--- title: "SpaceVim core layer" description: "SpaceVim core layer provides many default key bindings and features." --- # [Available Layers](../) >> core <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [Intro](#intro) - [Features](#features) - [FileTree](#filetree) - [Configuration](#configuration) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ## Intro The `core` layer of SpaceVim. This layer is enabled by default, and it provides filetree, comment key bindings etc. ## Features ### FileTree The filetree is included in core layer, by default `nerdtree` is used as filetree manager. To use defx, please add following snippet into your configuration file. ```toml [options] filemanager = "defx" ``` ## Configuration - `filetree_show_hidden`: option for showing hidden file in filetree, disabled by default. - `enable_smooth_scrolling`: enable/disabled smooth scrolling key bindings, enabled by default. - `enable_filetree_gitstatus`: enable/disable git status column in filetree. - `enable_filetree_filetypeicon`: enable/disable filetype icons in filetree. - `enable_netrw`: enable/disable netrw, disabled by default. ```toml [[layers]] name = 'core' filetree_show_hidden = true enable_smooth_scrolling = true filetree_opened_icon = '' filetree_closed_icon = '' ```