# nvim-plug [![](https://spacevim.org/img/build-with-SpaceVim.svg)](https://spacevim.org) [![GPLv3 License](https://img.spacevim.org/license-GPLv3-blue.svg)](LICENSE) ![nvim-plug](https://wsdjeg.net/images/nvim-plug.gif) - [Intro](#intro) - [Features](#features) - [Usage](#usage) - [Plugin Spec](#plugin-spec) - [Commands](#commands) - [Default UI](#default-ui) - [Custom Plugin UI](#custom-plugin-ui) - [Plugin priority](#plugin-priority) - [Feedback](#feedback) ## Intro nvim-plug is an asynchronous Neovim plugin manager written in Lua. There is also a [Chinese introduction](https://wsdjeg.net/neovim-plugin-manager-nvim-plug/) about this plugin. ## Features - **faster:** written in lua. - **async:** downloading and building via job. - **lazy loading:** lazy load plugin based on events, comamnd, mapping, etc.. - **custom UI:** provide custom UI API. ## Usage setup nvim-plug: ```lua require('plug').setup({ -- set the bundle dir bundle_dir = 'D:/bundle_dir', -- set the path where raw plugin is download to raw_plugin_dir = 'D:/bundle_dir/raw_plugin', -- max number of processes used for nvim-plug job max_processes = 5, base_url = 'https://github.com', -- default ui is `notify`, use `default` for split window UI ui = 'default', -- default is nil http_proxy = '', -- default is nil https_proxy = '', -- default history depth for `git clone` clone_depth = 1, -- plugin priority, readme [plugin priority] for more info enable_priority = false }) ``` add plugins: ```lua require('plug').add({ { 'wsdjeg/scrollbar.vim', events = { 'VimEnter' }, }, { 'wsdjeg/vim-chat', enabled = function() return vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10.0') == 1 end, }, { 'wsdjeg/flygrep.nvim', cmds = { 'FlyGrep' }, config = function() require('flygrep').setup() end, }, { type = 'raw', url = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/wsdjeg/4ac99019c5ca156d35704550648ba321/raw/4e8c202c74e98b5d56616c784bfbf9b873dc8868/markdown.vim', script_type = 'after/syntax' }, { 'D:/wsdjeg/winbar.nvim', events = { 'VimEnter' }, }, { 'wsdjeg/vim-mail', on_func = 'mail#', }, }) ``` ## Plugin Spec The plugin spec is inspired by [dein.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim). | name | description | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `[1]` | `string`, plugin repo short name, `wsdjeg/flygrep.nvim` | | `cmds` | `string` or `table`, commands lazy loading | | `events` | `string` or `table`, events lazy loading | | `config` | `function`, function called after adding plugin path to nvim rtp, before loading files in `plugin/` directory | | `config_after` | `function`, function called after loading files in `plugin/` directory | | `config_before` | `function`, function called when `plug.add()` function is called | | `on_ft` | `string` or `table`, filetypes lazy loading | | `on_map` | `string` or `table`, key bindings lazy loading | | `on_func` | `string` or `table`, vim function lazy loading | | `script_type` | `string`, plugin type including `color`, `plugin`, etc.. | | `build` | `string` or `table`, executed by [job](https://spacevim.org/api/job/) api | | `enabled` | `boolean` or `function` evaluated when startup, when it is false, plugin will be skiped | | `frozen` | update only when specific with `PlugUpdate name` | | `depends` | `table` a list of plugins | | `branch` | `string` specific git branch | | `tag` | `string` specific git tag | | `type` | `string` specific plugin type, this can be git, raw or none, if it is raw, `script_type` must be set | | `autoload` | `boolean`, load plugin after git clone | | `priority` | `number`, default is 50, set the order in which plugins are loaded | - `config` and `config_after` function will be not be called if the plugin has not been installed. - `priority` does not work for lazy plugins. ## Commands - `:PlugInstall`: install specific plugin or all plugins - `:PlugUpdate`: update specific plugin or all plugins ## Default UI The default is ui is inspired by [vundle](https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim) The default highlight group. | highlight group name | default link | description | | -------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------- | | `PlugTitle` | `TODO` | the first line of plugin window | | `PlugProcess` | `Repeat` | the process of downloading | | `PlugDone` | `Type` | clone/build/install done | | `PlugFailed` | `WarningMsg` | clone/build/install failed | | `PlugDoing` | `Number` | job is running | To change the default highlight group: ```lua vim.cmd('hi def link PlugTitle TODO') vim.cmd('hi def link PlugProcess Repeat') vim.cmd('hi def link PlugDone Type') vim.cmd('hi def link PlugFailed WarningMsg') vim.cmd('hi def link PlugDoing Number') ``` ## Custom Plugin UI To setup custom UI, you need to creat a on_update function, this function is called with two arges, `name` and `plugUiData`. The plugUiData is table with following keys: | key | description | | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | `clone_done` | boolead, is true when clone successfully | | `command` | string, clone, pull or build | | `clone_process` | string, git clone progress, such as `16% (160/1000)` | | `clone_done` | boolean, git clone exit status | | `building` | boolean | | `build_done` | boolean | | `pull_done` | boolean | | `pull_process` | string | ```lua --- your custom UI local function on_ui_update(name, data) -- logic end require('plug').setup({ bundle_dir = 'D:/bundle_dir', max_processes = 5, -- max number of processes used for nvim-plug job base_url = 'https://github.com', ui = on_ui_update, -- default ui is notify, use `default` for split window UI }) ``` ## Plugin priority By default this feature is disabled, plugins will be loaded when run `add({plugins})` function. To enable plugin priority feature, you need to call `plug.load()` after `plug.add()` function. This option is not for lazy plugins. for example: ```lua require('plug').setup({ max_processes = 5, enable_priority = true, }) require('plug').add({ { 'wsdjeg/scrollbar.vim', events = { 'VimEnter' }, }, { 'wsdjeg/vim-chat', enabled = function() return vim.fn.has('nvim-0.10.0') == 1 end, }, { 'wsdjeg/flygrep.nvim', cmds = { 'FlyGrep' }, config = function() require('flygrep').setup() end, }, { 'rakr/vim-one', config = function() vim.cmd('colorscheme one') end, priority = 100, }, }) require('plug').load() ``` ## Feedback The development of this plugin is in [`SpaceVim/bundle/nvim-plug`](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/tree/master/bundle/nvim-plug) directory. If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the [issue tracker](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/issues) or [Telegram group](https://t.me/+w27TxYbUz1wxZmJl)