# nvim-surround Surround selections, stylishly :sunglasses: <div align="center"> <video src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48545987/178679494-c7d58bdd-d8ca-4802-a01c-a9444b8b882f.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video> </div> ## :sparkles: Features - Add/delete/change surrounding pairs - Function calls and HTML tags out-of-the-box - Dot-repeat previous actions - Set buffer-local mappings and surrounds - Jump to the _nearest_ surrounding pair for modification - Use a single character as an alias for several text-objects - E.g. `q` is aliased to <code>\`,',"</code>, so <code>csqb</code> replaces the _nearest_ set of quotes with parentheses - Surround using powerful pairs that depend on user input - Modify custom surrounds - First-class support for Vim motions, Lua patterns, and Tree-sitter nodes - Highlight selections for visual feedback ## :lock: Requirements - [Neovim 0.8+](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases) - \[Recommended] If [nvim-treesitter](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter) is installed, then Tree-sitter nodes may be surrounded and modified, in addition to just Vim motions and Lua patterns - \[Recommended] If [nvim-treesitter-textobjects](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects) is installed, then Tree-sitter text-objects can be used to define surrounds, simplifying configuration ## :package: Installation Install this plugin using your favorite plugin manager, and then call `require("nvim-surround").setup()`. ### [lazy.nvim](https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim) ```lua { "kylechui/nvim-surround", version = "*", -- Use for stability; omit to use `main` branch for the latest features event = "VeryLazy", config = function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ -- Configuration here, or leave empty to use defaults }) end } ``` ### [packer.nvim](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim) ```lua use({ "kylechui/nvim-surround", tag = "*", -- Use for stability; omit to use `main` branch for the latest features config = function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ -- Configuration here, or leave empty to use defaults }) end }) ``` ## :rocket: Usage The three "core" operations of `add`/`delete`/`change` can be done with the keymaps `ys{motion}{char}`, `ds{char}`, and `cs{target}{replacement}`, respectively. For the following examples, `*` will denote the cursor position: ```help Old text Command New text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- surr*ound_words ysiw) (surround_words) *make strings ys$" "make strings" [delete ar*ound me!] ds] delete around me! remove <b>HTML t*ags</b> dst remove HTML tags 'change quot*es' cs'" "change quotes" <b>or tag* types</b> csth1<CR> <h1>or tag types</h1> delete(functi*on calls) dsf function calls ``` Detailed information on how to use this plugin can be found in [`:h nvim-surround.usage`](https://github.com/kylechui/nvim-surround/blob/main/doc/nvim-surround.txt). ## :gear: Configuration The default configuration is found [here](https://github.com/kylechui/nvim-surround/blob/main/lua/nvim-surround/config.lua). Simply call `require("nvim-surround").setup` or `require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup` with the desired options. More information on how to configure this plugin can be found in [`:h nvim-surround.configuration`](https://github.com/kylechui/nvim-surround/blob/main/doc/nvim-surround.txt). ## Contributing See [the contributing file](https://github.com/kylechui/nvim-surround/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Shoutouts - [vim-surround](https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround) - [mini.surround](https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.surround) - [vim-sandwich](https://github.com/machakann/vim-sandwich) - Like this project? Give it a :star: to show your support!