""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " File: autoload/pythonsense.vim " Author: Jeet Sukumaran " " Copyright: (C) 2018 Jeet Sukumaran " " License: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " " Credits: - pythontextobj.vim by Nat Williams (https://github.com/natw/vim-pythontextobj) " - chapa.vim by Alfredo Deza (https://github.com/alfredodeza/chapa.vim) " - indentobj by Austin Taylor (https://github.com/austintaylor/vim-indentobject) " - Python Docstring Text Objects by gfixler (https://pastebin.com/u/gfixler) " - vim-indent-object by Michael Smith (http://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object) """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Support Functions {{{1 function! pythonsense#trawl_search(pattern, start_line, fwd) let current_line = a:start_line let lastline = line('$') if a:fwd let stepvalue = 1 else let stepvalue = -1 endif while (current_line > 0 && current_line <= lastline) let line_text = getline(current_line) let m = match(line_text, a:pattern) if m >= 0 return current_line endif let current_line = current_line + stepvalue endwhile return 0 endfunction " }}}1 " Python (Statement) Text Objects {{{1 " Based on: " - https://github.com/natw/vim-pythontextobj " - https://github.com/alfredodeza/chapa.vim " - https://github.com/austintaylor/vim-indentobject " - http://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object " Select an object ("class"/"function") let s:pythonsense_obj_start_line = -1 let s:pythonsense_obj_end_line = -1 function! pythonsense#select_named_object(obj_name, inner, range) " Is this a new selection? let new_vis = 0 let new_vis = new_vis || s:pythonsense_obj_start_line != a:range[0] let new_vis = new_vis || s:pythonsense_obj_end_line != a:range[1] " store current range let s:pythonsense_obj_start_line = a:range[0] let s:pythonsense_obj_end_line = a:range[1] " Repeatedly increase the scope of the selection. let cnt = 1 let scan_start_line = s:pythonsense_obj_start_line while scan_start_line > 0 if getline(scan_start_line) !~ '^\s*$' break endif let scan_start_line -= 1 endwhile if scan_start_line == 0 return [-1, -1] endif let obj_max_indent_level = -1 while cnt > 0 let current_line_nr = scan_start_line let [obj_start_line, obj_end_line] = pythonsense#get_object_line_range(a:obj_name, obj_max_indent_level, current_line_nr, s:pythonsense_obj_end_line, a:inner) if obj_start_line == -1 return [-1, -1] endif let is_changed = 0 let is_changed = is_changed || s:pythonsense_obj_start_line != obj_start_line let is_changed = is_changed || s:pythonsense_obj_end_line != obj_end_line if new_vis let is_changed = 1 endif let s:pythonsense_obj_start_line = obj_start_line let s:pythonsense_obj_end_line = obj_end_line " If there was no change, then don't decrement the count (it didn't " count because it didn't do anything). if is_changed let cnt = cnt - 1 else " no change to selection; " move to line above selection and try again if scan_start_line == 0 return [-1, -1] endif let [min_indent, max_indent] = pythonsense#get_minmax_indent_count('\(class\|def\|async def\)', scan_start_line, obj_end_line) if min_indent == 0 return [-1, -1] endif let obj_max_indent_level = min_indent - 1 let scan_start_line -= 1 endif endwhile " select range if obj_end_line >= obj_start_line exec obj_start_line execute "normal! V" . obj_end_line . "G" return [obj_start_line, obj_end_line] else return [-1, -1] endif endfunction function! pythonsense#get_object_line_range(obj_name, obj_max_indent_level, line_range_start, line_range_end, inner) " find definition line let current_line_nr = a:line_range_start if a:line_range_start == a:line_range_end let search_past_decorator_last_line = line("$") else let search_past_decorator_last_line = a:line_range_end endif while current_line_nr <= search_past_decorator_last_line if getline(current_line_nr) !~ '^\s*@.*$' break end let current_line_nr += 1 endwhile if current_line_nr > search_past_decorator_last_line return [-1, -1] endif if current_line_nr > a:line_range_end let effective_line_range_end = current_line_nr else let effective_line_range_end = a:line_range_end endif let obj_start_line = pythonsense#get_named_python_obj_start_line_nr(a:obj_name, a:obj_max_indent_level, current_line_nr, 0) " no object definition line in file if (! obj_start_line) return [-1, -1] endif let obj_header_line = obj_start_line let obj_header_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(obj_header_line) if obj_header_indent > 0 let obj_header_indent -= 1 endif let obj_end_line = pythonsense#get_object_end_line_nr(obj_start_line, obj_start_line, a:inner) " in case of a class definition, the parentheses are optional if a:obj_name == "def" let pattern = '^[^#]*)[^#]*:\(\s*$\|\s*#.*$\)' else let pattern = '^[^#]*)\?[^#]*:\(\s*$\|\s*#.*$\)' endif if (a:inner) " find class/function body let inner_start_line = obj_start_line while inner_start_line <= line('$') if getline(inner_start_line) =~# pattern break endif let inner_start_line += 1 endwhile if inner_start_line <= line('$') let obj_start_line = inner_start_line + 1 endif else " include decorators let dec_line = pythonsense#get_start_decorators_line_nr(obj_start_line) if dec_line < obj_start_line let obj_start_line = dec_line endif endif " This is an ugly hack to deal with (some) specially indented cases " (especially when searching for a 'class' while inside a non-class member " function, or when searching for a 'def' with nothing but class " definitions above) " Make sure there is no statement line with a lower indentation than the " definition line in between the current line and the definition line if a:obj_name == 'class' let pattern = 'def\|async def' else let pattern = 'class' endif let pattern = '^\s*[^#]*\s*\k' if pythonsense#is_statement_encountered_between_two_lines(pattern, obj_header_indent, obj_start_line, current_line_nr) return [-1, -1] endif return [obj_start_line, obj_end_line] endfunction function! pythonsense#get_object_end_line_nr(obj_start, search_start, inner) let obj_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(a:obj_start) let obj_end = pythonsense#get_next_indent_line_nr(a:search_start, obj_indent) if a:inner let obj_end = prevnonblank(obj_end) endif return obj_end endfunction function! pythonsense#get_next_indent_line_nr(search_start, obj_indent) let line = a:search_start " Handle multiline definition let saved_cursor = getcurpos() call cursor(line, 0) normal! f(% let line = line('.') call setpos('.', saved_cursor) let lastline = line('$') while (line > 0 && line <= lastline) let line = line + 1 if (pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(line) <= a:obj_indent && getline(line) !~ '^\s*$') return line - 1 endif endwhile return lastline endfunction function! pythonsense#get_start_decorators_line_nr(start) " Returns the line of the first decorator line above the starting line, " counting only decorators with the same level. let start_line_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(a:start) let last_non_blank_line = a:start let current_line = a:start - 1 while current_line > 0 if getline(current_line) !~ '^\s*$' if pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(current_line) != start_line_indent break endif if getline(current_line) !~ '^\s*@' break endif let last_non_blank_line = current_line endif let current_line -= 1 endwhile return last_non_blank_line endfunction function! pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(line_nr) if b:pythonsense_is_tab_indented let indent_count = matchstrpos(getline(a:line_nr), '^\t\+')[2] else let indent_count = indent(a:line_nr) endif return indent_count endfunction function! pythonsense#get_minmax_indent_count(pattern, line_range_start, line_range_end) let current_line = a:line_range_start let min_indent_count = -1 let max_indent_count = -1 while current_line <= a:line_range_end && current_line <= line('$') if getline(current_line) !~ '^\s*$' if getline(current_line) =~# a:pattern let current_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(current_line) if min_indent_count < 0 || current_indent < min_indent_count let min_indent_count = current_indent endif if max_indent_count < 0 || current_indent > max_indent_count let max_indent_count = current_indent endif endif endif let current_line = current_line + 1 endwhile return [min_indent_count, max_indent_count] endfunction function! pythonsense#is_statement_encountered_between_two_lines(pattern, max_indent, line_range_start, line_range_end) let current_line = a:line_range_start while current_line <= a:line_range_end && current_line <= line('$') if getline(current_line) !~ '^\s*$' if getline(current_line) =~# a:pattern let current_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(current_line) if a:max_indent > -1 && current_indent < a:max_indent return 1 endif endif endif let current_line += 1 endwhile return 0 endfunction function! pythonsense#get_indent_char() if b:pythonsense_is_tab_indented let indent_char = '\t' else let indent_char = " " endif return indent_char endfunction function! pythonsense#get_named_python_obj_start_line_nr(obj_name, obj_max_indent_level, start_line, fwd) let lastline = line('$') if a:fwd let stepvalue = 1 else let stepvalue = -1 endif let indent_char = pythonsense#get_indent_char() let current_line = a:start_line while (current_line > 0 && current_line <= lastline) " if getline(current_line) !~ '\(^\s*$\|^\s*[#@].*$\)' if getline(current_line) !~ '^\s*$' break endif let current_line = current_line + stepvalue endwhile if a:obj_max_indent_level > -1 let pattern = '^' . indent_char . '\{0,' . a:obj_max_indent_level . '}' . '\(class\|def\|async def\)' else let pattern = '^\s*' . '\(class\|def\|async def\)' endif if getline(current_line) =~# pattern if getline(current_line) =~# a:obj_name return current_line endif endif let target_line_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(current_line) - 1 if target_line_indent < 0 let target_line_indent = 0 endif if a:obj_max_indent_level > -1 && target_line_indent > a:obj_max_indent_level let target_line_indent = a:obj_max_indent_level endif let max_indent = target_line_indent while (current_line > 0 && current_line <= lastline) let pattern = '^' . indent_char . '\{0,' . max_indent . '}' . '\(class\|def\|async def\)' if getline(current_line) =~# pattern if getline(current_line) =~# a:obj_name return current_line else if a:obj_name != 'class' && pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(current_line) <= max_indent " encountered a scope block at a lower indent level before " encountering object definition return 0 endif endif endif " let m = match(getline(current_line), pattern) " if m >= 0 " return current_line " endif let target_line_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(current_line) - 1 " Special case for multiline argument lines, with the parameter being " indented one step more than the open def/class and the closing " parenthesis. let closing_pattern = '^' . indent_char . '*)' if target_line_indent > 0 && target_line_indent < max_indent && getline(current_line) !~# closing_pattern let max_indent = target_line_indent endif if a:obj_max_indent_level > -1 && target_line_indent > a:obj_max_indent_level let target_line_indent = a:obj_max_indent_level endif let current_line = current_line + stepvalue endwhile return 0 endfunction function! pythonsense#python_text_object(obj_name, inner, mode) if a:mode == "o" let lnrange = [line("."), line(".")] else let lnrange = [line("'<"), line("'>")] endif let nreps_left = 1 "v:count1 while nreps_left > 0 let lnrange = pythonsense#select_named_object(a:obj_name, a:inner, lnrange) if lnrange[0] == -1 break endif let s:pythonsense_obj_start_line = lnrange[0] let s:pythonsense_obj_end_line = lnrange[1] let nreps_left -= 1 endwhile if lnrange[0] != -1 if has("folding") && foldclosed(line('.')) != -1 " try " execute "normal! zO" " catch /E490/ " no fold found " endtry execute "normal! zO" endif " let s:pythonsense_obj_start_line = -1 " let s:pythonsense_obj_end_line = -1 " execute "normal! \<ESC>gv" endif endfunction function! pythonsense#python_function_text_object(inner, mode) call pythonsense#python_text_object('def', a:inner, a:mode) endfunction function! pythonsense#python_class_text_object(inner, mode) call pythonsense#python_text_object('class', a:inner, a:mode) endfunction " }}}1 " Python Docstring Text Objects {{{1 " From: https://pastebin.com/u/gfixler function! pythonsense#python_docstring_text_object (inner) " get current line number let s = line('.') " climb up to first def/class line, or first line of buffer while s > 0 && getline(s) !~# '^\s*\(def\|async def\|class\)' let s = s - 1 endwhile " set search start to just after def/class line, or on first buffer line let s = s + 1 " descend lines obj_end_line end of buffer or def/class line while s < line('$') && getline(s) !~# '^\s*\(def\|async def\|class\)' " if line begins with optional whitespace followed by ''' if getline(s) =~ "^\\s*'''" || getline(s) =~ '^\s*"""' if getline(s) =~ "^\\s*'''" let close_pattern = "'''\\s*$" else let close_pattern = '"""\s*$' endif " set search end to just after found start line let e = s + 1 " descend lines obj_end_line end of buffer or def/class line while e <= line('$') && getline(e) !~# '^\s*\(def\|async def\|class\)' " if line ends with ''' followed by optional whitespace if getline(e) =~ close_pattern " TODO check first for blank lines above to select instead " for 'around', extend search end through blank lines if a:inner let e -= 1 let s += 1 else let x = e + 1 while x <= line('$') && getline(x) =~ '^\s*$' let e = x let x = x + 1 endwhile endif " visual line select from start to end (first cursor move) exe 'norm '.s.'ggV'.e.'gg' return endif " move search end down a line let e = e + 1 endwhile endif " move search start down a line let s = s + 1 endwhile endfunction " }}}1 " Python Movements {{{1 function! pythonsense#move_to_python_object(obj_name, to_end, fwd, vim_mode) range if a:fwd let initial_search_start_line = a:lastline else let initial_search_start_line = a:firstline endif if a:to_end let target_line = pythonsense#find_end_of_python_object_to_move_to(a:obj_name, initial_search_start_line, a:fwd, v:count1) else let target_line = pythonsense#find_start_of_python_object_to_move_to(a:obj_name, initial_search_start_line, a:fwd, -1, v:count1) endif if target_line < 0 || target_line > line('$') return endif let current_column = col('.') let preserve_col_pos = get(b:, "pythonsense_preserve_col_pos", get(g:, "pythonsense_preserve_col_pos", 0)) let fold_open = "" if a:vim_mode == "v" normal! gv endif if has("folding") && foldclosed(line('.')) != -1 let fold_open = "zO" else let fold_open = "" endif try if preserve_col_pos execute "normal! " . target_line . "G" . current_column . "|" . preserve_col_pos . fold_open else execute "normal! " . target_line . "G^" . fold_open endif catch /E490/ " no fold found endtry endfunction function! pythonsense#find_end_of_python_object_to_move_to(obj_name, start_line, fwd, nreps) let initial_search_start_line = a:start_line let effective_start_line = initial_search_start_line let niters = 0 while niters < 2 let [start_line, nreps_remaining] = pythonsense#find_start_line_for_end_movement(a:obj_name, effective_start_line, a:fwd, a:nreps) if start_line <= 0 let start_line = 1 endif let start_of_object_line = pythonsense#find_start_of_python_object_to_move_to(a:obj_name, start_line, a:fwd, -1, nreps_remaining) if start_of_object_line < 0 || start_of_object_line > line('$') return -1 endif let target_line = pythonsense#get_object_end_line_nr(start_of_object_line, start_of_object_line, 1) if target_line > 0 \ && niters == 0 \ && ( \ target_line == initial_search_start_line \ || (a:fwd && target_line < initial_search_start_line) \ || (!a:fwd && target_line > initial_search_start_line) \ ) " no change; possibly because we are already at an end boundary; " make ONE more attempt at trying again let niters += 1 if a:fwd let effective_start_line = pythonsense#find_start_of_python_object_to_move_to(a:obj_name, target_line, a:fwd, -1, 1) if effective_start_line <= 0 break endif else let prev_obj_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(start_of_object_line) let [new_start_line, nreps_remaining] = pythonsense#find_start_line_for_end_movement(a:obj_name, start_of_object_line, a:fwd, a:nreps) while new_start_line > 0 && getline(new_start_line) =~ '^\s*$' let new_start_line -= 1 endwhile if new_start_line <= 0 break endif let start_of_object_line = pythonsense#find_start_of_python_object_to_move_to(a:obj_name, new_start_line, a:fwd, prev_obj_indent, nreps_remaining) let target_line = pythonsense#get_object_end_line_nr(start_of_object_line, start_of_object_line, 1) break endif else break endif endwhile if a:fwd && target_line < initial_search_start_line return -1 elseif !a:fwd && target_line > initial_search_start_line return -1 else return target_line endif endfunction function! pythonsense#find_start_of_python_object_to_move_to(obj_name, start_line, fwd, max_indent, nreps) let current_line = a:start_line if a:fwd let stepvalue = 1 else let stepvalue = -1 endif let target_pattern = '^\s*' . a:obj_name . '\s\+' let nreps_left = a:nreps let start_line = current_line let target_line = current_line let scope_block_indent = a:max_indent if getline(start_line) =~# target_pattern let start_line += stepvalue endif while nreps_left > 0 while start_line > 0 && start_line <= line("$") if getline(start_line) =~ '^\s*\(class\|def\|async def\)' let current_line_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(start_line) if getline(start_line) =~# target_pattern if a:max_indent < 0 || current_line_indent < scope_block_indent let target_line = start_line break endif endif if scope_block_indent == -1 || current_line_indent < scope_block_indent let scope_block_indent = current_line_indent endif endif let start_line += stepvalue endwhile if start_line < 1 || start_line > line("$") break endif let start_line += stepvalue let nreps_left -= 1 endwhile return target_line endfunction function! pythonsense#find_start_line_for_end_movement(obj_name, initial_search_start_line, fwd, nreps_requested) let start_line = a:initial_search_start_line let nreps_remaining = a:nreps_requested let target_pattern = '^\s*' . a:obj_name . '\s\+' let scope_block_indent = -1 let is_found = 0 while start_line > 0 if getline(start_line) =~ '^\s*\(class\|def\|async def\)' let current_line_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(start_line) if getline(start_line) =~ target_pattern if scope_block_indent == -1 || current_line_indent < scope_block_indent let is_found = 1 break endif endif if scope_block_indent == -1 || current_line_indent < scope_block_indent let scope_block_indent = current_line_indent endif endif let start_line -= 1 endwhile if is_found if !a:fwd let start_line -= 1 else let nreps_remaining -= 1 " skip finding this block endif endif return [start_line, nreps_remaining] endfunction " }}}1 " Python Location Information {{{1 function! pythonsense#echo_python_location() let indent_char = pythonsense#get_indent_char() let pyloc = [] let current_line = line('.') let obj_pattern = '\(class\|def\|async def\)' while current_line > 0 if getline(current_line) !~ '^\s*$' break endif let current_line = current_line - 1 endwhile if current_line == 0 return endif let target_line_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(current_line) if target_line_indent < 0 break endif let previous_line = current_line while current_line > 0 let pattern = '^' . indent_char . '\{0,' . target_line_indent . '}' . obj_pattern let current_line_text = getline(current_line) if current_line_text =~# pattern let obj_name = matchstr(current_line_text, '^\s*\(class\|def\|async def\)\s\+\zs\k\+') if get(g:, "pythonsense_extended_location_info", 1) let obj_type = matchstr(current_line_text, '^\s*\zs\(class\|def\|async def\)') call add(pyloc, "(" . obj_type . ":)" . obj_name) else call add(pyloc, obj_name) endif let target_line_indent = pythonsense#get_line_indent_count(current_line) - 1 endif if target_line_indent < 0 break endif let previous_line = current_line let current_line = current_line - 1 endwhile if get(g:, "pythonsense_extended_location_info", 1) let joiner = " > " else let joiner = "." endif echo join(reverse(pyloc), joiner) return endfunction " }}}1