" vim match-up - even better matching " " Maintainer: Andy Massimino " Email: a@normed.space " let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " TODO this can probably be simplified function! matchup#motion#op(motion) abort call matchup#motion_force() let l:sid = matchup#motion_sid() let s:v_operator = v:operator execute 'normal' l:sid.'(wise)' . (v:count > 0 ? v:count : '') \ . l:sid.'(matchup-'.a:motion.')' unlet s:v_operator endfunction function matchup#motion#getoper() return get(s:, 'v_operator', '') endfunction function! matchup#motion#find_matching_pair(visual, down) " {{{1 let [l:count, l:count1] = [v:count, v:count1] let l:is_oper = !empty(get(s:, 'v_operator', '')) if a:visual && !l:is_oper normal! gv endif if a:down && l:count > g:matchup_motion_override_Npercent " TODO: dv50% does not work properly if a:visual && l:is_oper normal! V endif exe 'normal!' l:count.'%' return endif " disable the timeout call matchup#perf#timeout_start(0) " get a delim where the cursor is let l:delim = matchup#delim#get_current('all', 'both_all') if empty(l:delim) " otherwise search forward let l:delim = matchup#delim#get_next('all', 'both_all') if empty(l:delim) | return | endif endif " loop count number of times for l:dummy in range(l:count1) let l:matches = matchup#delim#get_matching(l:delim, 1) if len(l:matches) <= (l:delim.side ==# 'mid' ? 2 : 1) | return | endif if !has_key(l:delim, 'links') | return | endif let l:delim = get(l:delim.links, a:down ? 'next' : 'prev', {}) if empty(l:delim) | return | endif endfor if a:visual && l:is_oper normal! gv endif let l:exclusive = l:is_oper && (g:v_motion_force ==# 'v') let l:forward = ((a:down && l:delim.side !=# 'open') \ || l:delim.side ==# 'close') " go to the end of the delimiter, if necessary let l:column = l:delim.cnum if g:matchup_motion_cursor_end && !l:is_oper && l:forward let l:column = matchup#delim#jump_target(l:delim) endif let l:start_pos = matchup#pos#get_cursor() normal! m` " column position of last character in match let l:eom = l:delim.cnum + matchup#delim#end_offset(l:delim) if l:is_oper && l:forward let l:column = l:exclusive ? (l:column - 1) : l:eom endif if l:is_oper && l:exclusive \ && matchup#pos#smaller(l:delim, l:start_pos) normal! o call matchup#pos#set_cursor(matchup#pos#prev(l:start_pos)) normal! o endif " special handling for d% let [l:start_lnum, l:start_cnum] = l:start_pos[1:2] if get(s:, 'v_operator', '') ==# 'd' && l:start_lnum != l:delim.lnum \ && g:v_motion_force ==# '' let l:tl = [l:start_lnum, l:start_cnum] let [l:tl, l:br, l:swap] = l:tl[0] <= l:delim.lnum \ ? [l:tl, [l:delim.lnum, l:eom], 0] \ : [[l:delim.lnum, l:delim.cnum], l:tl, 1] if getline(l:tl[0]) =~# '^[ \t]*\%'.l:tl[1].'c' \ && getline(l:br[0]) =~# '\%'.(l:br[1]+1).'c[ \t]*$' if l:swap normal! o call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:br[0], strlen(getline(l:br[0]))+1) normal! o let l:column = 1 else normal! o call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:tl[0], 1) normal! o let l:column = strlen(getline(l:br[0]))+1 endif endif endif let l:lnum = l:delim.lnum " make adjustments for selection option 'exclusive if l:forward && a:visual && &selection ==# 'exclusive' let [l:lnum, l:column] = matchup#pos#next_eol(l:lnum, l:column)[1:2] endif if !l:forward && l:is_oper && &selection ==# 'exclusive' normal! o call matchup#pos#set_cursor(matchup#pos#next_eol( \ matchup#pos#get_cursor())) normal! o endif call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:lnum, l:column) if stridx(&foldopen, 'percent') >= 0 normal! zv endif endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#motion#find_unmatched(visual, down, ...) " {{{1 call matchup#perf#tic('motion#find_unmatched') let l:opts = a:0 ? a:1 : {} let l:count = v:count1 let l:is_oper = !empty(get(s:, 'v_operator', '')) let l:exclusive = l:is_oper \ && g:v_motion_force !=# 'v' && g:v_motion_force !=# "\<c-v>" if a:visual normal! gv endif " set the timeout fairly high by default let l:timeout = get(l:opts, 'timeout', 750) call matchup#perf#timeout_start(l:timeout) for l:tries in range(3) let [l:open, l:close] = matchup#delim#get_surrounding('delim_all', \ l:tries ? l:count : 1, \ { 'check_skip': get(l:opts, '__where_impl__', 0) }) if empty(l:open) || empty(l:close) call matchup#perf#toc('motion#find_unmatched', 'fail'.l:tries) return endif let l:delim = a:down ? l:close : l:open let l:save_pos = matchup#pos#get_cursor() let l:new_pos = [l:delim.lnum, l:delim.cnum] " this is an exclusive motion, ]% if l:delim.side ==# 'close' if l:exclusive let l:new_pos[1] -= 1 else let l:new_pos[1] += matchup#delim#end_offset(l:delim) endif endif " if the cursor didn't move, increment count if matchup#pos#equal(l:save_pos, l:new_pos) let l:count += 1 elseif l:tries break endif if l:count <= 1 break endif endfor if a:down && !l:is_oper let l:new_pos[1] = matchup#delim#jump_target(l:delim) endif " this is an exclusive motion, [% if !a:down && l:exclusive normal! o call matchup#pos#set_cursor(matchup#pos#prev( \ matchup#pos#get_cursor())) normal! o endif " handle selection option 'exclusive' going backwards if !a:down && l:is_oper && &selection ==# 'exclusive' normal! o call matchup#pos#set_cursor(matchup#pos#next_eol( \ matchup#pos#get_cursor())) normal! o endif " handle selection option 'exclusive' going forwards if a:down && l:is_oper && &selection ==# 'exclusive' let l:new_pos = matchup#pos#next_eol(l:new_pos)[1:2] endif if get(l:opts, '__where_impl__', 0) let l:opts.delim = l:delim else normal! m` endif call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:new_pos) call matchup#perf#toc('motion#find_unmatched', 'done') endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#motion#jump_inside(visual) " {{{1 let l:count = v:count1 let l:save_pos = matchup#pos#get_cursor() call matchup#perf#timeout_start(750) if a:visual normal! gv endif for l:counter in range(l:count) if l:counter let l:delim = matchup#delim#get_next('all', 'open') else let l:delim = matchup#delim#get_current('all', 'open') if empty(l:delim) let l:delim = matchup#delim#get_next('all', 'open') endif endif if empty(l:delim) call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:save_pos) return endif let l:new_pos = [l:delim.lnum, l:delim.cnum] let l:new_pos[1] += matchup#delim#end_offset(l:delim) call matchup#pos#set_cursor(matchup#pos#next(l:new_pos)) endfor call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:save_pos) " convert to [~, lnum, cnum, ~] format let l:new_pos = matchup#pos#next(l:new_pos) " this is an exclusive motion except when dealing with whitespace let l:is_oper = !empty(get(s:, 'v_operator', '')) if l:is_oper \ && g:v_motion_force !=# 'v' && g:v_motion_force !=# "\<c-v>" while matchup#util#in_whitespace(l:new_pos[1], l:new_pos[2]) let l:new_pos = matchup#pos#next(l:new_pos) endwhile let l:new_pos = matchup#pos#prev(l:new_pos) endif " jump ahead if inside indent if !l:is_oper && matchup#util#in_indent(l:new_pos[1], l:new_pos[2]) let l:new_pos[2] = 1 + strlen(matchstr( \ getline(l:new_pos[1]), '^\s\+')) endif " handle selection option 'exclusive' (motion only goes forwards) if a:visual && &selection ==# 'exclusive' let l:new_pos = matchup#pos#next_eol(l:new_pos) endif normal! m` call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:new_pos) endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#motion#insert_mode() " {{{1 call matchup#perf#timeout_start(0) " disable the timeout let l:delim = matchup#delim#get_current( \ 'all', 'both_all', {'insertmode': 1}) if empty(l:delim) | return | endif let l:matches = matchup#delim#get_matching(l:delim, 1) if len(l:matches) <= (l:delim.side ==# 'mid' ? 2 : 1) | return | endif if !has_key(l:delim, 'links') | return | endif let l:delim = get(l:delim.links, 'next', {}) if empty(l:delim) | return | endif let l:new_pos = [l:delim.lnum, l:delim.cnum] let l:new_pos[1] += matchup#delim#end_offset(l:delim) call matchup#pos#set_cursor(matchup#pos#next_eol(l:new_pos)) endfunction " }}}1 let &cpo = s:save_cpo " vim: fdm=marker sw=2