welcome to **SpaceVim** wiki, a resources guideline for SpaceVim! - [Home](https://spacevim.org): The official website of SpaceVim. - [FAQ](https://spacevim.org/faq/): The most asked questions about SpaceVim. - [Progress/Roadmap](https://spacevim.org/roadmap/): The roadmap and development progress of SpaceVim. - [Blogs](https://spacevim.org/blog/): Latest news and articles about SpaceVim - [Project layout](Project-layout): Layout of current project - [Support SpaceVim](support-spacevim) ### Users - [Getting Help](Getting-help): A guide for getting help about using SpaceVim. - [Quick start guide](https://spacevim.org/quick-start-guide/): A quick start guide about SpaceVim - [Documentation](https://spacevim.org/documentation): SpaceVim Documentation - [Community](http://spacevim.org/community/): Official community - [Following HEAD](Following-HEAD): Changes in master branch since last release ### Developers - [programming languages](programming-languages): a list of programming languages - [Development guidelines](https://spacevim.org/development/) - [Development tips](development-tips) - [Bundle plugins](bundle-plugins) This wiki is generated from [`wiki/`](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/tree/master/wiki) directory automatically, if you want to contribute to the wiki, please send pull request to SpaceVim repo.