local configs = require 'lspconfig/configs' local util = require 'lspconfig/util' local handlers = require 'vim.lsp.handlers' local server_name = 'jdtls' local sysname = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname local env = { HOME = vim.loop.os_homedir(), JAVA_HOME = os.getenv 'JAVA_HOME', JDTLS_HOME = os.getenv 'JDTLS_HOME', WORKSPACE = os.getenv 'WORKSPACE', } local function get_java_executable() local executable = env.JAVA_HOME and util.path.join(env.JAVA_HOME, 'bin', 'java') or 'java' return sysname:match 'Windows' and executable .. '.exe' or executable end local function get_workspace_dir() return env.WORKSPACE and env.WORKSPACE or util.path.join(env.HOME, 'workspace') end local function get_jdtls_jar() return vim.fn.expand '$JDTLS_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar' end local function get_jdtls_config() if sysname:match 'Linux' then return util.path.join(env.JDTLS_HOME, 'config_linux') elseif sysname:match 'Darwin' then return util.path.join(env.JDTLS_HOME, 'config_mac') elseif sysname:match 'Windows' then return util.path.join(env.JDTLS_HOME, 'config_win') else return util.path.join(env.JDTLS_HOME, 'config_linux') end end -- Non-standard notification that can be used to display progress local function on_language_status(_, _, result) local command = vim.api.nvim_command command 'echohl ModeMsg' command(string.format('echo "%s"', result.message)) command 'echohl None' end -- TextDocument version is reported as 0, override with nil so that -- the client doesn't think the document is newer and refuses to update -- See: https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse.jdt.ls/issues/1695 local function fix_zero_version(workspace_edit) if workspace_edit and workspace_edit.documentChanges then for _, change in pairs(workspace_edit.documentChanges) do local text_document = change.textDocument if text_document and text_document.version and text_document.version == 0 then text_document.version = nil end end end return workspace_edit end local root_files = { -- Single-module projects { 'build.xml', -- Ant 'pom.xml', -- Maven 'settings.gradle', -- Gradle 'settings.gradle.kts', -- Gradle }, -- Multi-module projects { 'build.gradle', 'build.gradle.kts' }, } configs[server_name] = { default_config = { cmd = { get_java_executable(), '-Declipse.application=org.eclipse.jdt.ls.core.id1', '-Dosgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=4', '-Declipse.product=org.eclipse.jdt.ls.core.product', '-Dlog.protocol=true', '-Dlog.level=ALL', '-Xms1g', '-Xmx2G', '-jar', get_jdtls_jar(), '-configuration', get_jdtls_config(), '-data', get_workspace_dir(), '--add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM', '--add-opens', 'java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED', '--add-opens', 'java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED', }, filetypes = { 'java' }, root_dir = function(fname) for _, patterns in ipairs(root_files) do local root = util.root_pattern(unpack(patterns))(fname) if root then return root end end return vim.fn.getcwd() end, init_options = { workspace = get_workspace_dir(), jvm_args = {}, os_config = nil, }, handlers = { -- Due to an invalid protocol implementation in the jdtls we have to conform these to be spec compliant. -- https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse.jdt.ls/issues/376 ['textDocument/codeAction'] = function(a, b, actions) for _, action in ipairs(actions) do -- TODO: (steelsojka) Handle more than one edit? if action.command == 'java.apply.workspaceEdit' then -- 'action' is Command in java format action.edit = fix_zero_version(action.edit or action.arguments[1]) elseif type(action.command) == 'table' and action.command.command == 'java.apply.workspaceEdit' then -- 'action' is CodeAction in java format action.edit = fix_zero_version(action.edit or action.command.arguments[1]) end end handlers['textDocument/codeAction'](a, b, actions) end, ['textDocument/rename'] = function(a, b, workspace_edit) handlers['textDocument/rename'](a, b, fix_zero_version(workspace_edit)) end, ['workspace/applyEdit'] = function(a, b, workspace_edit) handlers['workspace/applyEdit'](a, b, fix_zero_version(workspace_edit)) end, ['language/status'] = vim.schedule_wrap(on_language_status), }, }, docs = { package_json = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redhat-developer/vscode-java/master/package.json', description = [[ https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/eclipse.jdt.ls Language server for Java. IMPORTANT: If you want all the features jdtls has to offer, [nvim-jdtls](https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls) is highly recommended. If all you need is diagnostics, completion, imports, gotos and formatting and some code actions you can keep reading here. For manual installation you can download precompiled binaries from the [official downloads site](http://download.eclipse.org/jdtls/snapshots/?d) Due to the nature of java, settings cannot be inferred. Please set the following environmental variables to match your installation. If you need per-project configuration [direnv](https://github.com/direnv/direnv) is highly recommended. ```bash # Mandatory: # .bashrc export JDTLS_HOME=/path/to/jdtls_root # Directory with the plugin and configs directories # Optional: export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java_home # In case you don't have java in path or want to use a version in particular export WORKSPACE=/path/to/workspace # Defaults to $HOME/workspace ``` ```lua -- init.lua require'lspconfig'.jdtls.setup{} ``` For automatic installation you can use the following unofficial installers/launchers under your own risk: - [jdtls-launcher](https://github.com/eruizc-dev/jdtls-launcher) (Includes lombok support by default) ```lua -- init.lua require'lspconfig'.jdtls.setup{ cmd = { 'jdtls' } } ``` ]], default_config = { root_dir = [[{ -- Single-module projects { 'build.xml', -- Ant 'pom.xml', -- Maven 'settings.gradle', -- Gradle 'settings.gradle.kts', -- Gradle }, -- Multi-module projects { 'build.gradle', 'build.gradle.kts' }, } or vim.fn.getcwd()]], }, }, }