"============================================================================= " FILE: autoload/asterisk.vim " AUTHOR: haya14busa " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= scriptencoding utf-8 " Saving 'cpoptions' {{{ let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " }}} let s:TRUE = !0 let s:FALSE = 0 let s:INT = { 'MAX': 2147483647 } let s:DIRECTION = { 'forward': 1, 'backward': 0 } " see :h v:searchforward let g:asterisk#keeppos = get(g:, 'asterisk#keeppos', s:FALSE) " do_jump: do not move cursor if false " is_whole: is_whole word. false if `g` flag given (e.g. * -> true, g* -> false) let s:_config = { \ 'direction' : s:DIRECTION.forward, \ 'do_jump' : s:TRUE, \ 'is_whole' : s:TRUE, \ 'keeppos': s:FALSE \ } function! s:default_config() abort return extend(deepcopy(s:_config), {'keeppos': g:asterisk#keeppos}) endfunction " @return command: String function! asterisk#do(mode, config) abort let config = extend(s:default_config(), a:config) let is_visual = s:is_visual(a:mode) " Raw cword without \<\> let cword = (is_visual ? s:get_selected_text() : s:escape_pattern(expand('<cword>'))) if cword is# '' return s:generate_error_cmd(is_visual) endif " v:count handling let should_plus_one_count = s:should_plus_one_count(cword, config, a:mode) let maybe_count = (should_plus_one_count ? string(v:count1 + 1) : '') let pre = (is_visual || should_plus_one_count ? "\<Esc>" . maybe_count : '') " Including \<\> if necessary let pattern = (is_visual ? \ s:convert_2_word_pattern_4_visual(cword, config) : s:cword_pattern(cword, config)) let key = (config.direction is s:DIRECTION.forward ? '/' : '?') " Get offset in current word let offset = config.keeppos ? s:get_pos_in_cword(cword, a:mode) : 0 let pattern_offseted = pattern . (offset is 0 ? '' : key . 's+' . offset) let search_cmd = pre . key . pattern_offseted if config.do_jump return search_cmd . "\<CR>" elseif config.keeppos && offset isnot 0 "" Do not jump with keeppos feature " NOTE: It doesn't move cursor, so we can assume it works with " operator pending mode even if it returns command to execute. let echo = s:generate_echo_cmd(pattern_offseted) let restore = s:generate_restore_cmd() "" *premove* & *aftermove* : not to cause flickr as mush as possible " flick corner case: `#` with under cursor word at the top of window " and the cursor is at the end of the word. let premove = \ (a:mode isnot# 'n' ? "\<Esc>" : '') \ . 'm`' \ . (config.direction is s:DIRECTION.forward ? '0' : '$') " NOTE: Neovim doesn't stack pos to jumplist after "m`". " https://github.com/haya14busa/vim-asterisk/issues/34 if has('nvim') let aftermove = '``' else let aftermove = "\<C-o>" endif " NOTE: To avoid hit-enter prompt, it execute `restore` and `echo` " command separately. I can also implement one function and call it " once instead of separately, should I do this? return printf("%s%s\<CR>%s:%s\<CR>:%s\<CR>", premove, search_cmd, aftermove, restore, echo) else " Do not jump: Just handle search related call s:set_search(pattern) return s:generate_set_search_cmd(pattern, a:mode, config) endif endfunction "" For keeppos feature " NOTE: To avoid hit-enter prompt, this function name should be as short as " possible. `r` is short for restore. Should I use more short function using " basic global function instead of autoload one. function! asterisk#r() abort call winrestview(s:w) call s:restore_event_ignore() endfunction function! s:set_view(view) abort let s:w = a:view endfunction "" For keeppos feature " NOTE: vim-asterisk moves cursor temporarily for keeppos feature with search " commands. It should not trigger the event related to this cursor move, so " set eventignore and restore it afterwards. function! s:set_event_ignore() abort let s:ei = &ei let events = ['CursorMoved'] if exists('##CmdlineEnter') let events += ['CmdlineEnter', 'CmdlineLeave'] endif let &ei = join(events, ',') endfunction function! s:restore_event_ignore() abort let &ei = s:ei endfunction " @return restore_command: String function! s:generate_restore_cmd() abort call s:set_view(winsaveview()) call s:set_event_ignore() return 'call asterisk#r()' endfunction " @return \<cword\> if needed: String function! s:cword_pattern(cword, config) abort return printf((a:config.is_whole && a:cword =~# '\k' ? '\<%s\>' : '%s'), a:cword) endfunction " This function is based on https://github.com/thinca/vim-visualstar " Author : thinca <thinca+vim@gmail.com> " License : zlib License " @return \<selected_pattern\>: String function! s:convert_2_word_pattern_4_visual(pattern, config) abort let text = a:pattern let type = (a:config.direction is# s:DIRECTION.forward ? '/' : '?') let [pre, post] = ['', ''] if a:config.is_whole let [head_pos, tail_pos] = s:sort_pos([s:getcoord('.'), s:getcoord('v')]) let head = matchstr(text, '^.') let is_head_multibyte = 1 < len(head) let [l, col] = head_pos let line = getline(l) let before = line[: col - 2] let outer = matchstr(before, '.$') if text =~# '^\k' && ((!empty(outer) && len(outer) != len(head)) || \ (!is_head_multibyte && (col == 1 || before !~# '\k$'))) let pre = '\<' endif let tail = matchstr(text, '.$') let is_tail_multibyte = 1 < len(tail) let [l, col] = tail_pos let col += s:is_exclusive() && head_pos[1] !=# tail_pos[1] ? - 1 : len(tail) - 1 let line = getline(l) let after = line[col :] let outer = matchstr(after, '^.') if text =~# '\k$' && ((!empty(outer) && len(outer) != len(tail)) || \ (!is_tail_multibyte && (col == len(line) || after !~# '^\k'))) let post = '\>' endif endif let text = substitute(escape(text, '\' . type), "\n", '\\n', 'g') let text = substitute(text, "\r", '\\r', 'g') return '\V' . pre . text . post endfunction "" Set pattern and history for search " @return nothing function! s:set_search(pattern) abort let @/ = a:pattern call histadd('/', @/) endfunction "" Generate command to turn on search related option like hlsearch to work " with :h function-search-undo " @return command: String function! s:generate_set_search_cmd(pattern, mode, config) abort " :h function-search-undo " :h v:hlsearch " :h v:searchforward let hlsearch = 'let &hlsearch=&hlsearch' let searchforward = printf('let v:searchforward = %d', a:config.direction) let echo = s:generate_echo_cmd(a:pattern) let esc = (a:mode isnot# 'n' ? "\<Esc>" : '') return printf("%s:\<C-u>%s\<CR>:%s\<CR>:%s\<CR>", esc, hlsearch, searchforward, echo) endfunction " @return echo_command: String function! s:generate_echo_cmd(message) abort return printf('echo "%s"', escape(a:message, '\"')) endfunction "" Generate command to show error with empty pattern " @return error_command: String function! s:generate_error_cmd(is_visual) abort " 'E348: No string under cursor' let m = 'asterisk.vim: No selected string' return (a:is_visual \ ? printf("\<Esc>:echohl ErrorMsg | echom '%s' | echohl None\<CR>", m) \ : '*') endfunction " @return boolean function! s:should_plus_one_count(cword, config, mode) abort " For backward, because count isn't needed with <expr> but it requires " +1 for backward and for the case that cursor is not at the head of " cword if s:is_visual(a:mode) return a:config.direction is# s:DIRECTION.backward ? s:TRUE : s:FALSE else return a:config.direction is# s:DIRECTION.backward \ ? s:get_pos_char() =~# '\k' && ! s:is_head_of_cword(a:cword) && ! a:config.keeppos \ : s:get_pos_char() !~# '\k' endif endfunction " @return boolean function! s:is_head_of_cword(cword) abort return 0 == s:get_pos_in_cword(a:cword) endfunction " Assume the current mode is middle of visual mode. " @return selected text function! s:get_selected_text(...) abort let mode = get(a:, 1, mode(1)) let end_col = s:curswant() is s:INT.MAX ? s:INT.MAX : s:get_col_in_visual('.') let current_pos = [line('.'), end_col] let other_end_pos = [line('v'), s:get_col_in_visual('v')] let [begin, end] = s:sort_pos([current_pos, other_end_pos]) if s:is_exclusive() && begin[1] !=# end[1] " Decrement column number for :set selection=exclusive let end[1] -= 1 endif if mode !=# 'V' && begin ==# end let lines = [s:get_pos_char(begin)] elseif mode ==# "\<C-v>" let [min_c, max_c] = s:sort_num([begin[1], end[1]]) let lines = map(range(begin[0], end[0]), ' \ getline(v:val)[min_c - 1 : max_c - 1] \ ') elseif mode ==# 'V' let lines = getline(begin[0], end[0]) else if begin[0] ==# end[0] let lines = [getline(begin[0])[begin[1]-1 : end[1]-1]] else let lines = [getline(begin[0])[begin[1]-1 :]] \ + (end[0] - begin[0] < 2 ? [] : getline(begin[0]+1, end[0]-1)) \ + [getline(end[0])[: end[1]-1]] endif endif return join(lines, "\n") . (mode ==# 'V' ? "\n" : '') endfunction " @return Number: return multibyte aware column number in Visual mode to " select function! s:get_col_in_visual(pos) abort let [pos, other] = [a:pos, a:pos is# '.' ? 'v' : '.'] let c = col(pos) let d = s:compare_pos(s:getcoord(pos), s:getcoord(other)) > 0 \ ? len(s:get_pos_char([line(pos), c - (s:is_exclusive() ? 1 : 0)])) - 1 \ : 0 return c + d endfunction function! s:get_multi_col(pos) abort let c = col(a:pos) return c + len(s:get_pos_char([line(a:pos), c])) - 1 endfunction " Helper: function! s:is_visual(mode) abort return a:mode =~# "[vV\<C-v>]" endfunction " @return Boolean function! s:is_exclusive() abort return &selection is# 'exclusive' endfunction function! s:curswant() abort return winsaveview().curswant endfunction " @return coordinate: [Number, Number] function! s:getcoord(expr) abort return getpos(a:expr)[1:2] endfunction "" Return character at given position with multibyte handling " @arg [Number, Number] as coordinate or expression for position :h line() " @return String function! s:get_pos_char(...) abort let pos = get(a:, 1, '.') let [line, col] = type(pos) is# type('') ? s:getcoord(pos) : pos return matchstr(getline(line), '.', col - 1) endfunction " @return int index of cursor in cword function! s:get_pos_in_cword(cword, ...) abort return (s:is_visual(get(a:, 1, mode(1))) || s:get_pos_char() !~# '\k') ? 0 \ : s:count_char(searchpos(a:cword, 'bcn')[1], s:get_multi_col('.')) endfunction " multibyte aware function! s:count_char(from, to) abort let chars = getline('.')[a:from-1:a:to-1] return len(split(chars, '\zs')) - 1 endfunction " 7.4.341 " http://ftp.vim.org/vim/patches/7.4/7.4.341 if v:version > 704 || v:version == 704 && has('patch341') function! s:sort_num(xs) abort return sort(a:xs, 'n') endfunction else function! s:_sort_num_func(x, y) abort return a:x - a:y endfunction function! s:sort_num(xs) abort return sort(a:xs, 's:_sort_num_func') endfunction endif function! s:sort_pos(pos_list) abort " pos_list: [ [x1, y1], [x2, y2] ] return sort(a:pos_list, 's:compare_pos') endfunction function! s:compare_pos(x, y) abort return max([-1, min([1,(a:x[0] == a:y[0]) ? a:x[1] - a:y[1] : a:x[0] - a:y[0]])]) endfunction " taken from :h Vital.Prelude.escape_pattern() function! s:escape_pattern(str) abort return escape(a:str, '~"\.^$[]*') endfunction " Restore 'cpoptions' {{{ let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " }}} " __END__ {{{ " vim: expandtab softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 " vim: foldmethod=marker " }}}