Include: include/setup.vader

Execute (hook handling gets queued for global g:neomake_hook_context):
  call g:NeomakeSetupAutocmdWrappers()
  let maker = copy(g:success_maker)

  " Change to initial window to trigger processing there.
  let s:finished_called = []
  function! s:OnFinished(...)
    wincmd p
    let s:finished_called += [a:000]
  augroup neomake_tests
    au User NeomakeFinished nested call s:OnFinished()
  augroup END

  let s:win1 = winnr()
  call neomake#Make({'enabled_makers': [maker]})
  norm! V
  call neomake#Make({'enabled_makers': [maker]})
  wincmd p

  exe s:win1 . 'wincmd w'

  Assert !exists('g:neomake_hook_context'), 'Hook context was cleaned.'
  AssertEqual len(g:neomake_test_jobfinished), 2
  AssertEqual len(s:finished_called), 2

  " Timer events do not cause it to finish, but get reset, so that no error is
  " reported.
  if neomake#has_async_support()
    AssertNeomakeMessage 's:process_action_queue: decrementing timer tries for non-Timer event.', 3
    AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: skipping clean_make_info for not processed make_id.', 3

Execute (hook handling gets queued for global g:neomake_hook_context (with postprocessing)):
  call g:NeomakeSetupAutocmdWrappers()
  let maker = copy(g:success_maker)
  let maker.postprocess = ['neomake#postprocess#compress_whitespace']

  " Change to initial window to trigger processing there.
  let s:finished_called = []
  function! s:OnFinished(...)
    wincmd p
    let s:finished_called += [a:000]
  augroup neomake_tests
    au User NeomakeFinished nested call s:OnFinished()
  augroup END

  let s:win1 = winnr()
  call neomake#Make({'enabled_makers': [maker]})
  norm! V
  call neomake#Make({'enabled_makers': [maker]})
  wincmd p

  exe s:win1 . 'wincmd w'

  Assert !exists('g:neomake_hook_context'), 'Hook context was cleaned.'
  AssertEqual len(g:neomake_test_jobfinished), 2
  AssertEqual len(s:finished_called), 2

  if neomake#has_async_support()
    AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: skipping clean_make_info for not processed make_id.', 3

Execute (Nested neomake#utils#hook must not be nested (directly)):
  function! s:nested_hook_cb(c)
      AssertEqual g:neomake_hook_context, {'context': a:c}
      let next = a:c + 1
      call neomake#utils#hook('Event'.next, {'context': next})

  augroup neomake_tests
    au User Event1 call s:nested_hook_cb(1)
    au User Event2 call s:nested_hook_cb(2)
    au User Event3 call s:nested_hook_cb(3)
  augroup END
  call neomake#utils#hook('Event1', {'context': 1})
  AssertNeomakeMessage "Calling User autocmd Event1 with context: {'context': 1}.", 3
  AssertNeomakeMessage 'Queuing action handle_hook for Timer, BufEnter, WinEnter, InsertLeave, CursorHold, CursorHoldI.', 3
  doautocmd InsertLeave
  AssertNeomakeMessage "Calling User autocmd Event2 with context: {'context': 2}.", 3
  AssertNeomakeMessage 'Queuing action handle_hook for Timer, BufEnter, WinEnter, InsertLeave, CursorHold, CursorHoldI.', 3
  doautocmd InsertLeave
  AssertNeomakeMessage "Calling User autocmd Event3 with context: {'context': 3}.", 3

Execute (neomake#utils#hook: reports exception):
  augroup neomake_tests
    au User Event1 throw 'Exception'
  augroup END
  call neomake#utils#hook('Event1', {'context': 1})
  AssertNeomakeMessage "Calling User autocmd Event1 with context: {'context': 1}.", 3
  AssertNeomakeMessage 'Error during User autocmd for Event1: Exception.', 0
  Assert !exists('g:neomake_hook_context'), 'g:neomake_hook_context was cleared'

Execute (neomake#utils#hook: context is locked):
  augroup neomake_tests
    au User Event1 let g:neomake_hook_context = 'changed'
  augroup END

  call neomake#utils#hook('Event1', {'context': 'fake'})
  AssertNeomakeMessage 'Error during User autocmd for Event1: Vim(let):E741: Value is locked: g:neomake_hook_context.', 0
  Assert !exists('g:neomake_hook_context'), 'g:neomake_hook_context was cleared'

Execute (Does not nest hooks / User autocommands):
  if NeomakeAsyncTestsSetup()

    augroup neomake_tests
      autocmd User NeomakeJobFinished nested call s:OnNeomakeJobFinished()
    augroup END

    function! s:OnNeomakeJobFinished() abort
      let jobinfo = g:neomake_hook_context.jobinfo
      if == 'maker1'
        NeomakeTestsWaitForMessage '\v^Queuing User autocmd NeomakeCountsChanged for nested invocation ', 3
        AssertNeomakeMessage 'Queuing action handle_hook for Timer, BufEnter, WinEnter, InsertLeave, CursorHold, CursorHoldI.', 3
        AssertNeomakeMessage '\V\^Retrying Timer event in 10ms', 3
      " call neomake#log#debug('OnNeomakeJobFinished finished.')

    let maker1 = NeomakeTestsCommandMaker('maker1', 'echo error1; exit 1')
    let maker1.errorformat = '%E%m'
    let maker2 = NeomakeTestsCommandMaker('maker2', 'sleep .1; echo error2; exit 2')
    let maker2.errorformat = '%E%m'

    CallNeomake 1, [maker1, maker2]

    AssertEqual map(getloclist(0), 'v:val.text'), ['error1', 'error2']

    doautocmd WinEnter
    AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling handle_hook.'
    AssertNeomakeMessage '\VCalling User autocmd NeomakeCountsChanged with context: ', 3
    AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling CleanJobinfo.', 3
    AssertNeomakeMessage 'Cleaning jobinfo.', 3
    AssertNeomakeMessage '\VCalling User autocmd NeomakeJobFinished with context: ', 3
    AssertNeomakeMessage '\VCalling User autocmd NeomakeFinished with context: ', 3
    AssertNeomakeMessage 'Cleaning make info.'