"============================================================================= " FILE: buffer.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> " License: MIT license "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! unite#kinds#buffer#define() abort "{{{ return s:kind endfunction"}}} let s:kind = { \ 'name' : 'buffer', \ 'default_action' : 'open', \ 'action_table': {}, \ 'parents': ['file'], \} " Actions "{{{ let s:kind.action_table.open = { \ 'description' : 'open buffer', \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:kind.action_table.open.func(candidates) abort "{{{ for candidate in a:candidates if bufexists(candidate.action__buffer_nr) execute 'buffer' candidate.action__buffer_nr endif endfor endfunction"}}} let s:kind.action_table.goto = { \ 'description' : 'goto buffer tab', \ } function! s:kind.action_table.goto.func(candidate) abort "{{{ for i in range(tabpagenr('$')) let tabnr = i + 1 for nr in tabpagebuflist(tabnr) if nr == a:candidate.action__buffer_nr execute 'tabnext' tabnr execute bufwinnr(nr) 'wincmd w' " Jump to the first. return endif endfor endfor execute 'buffer' a:candidate.action__buffer_nr endfunction"}}} let s:kind.action_table.delete = { \ 'description' : 'delete from buffer list', \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 1, \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:kind.action_table.delete.func(candidates) abort "{{{ for candidate in a:candidates call s:delete('bdelete', candidate) endfor endfunction"}}} let s:kind.action_table.fdelete = { \ 'description' : 'force delete from buffer list', \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 1, \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:kind.action_table.fdelete.func(candidates) abort "{{{ for candidate in a:candidates call s:delete('bdelete!', candidate) endfor endfunction"}}} let s:kind.action_table.wipeout = { \ 'description' : 'wipeout from buffer list', \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 1, \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:kind.action_table.wipeout.func(candidates) abort "{{{ for candidate in a:candidates call s:delete('bwipeout', candidate) endfor endfunction"}}} let s:kind.action_table.unload = { \ 'description' : 'unload from buffer list', \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 1, \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:kind.action_table.unload.func(candidates) abort "{{{ for candidate in a:candidates call s:delete('unload', candidate) endfor endfunction"}}} let s:kind.action_table.preview = { \ 'description' : 'preview buffer', \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ } function! s:kind.action_table.preview.func(candidate) abort "{{{ call unite#view#_preview_file(a:candidate.action__path) let filetype = getbufvar(a:candidate.action__buffer_nr, '&filetype') if filetype != '' let winnr = winnr() execute bufwinnr(a:candidate.action__buffer_nr) . 'wincmd w' execute 'setfiletype' filetype execute winnr . 'wincmd w' endif endfunction"}}} let s:kind.action_table.rename = { \ 'description' : 'rename buffers', \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 1, \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:kind.action_table.rename.func(candidates) abort "{{{ for candidate in a:candidates if getbufvar(candidate.action__buffer_nr, '&buftype') =~ 'nofile' " Skip nofile buffer. continue endif let old_buffer_name = bufname(candidate.action__buffer_nr) let buffer_name = input(printf('New buffer name: %s -> ', old_buffer_name), old_buffer_name) if buffer_name == '' || buffer_name ==# old_buffer_name continue endif call unite#kinds#file#do_rename(old_buffer_name, buffer_name) endfor endfunction"}}} "}}} " Misc function! s:delete(delete_command, candidate) abort "{{{ " Not to close window, move to alternate buffer. let winnr = 1 while winnr <= winnr('$') if winbufnr(winnr) == a:candidate.action__buffer_nr execute winnr . 'wincmd w' call unite#util#alternate_buffer() let unite_winnr = bufwinnr(unite#get_current_unite().bufnr) if unite_winnr > 0 execute unite_winnr 'wincmd w' endif endif let winnr += 1 endwhile silent execute a:candidate.action__buffer_nr a:delete_command endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker