local vim = vim local validate = vim.validate local api = vim.api local lsp = vim.lsp local uv = vim.loop local is_windows = uv.os_uname().version:match 'Windows' local M = {} M.default_config = { log_level = lsp.protocol.MessageType.Warning, message_level = lsp.protocol.MessageType.Warning, settings = vim.empty_dict(), init_options = vim.empty_dict(), handlers = {}, autostart = true, capabilities = lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities(), } -- global on_setup hook M.on_setup = nil function M.bufname_valid(bufname) if bufname:match '^/' or bufname:match '^[a-zA-Z]:' or bufname:match '^zipfile://' or bufname:match '^tarfile:' then return true end return false end function M.validate_bufnr(bufnr) validate { bufnr = { bufnr, 'n' }, } return bufnr == 0 and api.nvim_get_current_buf() or bufnr end function M.add_hook_before(func, new_fn) if func then return function(...) -- TODO which result? new_fn(...) return func(...) end else return new_fn end end function M.add_hook_after(func, new_fn) if func then return function(...) -- TODO which result? func(...) return new_fn(...) end else return new_fn end end -- Maps lspconfig-style command options to nvim_create_user_command (i.e. |command-attributes|) option names. local opts_aliases = { ['description'] = 'desc', } ---@param command_definition table function M._parse_user_command_options(command_definition) ---@type table local opts = {} for k, v in pairs(command_definition) do if type(k) == 'string' then local attribute = k.gsub(k, '^%-+', '') opts[opts_aliases[attribute] or attribute] = v elseif type(k) == 'number' and type(v) == 'string' and v:match '^%-' then -- Splits strings like "-nargs=* -complete=customlist,v:lua.something" into { "-nargs=*", "-complete=customlist,v:lua.something" } for _, command_attribute in ipairs(vim.split(v, '%s')) do -- Splits attribute into a key-value pair, like "-nargs=*" to { "-nargs", "*" } local attribute, value = unpack(vim.split(command_attribute, '=', { plain = true })) attribute = attribute.gsub(attribute, '^%-+', '') opts[opts_aliases[attribute] or attribute] = value or true end end end return opts end function M.create_module_commands(module_name, commands) for command_name, def in pairs(commands) do local opts = M._parse_user_command_options(def) api.nvim_create_user_command(command_name, function(info) require('lspconfig')[module_name].commands[command_name][1](unpack(info.fargs)) end, opts) end end -- Some path utilities M.path = (function() local function escape_wildcards(path) return path:gsub('([%[%]%?%*])', '\\%1') end local function sanitize(path) if is_windows then path = path:sub(1, 1):upper() .. path:sub(2) path = path:gsub('\\', '/') end return path end local function exists(filename) local stat = uv.fs_stat(filename) return stat and stat.type or false end local function is_dir(filename) return exists(filename) == 'directory' end local function is_file(filename) return exists(filename) == 'file' end local function is_fs_root(path) if is_windows then return path:match '^%a:$' else return path == '/' end end local function is_absolute(filename) if is_windows then return filename:match '^%a:' or filename:match '^\\\\' else return filename:match '^/' end end local function dirname(path) local strip_dir_pat = '/([^/]+)$' local strip_sep_pat = '/$' if not path or #path == 0 then return end local result = path:gsub(strip_sep_pat, ''):gsub(strip_dir_pat, '') if #result == 0 then if is_windows then return path:sub(1, 2):upper() else return '/' end end return result end local function path_join(...) return table.concat(vim.tbl_flatten { ... }, '/') end -- Traverse the path calling cb along the way. local function traverse_parents(path, cb) path = uv.fs_realpath(path) local dir = path -- Just in case our algo is buggy, don't infinite loop. for _ = 1, 100 do dir = dirname(dir) if not dir then return end -- If we can't ascend further, then stop looking. if cb(dir, path) then return dir, path end if is_fs_root(dir) then break end end end -- Iterate the path until we find the rootdir. local function iterate_parents(path) local function it(_, v) if v and not is_fs_root(v) then v = dirname(v) else return end if v and uv.fs_realpath(v) then return v, path else return end end return it, path, path end local function is_descendant(root, path) if not path then return false end local function cb(dir, _) return dir == root end local dir, _ = traverse_parents(path, cb) return dir == root end local path_separator = is_windows and ';' or ':' return { escape_wildcards = escape_wildcards, is_dir = is_dir, is_file = is_file, is_absolute = is_absolute, exists = exists, dirname = dirname, join = path_join, sanitize = sanitize, traverse_parents = traverse_parents, iterate_parents = iterate_parents, is_descendant = is_descendant, path_separator = path_separator, } end)() local function check_in_workspace(client, root_dir) if not client.workspace_folders then return false end for _, dir in ipairs(client.workspace_folders) do if (root_dir .. '/'):sub(1, #dir.name + 1) == dir.name .. '/' then return true end end return false end -- Returns a function(root_dir), which, when called with a root_dir it hasn't -- seen before, will call make_config(root_dir) and start a new client. function M.server_per_root_dir_manager(make_config) -- a table store the root dir with clients in this dir local clients = {} local manager = {} function manager.add(root_dir, single_file, bufnr) root_dir = M.path.sanitize(root_dir) local function get_client_from_cache(client_name) if vim.tbl_count(clients) == 0 then return end if clients[root_dir] then for _, id in pairs(clients[root_dir]) do local client = lsp.get_client_by_id(id) if client and client.name == client_name then return client end end end local all_client_ids = {} vim.tbl_map(function(val) vim.list_extend(all_client_ids, { unpack(val) }) end, clients) for _, id in ipairs(all_client_ids) do local client = lsp.get_client_by_id(id) if client and client.name == client_name then return client end end end local function attach_and_cache(root, client_id) lsp.buf_attach_client(bufnr, client_id) if not clients[root] then clients[root] = {} end if not vim.tbl_contains(clients[root], client_id) then clients[root][#clients[root] + 1] = client_id end end local new_config = make_config(root_dir) local function register_workspace_folders(client) local params = { event = { added = { { uri = vim.uri_from_fname(root_dir), name = root_dir } }, removed = {}, }, } client.rpc.notify('workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders', params) if not client.workspace_folders then client.workspace_folders = {} end client.workspace_folders[#client.workspace_folders + 1] = params.event.added[1] attach_and_cache(root_dir, client.id) end local function start_new_client() -- do nothing if the client is not enabled if new_config.enabled == false then return end if not new_config.cmd then vim.notify( string.format( '[lspconfig] cmd not defined for %q. Manually set cmd in the setup {} call according to server_configurations.md, see :help lspconfig-index.', new_config.name ), vim.log.levels.ERROR ) return end new_config.on_exit = M.add_hook_before(new_config.on_exit, function() for index, id in pairs(clients[root_dir]) do local exist = lsp.get_client_by_id(id) if exist.name == new_config.name then table.remove(clients[root_dir], index) end end end) -- Launch the server in the root directory used internally by lspconfig, if otherwise unset -- also check that the path exist if not new_config.cmd_cwd and uv.fs_realpath(root_dir) then new_config.cmd_cwd = root_dir end -- Sending rootDirectory and workspaceFolders as null is not explicitly -- codified in the spec. Certain servers crash if initialized with a NULL -- root directory. if single_file then new_config.root_dir = nil new_config.workspace_folders = nil end local client_id = lsp.start_client(new_config) if not client_id then return end attach_and_cache(root_dir, client_id) end local function attach_or_spawn(client) if check_in_workspace(client, root_dir) then return attach_and_cache(root_dir, client.id) end local supported = vim.tbl_get(client, 'server_capabilities', 'workspace', 'workspaceFolders', 'supported') if supported then return register_workspace_folders(client) end start_new_client() end local attach_after_client_initialized = function(client) local timer = vim.loop.new_timer() timer:start( 0, 10, vim.schedule_wrap(function() if client.initialized and client.server_capabilities and not timer:is_closing() then attach_or_spawn(client) timer:stop() timer:close() end end) ) end local client = get_client_from_cache(new_config.name) if not client then return start_new_client() end if clients[root_dir] or single_file then lsp.buf_attach_client(bufnr, client.id) return end -- make sure neovim had exchanged capabilities from language server -- it's useful to check server support workspaceFolders or not if client.initialized and client.server_capabilities then attach_or_spawn(client) else attach_after_client_initialized(client) end end function manager.clients() local res = {} for _, client_ids in pairs(clients) do for _, id in ipairs(client_ids) do local client = lsp.get_client_by_id(id) if client then res[#res + 1] = client end end end return res end return manager end function M.search_ancestors(startpath, func) validate { func = { func, 'f' } } if func(startpath) then return startpath end local guard = 100 for path in M.path.iterate_parents(startpath) do -- Prevent infinite recursion if our algorithm breaks guard = guard - 1 if guard == 0 then return end if func(path) then return path end end end function M.root_pattern(...) local patterns = vim.tbl_flatten { ... } local function matcher(path) for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do for _, p in ipairs(vim.fn.glob(M.path.join(M.path.escape_wildcards(path), pattern), true, true)) do if M.path.exists(p) then return path end end end end return function(startpath) startpath = M.strip_archive_subpath(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end end function M.find_git_ancestor(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, function(path) -- Support git directories and git files (worktrees) if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, '.git')) or M.path.is_file(M.path.join(path, '.git')) then return path end end) end function M.find_mercurial_ancestor(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, function(path) -- Support Mercurial directories if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, '.hg')) then return path end end) end function M.find_node_modules_ancestor(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, function(path) if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, 'node_modules')) then return path end end) end function M.find_package_json_ancestor(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, function(path) if M.path.is_file(M.path.join(path, 'package.json')) then return path end end) end function M.insert_package_json(config_files, field, fname) local path = vim.fn.fnamemodify(fname, ':h') local root_with_package = M.find_package_json_ancestor(path) if root_with_package then -- only add package.json if it contains field parameter local path_sep = is_windows and '\\' or '/' for line in io.lines(root_with_package .. path_sep .. 'package.json') do if line:find(field) then config_files[#config_files + 1] = 'package.json' break end end end return config_files end function M.get_active_clients_list_by_ft(filetype) local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients() local clients_list = {} for _, client in pairs(clients) do local filetypes = client.config.filetypes or {} for _, ft in pairs(filetypes) do if ft == filetype then table.insert(clients_list, client.name) end end end return clients_list end function M.get_other_matching_providers(filetype) local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs' local active_clients_list = M.get_active_clients_list_by_ft(filetype) local other_matching_configs = {} for _, config in pairs(configs) do if not vim.tbl_contains(active_clients_list, config.name) then local filetypes = config.filetypes or {} for _, ft in pairs(filetypes) do if ft == filetype then table.insert(other_matching_configs, config) end end end end return other_matching_configs end function M.get_config_by_ft(filetype) local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs' local matching_configs = {} for _, config in pairs(configs) do local filetypes = config.filetypes or {} for _, ft in pairs(filetypes) do if ft == filetype then table.insert(matching_configs, config) end end end return matching_configs end function M.get_active_client_by_name(bufnr, servername) for _, client in pairs(vim.lsp.get_active_clients { bufnr = bufnr }) do if client.name == servername then return client end end end function M.get_managed_clients() local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs' local clients = {} for _, config in pairs(configs) do if config.manager then vim.list_extend(clients, config.manager.clients()) vim.list_extend(clients, config.manager.clients(true)) end end return clients end function M.available_servers() local servers = {} local configs = require 'lspconfig.configs' for server, config in pairs(configs) do if config.manager ~= nil then table.insert(servers, server) end end return servers end -- For zipfile: or tarfile: virtual paths, returns the path to the archive. -- Other paths are returned unaltered. function M.strip_archive_subpath(path) -- Matches regex from zip.vim / tar.vim path = vim.fn.substitute(path, 'zipfile://\\(.\\{-}\\)::[^\\\\].*$', '\\1', '') path = vim.fn.substitute(path, 'tarfile:\\(.\\{-}\\)::.*$', '\\1', '') return path end function M.async_run_command(cmd) local co = assert(coroutine.running()) local stdout = {} local stderr = {} local jobid = vim.fn.jobstart(cmd, { on_stdout = function(_, data, _) data = table.concat(data, '\n') if #data > 0 then stdout[#stdout + 1] = data end end, on_stderr = function(_, data, _) stderr[#stderr + 1] = table.concat(data, '\n') end, on_exit = function() coroutine.resume(co) end, stdout_buffered = true, stderr_buffered = true, }) if jobid <= 0 then vim.notify(('[lspconfig] cmd go failed:\n%s'):format(table.concat(stderr, '')), vim.log.levels.WARN) return end coroutine.yield() if next(stdout) == nil then return nil end return stdout and stdout or nil end return M