" Vars: " Max font size used to determine appropriate font size for each window. let s:FONT_MAX = { \ 'small': { 'width': 5, 'height': 8 }, \ 'large': { 'width': 16, 'height': 10 }, \ } " These are variables that need to be changed for overlay work properly. let s:vim_options = {} let s:vim_options.global = { \ '&cursorline': 0, \ '&cursorcolumn': 0, \ '&scrolloff': 0, \ '&lazyredraw': 1, \ } let s:vim_options.buffer = { \ '&modified': 0, \ '&modifiable': 1, \ '&readonly': 0, \ '&buftype': '', \ } let s:vim_options.window = { \ '&wrap': 0, \ '&list': 0, \ '&foldenable': 0, \ '&conceallevel': 0, \ '&colorcolumn': '', \ } " Util: let s:_ = choosewin#util#get() function! s:template(string, data) "{{{1 " String interpolation from vars Dictionary. " ex) " string = "%{L+1}l%{C+2}c" " data = { "L+1": 1, "C+2", 2 } " Result => "%1l%2c" let mark = '\v\{(.{-})\}' return substitute(a:string, mark,'\=a:data[submatch(1)]', 'g') endfunction function! s:vars(pos, font) "{{{1 " Return Dictionary which is used for string inerpolation. " For only necessary lines and columns to render " passed font. " ex) " { "L+1": 1, "C+2", 2 } let [line, col] = a:pos let R = {} for [var, val] in map(copy(a:font.line_used), '["L+". v:val, line + v:val ]') let R[var] = val endfor for [var, val] in map(copy(a:font.col_used), '["C+". v:val, col + v:val ]') let R[var] = val endfor return R endfunction "}}} " Undo: function! s:undobreak() "{{{1 let &undolevels = &undolevels " silent exec 'normal!' "i\<C-g>u\<ESC>" endfunction function! s:undoclear() "{{{1 let undolevels_org = &undolevels let &undolevels = -1 noautocmd execute "normal! a \<BS>\<Esc>" let &undolevels = undolevels_org endfunction "}}} " Overlay: let s:Overlay = {} function! s:Overlay.get() "{{{1 if !has_key(self, '_font_table') call s:Overlay.init() endif return self endfunction function! s:Overlay.init() "{{{1 let self._font_table = { \ 'small': choosewin#font#small(), \ 'large': choosewin#font#large(), \ } endfunction function! s:Overlay.start(wins, conf) "{{{1 call self.setup(a:wins, a:conf) call self.setup_window() call self.setup_buffer() call self.label_show() endfunction function! s:Overlay.setup(wins, conf) "{{{1 let self.conf = a:conf let self.wins = a:wins let self.winnr_org = winnr() let self.bufs = s:_.uniq(tabpagebuflist(tabpagenr())) let self.options_global = \ s:_.buffer_options_set(bufnr(''), s:vim_options.global) for bufnr in self.bufs call setbufvar(bufnr, 'choosewin', { \ 'render_lines': [], \ 'winwidth': [], \ 'offset': [], \ 'options': {}, \ 'undofile': tempname(), \ 'font_width': [], \ }) endfor endfunction function! s:Overlay.setup_window() "{{{1 let font_idx = 0 for winnr in self.wins noautocmd execute winnr 'wincmd w' let wv = {} let wv.winnr = winnr let wv.pos_org = getpos('.') let wv.winview = winsaveview() let wv.options = s:_.window_options_set(winnr, s:vim_options.window) let wv['w0'] = line('w0') let wv['w$'] = line('w$') let font_size = \ self.conf['overlay_font_size'] isnot 'auto' ? \ self.conf['overlay_font_size'] : \ winheight(0) > s:FONT_MAX.large.height ? 'large' : 'small' let char = self.conf['label'][font_idx] let font = self._font_table[font_size][char] let font_idx += 1 let wv.font = font let line_s = line('w0') + max([ 1 + (winheight(0) - font.height)/2, 0 ]) let line_e = line_s + font.height - 1 let offset = col('.') - wincol() let col = max([(winwidth(0) - font.width)/2 , 1 ]) + offset let wv.matchids = [] let wv.pattern = s:template(font.pattern, s:vars([line_s, col], font)) let w:choosewin = wv let b:choosewin.font_width += [font.width] let b:choosewin.render_lines += range(line_s, line_e) let b:choosewin.offset += [offset] let b:choosewin.winwidth += [winwidth(0)] endfor noautocmd execute self.winnr_org 'wincmd w' endfunction function! s:Overlay.setup_buffer() "{{{1 for bufnr in self.bufs noautocmd execute bufwinnr(bufnr) 'wincmd w' execute 'wundo' b:choosewin.undofile let b:choosewin.options = s:_.buffer_options_set(bufnr, s:vim_options.buffer) call s:undobreak() let render_lines = s:_.uniq(b:choosewin.render_lines) let append = max([max(render_lines) - line('$'), 0 ]) call append(line('$'), map(range(append), '""')) call self._fill_space( \ render_lines, \ max(b:choosewin.font_width), max(b:choosewin.winwidth), max(b:choosewin.offset)) endfor noautocmd execute self.winnr_org 'wincmd w' endfunction function! s:Overlay._fill_space(lines, font_width, width, offset) "{{{1 let width = (a:width + a:font_width) / 2 + a:offset for line in a:lines let line_s = getline(line) if self.conf['overlay_clear_multibyte'] && s:_.include_multibyte_char(line_s) let line_new = repeat(' ', width) else let line_new = substitute(line_s, "\t", repeat(" ", &tabstop), 'g') let line_new .= repeat(' ' , max([ width - len(line_new), 0 ])) endif call setline(line, line_new) endfor endfunction function! s:Overlay.label_show() "{{{1 for winnr in self.wins noautocmd execute winnr 'wincmd w' " Shade overall window if self.conf['overlay_shade'] let pattern = '\v%'. w:choosewin['w0'] .'l\_.*%'. w:choosewin['w$'] .'l' call self.matchadd("ChooseWinShade", pattern, self.conf['overlay_shade_priority']) endif " Hide Trailing white space. call self.matchadd("ChooseWinShade",'\s\+$', self.conf['overlay_shade_priority']) " Show Label call self.matchadd( \ "ChooseWinOverlay". ( winnr is self.winnr_org ? 'Current' : ''), \ w:choosewin.pattern, \ self.conf['overlay_label_priority']) endfor noautocmd execute self.winnr_org 'wincmd w' redraw endfunction "}}} " Overlay Restore: function! s:Overlay.restore() "{{{1 try call self.restore_buffer() call self.restore_window() finally call s:_.buffer_options_set(bufnr(''), self.options_global) endtry endfunction function! s:Overlay.restore_buffer() "{{{1 for bufnr in self.bufs noautocmd execute bufwinnr(bufnr) 'wincmd w' try if !exists('b:choosewin') | continue | endif if &modified noautocmd keepjump silent undo endif if filereadable(b:choosewin.undofile) silent execute 'rundo' b:choosewin.undofile else call s:undoclear() endif call s:_.buffer_options_set(str2nr(bufnr), b:choosewin.options) unlet b:choosewin catch call s:_.debug("Overlay restore_buffer():" . v:exception) unlet b:choosewin endtry endfor endfunction function! s:Overlay.restore_window() "{{{1 for winnr in self.wins noautocmd execute winnr 'wincmd w' if !exists('w:choosewin') call s:_.debug('Overlay: w:choosewin not exist winnr = ' . winnr) continue endif try call map(w:choosewin.matchids,'matchdelete(v:val)') call s:_.window_options_set(winnr, w:choosewin.options) call winrestview(w:choosewin.winview) call setpos('.', w:choosewin.pos_org) unlet w:choosewin catch call s:_.debug("Overlay restore_window():" . v:exception) unlet w:choosewin endtry endfor noautocmd execute self.winnr_org 'wincmd w' endfunction "}}} " Highight: function! s:Overlay.matchadd(color, pattern, priority) "{{{1 call add(w:choosewin.matchids, \ matchadd(a:color, a:pattern, a:priority)) endfunction "}}} call s:Overlay.init() " API: function! choosewin#overlay#get() "{{{1 return s:Overlay.get() endfunction "}}} " vim: foldmethod=marker