--- title: "Following Head" description: "The latest changes in master branch since last release." --- # [Home](../) >> Following Head This page documents changes in master branch since last release v2.3.0 <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [Next release](#next-release) - [New features](#new-features) - [Bugfixs](#bugfixs) - [Docs](#docs) - [Tests](#tests) - [Others](#others) - [Breakchanges](#breakchanges) - [Latest Release](#latest-release) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ## Next release The next release is `v2.4.0` <!-- call SpaceVim#dev#followHEAD#update('en') --> <!-- SpaceVim follow HEAD start --> ## New features - feat(tabline): add lua tabline - feat(format): add rustfmt - perf(job): close job handle on_exit - perf(format): use first executable formatter - feat(format): add c format - feat(ctags): remove tags before running ctags - feat(format): support `:Format! filetype` - perf(format): log formatter info - feat(format): support custom format - feat(format.lua) add format.lua - feat(recordkey): support nvim 0.10.0 - perf(recordkey): use keytrans() - perf(recordkey): ignore all events - feat(recordkey): remove key via timer - feat(recordkey): add recordkey plugin - feat(git): complete `:Git branch` - feat(notify): share viml notifys - feat(bookmark): add VimLeave autocmd - feat(bookmarks): update bookmarks lnums - perf(bookmarks): skip empty bufname & buftype - feat(bookmarks): edit existing annotation - feat(bookmark): add virt_text support - feat(bookmark): custom sign text and highlight - feat(bookmarks): add new bookmark plugin - perf(bookmark): add bookmark logger - perf(telescope): remove `jk` for telescope - feat(bookmarks): add telescope support - feat(todo): add `todo_close_list` option - feat(toml): add toml indent file ## Bugfixs - fix(tabline): fix `Ctrl-Shift-Left/Right` key - fix(history): fix history pos - fix(job): return 0 for empty table - fix(job): check cmd before run job - fix(format): check formatted_context and stdin - fix(format): fix formatter end_line - fix(mapping): fix typo in help for leader f b - fix(recordkey): fix win order - fix(bookmarks): fix next/previous function - fix(bookmarks): fix `mn` & `mp` key bindings - fix(bookmark): remove sign before add new bookmark - fix(bookmark): remove extra unlet - fix(bookmarks): unlet bookmarks when clear ## Docs - docs(format): add readme - docs(readme): remove extra link - docs(index): remove news image - docs(typo): fix image url ## Tests ## Others - refactor(format): refactor on_exit function - refactor(format): enable format function - chore(format): format code - chore(bookmark): remove extra files - chore(version): update to v2.4.0-dev ## Breakchanges <!-- SpaceVim follow HEAD end --> ## Latest Release SpaceVim releases v2.3.0 at 2024-03-24, please check the release page: - [SpaceVim releases v2.3.0](https://spacevim.org/SpaceVim-release-v2.3.0/) for all the details