local util = require 'lspconfig.util' return { default_config = { cmd = { 'terraform-ls', 'serve' }, filetypes = { 'terraform', 'terraform-vars' }, root_dir = util.root_pattern('.terraform', '.git'), }, docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-ls Terraform language server Download a released binary from https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-ls/releases. From https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-ls#terraform-ls-vs-terraform-lsp: Both HashiCorp and the maintainer of terraform-lsp expressed interest in collaborating on a language server and are working towards a _long-term_ goal of a single stable and feature-complete implementation. For the time being both projects continue to exist, giving users the choice: - `terraform-ls` providing - overall stability (by relying only on public APIs) - compatibility with any provider and any Terraform >=0.12.0 currently less features - due to project being younger and relying on public APIs which may not offer the same functionality yet - `terraform-lsp` providing - currently more features - compatibility with a single particular Terraform (0.12.20 at time of writing) - configs designed for other 0.12 versions may work, but interpretation may be inaccurate - less stability (due to reliance on Terraform's own internal packages) ]], default_config = { root_dir = [[root_pattern(".terraform", ".git")]], }, }, }