local util = require 'lspconfig.util' return { default_config = { cmd = { 'yaml-language-server', '--stdio' }, filetypes = { 'yaml', 'yaml.docker-compose' }, root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor, single_file_support = true, settings = { -- https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-redhat-telemetry#how-to-disable-telemetry-reporting redhat = { telemetry = { enabled = false } }, }, }, docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/redhat-developer/yaml-language-server `yaml-language-server` can be installed via `yarn`: ```sh yarn global add yaml-language-server ``` To use a schema for validation, there are two options: 1. Add a modeline to the file. A modeline is a comment of the form: ``` # yaml-language-server: $schema= ``` where the relative filepath is the path relative to the open yaml file, and the absolute filepath is the filepath relative to the filesystem root ('/' on unix systems) 2. Associated a schema url, relative , or absolute (to root of project, not to filesystem root) path to the a glob pattern relative to the detected project root. Check `:LspInfo` to determine the resolved project root. ```lua require('lspconfig').yamlls.setup { ... -- other configuration for setup {} settings = { yaml = { ... -- other settings. note this overrides the lspconfig defaults. schemas = { ["https://json.schemastore.org/github-workflow.json"] = "/.github/workflows/*" ["../path/relative/to/file.yml"] = "/.github/workflows/*" ["/path/from/root/of/project"] = "/.github/workflows/*" }, }, } } ``` Currently, kubernetes is special-cased in yammls, see the following upstream issues: * [#211](https://github.com/redhat-developer/yaml-language-server/issues/211). * [#307](https://github.com/redhat-developer/yaml-language-server/issues/307). To override a schema to use a specific k8s schema version (for example, to use 1.18): ```lua require('lspconfig').yamlls.setup { ... -- other configuration for setup {} settings = { yaml = { ... -- other settings. note this overrides the lspconfig defaults. schemas = { ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/instrumenta/kubernetes-json-schema/master/v1.18.0-standalone-strict/all.json"] = "/*.k8s.yaml", ... -- other schemas }, }, } } ``` ]], default_config = { root_dir = [[util.find_git_ancestor]], }, }, }