'orig_opts') call extend(options, copy(plugin.orig_opts), 'keep') endif return dein#parse#_add(options.repo, options) endfunction function! dein#util#_call_hook(hook_name, ...) abort let hook = 'hook_' . a:hook_name let plugins = filter(dein#util#_get_plugins((a:0 ? a:1 : [])), \ "((a:hook_name !=# 'source' \ && a:hook_name !=# 'post_source') || v:val.sourced) \ && has_key(v:val, hook) && isdirectory(v:val.path)") for plugin in filter(dein#util#_tsort(plugins), \ 'has_key(v:val, hook)') call dein#util#_execute_hook(plugin, plugin[hook]) endfor endfunction function! dein#util#_execute_hook(plugin, hook) abort try let g:dein#plugin = a:plugin if type(a:hook) == v:t_string call s:execute(a:hook) else call call(a:hook, []) endif catch call dein#util#_error( \ 'Error occurred while executing hook: ' . \ get(a:plugin, 'name', '')) call dein#util#_error(v:exception) endtry endfunction function! dein#util#_set_hook(plugins, hook_name, hook) abort let names = empty(a:plugins) ? keys(dein#get()) : \ dein#util#_convert2list(a:plugins) for name in names if !has_key(g:dein#_plugins, name) call dein#util#_error(name . ' is not found.') return 1 endif let plugin = g:dein#_plugins[name] let plugin[a:hook_name] = \ type(a:hook) != v:t_string ? a:hook : \ substitute(a:hook, '\n\s*\\\|\%(^\|\n\)\s*"[^\n]*', '', 'g') if a:hook_name ==# 'hook_add' call dein#util#_execute_hook(plugin, plugin[a:hook_name]) endif endfor endfunction function! dein#util#_sort_by(list, expr) abort let pairs = map(a:list, printf('[v:val, %s]', a:expr)) return map(s:sort(pairs, \ 'a:a[1] ==# a:b[1] ? 0 : a:a[1] ># a:b[1] ? 1 : -1'), 'v:val[0]') endfunction function! dein#util#_tsort(plugins) abort let sorted = [] let mark = {} for target in a:plugins call s:tsort_impl(target, mark, sorted) endfor return sorted endfunction function! dein#util#_split_rtp(runtimepath) abort if stridx(a:runtimepath, '\,') < 0 return split(a:runtimepath, ',') endif let split = split(a:runtimepath, '\\\@ res silent! execute a:cmd redir END let [&verbose, &verbosefile] = [save_verbose, save_verbosefile] return res endif endfunction function! dein#util#_get_lazy_plugins() abort return filter(values(g:dein#_plugins), \ "!v:val.sourced && v:val.rtp !=# ''") endfunction function! dein#util#_get_plugins(plugins) abort return empty(a:plugins) ? \ values(dein#get()) : \ filter(map(dein#util#_convert2list(a:plugins), \ 'type(v:val) == v:t_dict ? v:val : dein#get(v:val)'), \ '!empty(v:val)') endfunction function! dein#util#_disable(names) abort for plugin in map(filter(dein#util#_convert2list(a:names), \ 'has_key(g:dein#_plugins, v:val) \ && !g:dein#_plugins[v:val].sourced'), 'g:dein#_plugins[v:val]') if has_key(plugin, 'dummy_commands') for command in plugin.dummy_commands silent! execute 'delcommand' command[0] endfor let plugin.dummy_commands = [] endif if has_key(plugin, 'dummy_mappings') for map in plugin.dummy_mappings silent! execute map[0].'unmap' map[1] endfor let plugin.dummy_mappings = [] endif call remove(g:dein#_plugins, plugin.name) endfor endfunction function! dein#util#_download(uri, outpath) abort if !exists('g:dein#download_command') let g:dein#download_command = \ executable('curl') ? \ 'curl --silent --location --output' : \ executable('wget') ? \ 'wget -q -O' : '' endif if g:dein#download_command !=# '' return printf('%s "%s" "%s"', \ g:dein#download_command, a:outpath, a:uri) elseif dein#util#_is_windows() " Use powershell " Todo: Proxy support let pscmd = printf("(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%s', '%s')", \ a:uri, a:outpath) return printf('powershell -Command "%s"', pscmd) else return 'E: curl or wget command is not available!' endif endfunction function! s:tsort_impl(target, mark, sorted) abort if empty(a:target) || has_key(a:mark, a:target.name) return endif let a:mark[a:target.name] = 1 if has_key(a:target, 'depends') for depend in a:target.depends call s:tsort_impl(dein#get(depend), a:mark, a:sorted) endfor endif call add(a:sorted, a:target) endfunction function! dein#util#_check_install(plugins) abort if !empty(a:plugins) let invalids = filter(dein#util#_convert2list(a:plugins), \ 'empty(dein#get(v:val))') if !empty(invalids) call dein#util#_error('Invalid plugins: ' . \ string(map(invalids, 'v:val'))) return -1 endif endif let plugins = empty(a:plugins) ? values(dein#get()) : \ map(dein#util#_convert2list(a:plugins), 'dein#get(v:val)') let plugins = filter(plugins, '!isdirectory(v:val.path)') if empty(plugins) | return 0 | endif call dein#util#_notify('Not installed plugins: ' . \ string(map(plugins, 'v:val.name'))) return 1 endfunction function! s:msg2list(expr) abort return type(a:expr) ==# v:t_list ? a:expr : split(a:expr, '\n') endfunction function! s:skipempty(string) abort return filter(split(a:string, '\n'), "v:val !=# ''") endfunction function! s:escape(path) abort " Escape a path for runtimepath. return substitute(a:path, ',\|\\,\@=', '\\\0', 'g') endfunction function! s:sort(list, expr) abort if type(a:expr) == v:t_func return sort(a:list, a:expr) endif let s:expr = a:expr return sort(a:list, 's:_compare') endfunction function! s:_compare(a, b) abort return eval(s:expr) endfunction function! s:execute(expr) abort if exists('*execute') return execute(split(a:expr, '\n'), '') endif let dummy = '_dein_dummy_' . \ substitute(reltimestr(reltime()), '\W', '_', 'g') execute 'function! '.dummy."() abort\n" \ . a:expr . "\nendfunction" call {dummy}() execute 'delfunction' dummy endfunction function! s:neovim_version() abort return str2float(matchstr(execute('version'), 'NVIM v\zs\d\.\d\.\d')) endfunction