"============================================================================= " windows.vim --- chatting message windows " Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Wang Shidong & Contributors " Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > " URL: https://spacevim.org " License: GPLv3 "============================================================================= scriptencoding utf-8 if exists('s:CMP') finish endif let s:VIM = SpaceVim#api#import('vim') let s:CMP = SpaceVim#api#import('vim#compatible') function! chat#windows#is_opened() abort return s:msg_win_opened endfunction " a disc " " user: string " room: string " msg: string " type: group_message or user_message " time: 2022-02-02 24:00 function! chat#windows#push(msg) abort if type(a:msg) == type([]) let s:messages = s:messages + a:msg elseif type(a:msg) ==# type({}) call add(s:messages, a:msg) endif call s:update_msg_screen() endfunction let s:name = '__Chatting__' let s:c_base = '>>> ' let s:c_begin = '' let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' let s:c_r_mode = 0 let s:msg_win_opened = 0 let s:last_channel = '' let s:current_channel = '' let s:opened_channels = {} let s:messages = [] let s:close_windows_char = ["\", "\"] let s:protocol = '' let s:chatting_commands = ['/set_protocol', '/set_channel'] let s:all_protocols = ['gitter'] function! chat#windows#open() abort " "\(_incsearch-nohlsearch)" will be send to vim on CursorMoved event, " so use noautocmd to avoid this issue if bufwinnr(s:name) < 0 if bufnr(s:name) != -1 exe 'silent! noautocmd botright split ' . '+b' . bufnr(s:name) else exe 'silent! noautocmd botright split ' . s:name endif else noautocmd exec bufwinnr(s:name) . 'wincmd w' endif " scrollbar will not be closed if use noautocmd to open split. try call SpaceVim#plugins#scrollbar#clear() catch endtry call s:windowsinit() call s:init_hi() setl modifiable let s:msg_win_opened = 1 if !empty(s:last_channel) let s:current_channel = s:last_channel endif call s:update_msg_screen() call s:update_statusline() call s:echon() let mouse_left_lnum = 0 let mouse_left_col = 0 let mouse_left_release_lnum = 0 let mouse_left_relsese_col = 0 while get(s:, 'quit_chating_win', 0) == 0 let char = s:VIM.getchar() if char !=# "\" && char !=# "\" let s:complete_input_history_num = [0,0] endif if char != "\" let s:complete_num = 0 endif if s:c_r_mode if char =~# '^[a-zA-Z0-9"+:/]$' let reg = '@' . char let paste = get(split(eval(reg), "\n"), 0, '') let s:c_begin = s:c_begin . paste endif let s:c_r_mode = 0 elseif char == "\" call s:enter() elseif char ==# "\" let mouse_left_lnum = v:mouse_lnum let mouse_left_col = v:mouse_col elseif char ==# "\" let mouse_left_release_lnum = v:mouse_lnum let mouse_left_relsese_col = v:mouse_col call s:high_pso(mouse_left_lnum, mouse_left_col, mouse_left_release_lnum, mouse_left_relsese_col) elseif char ==# "\" " 向右移动光标 let s:c_begin = s:c_begin . s:c_char let s:c_char = matchstr(s:c_end, '^.') let s:c_end = substitute(s:c_end, '^.', '', 'g') elseif char ==# "\" " ctrl+u clean the message let s:c_begin = '' elseif char ==# "\" call timer_start(2000, function('s:disable_r_mode')) let s:c_r_mode = 1 elseif char == "\" " use complete str if s:complete_num == 0 let complete_base = s:c_begin else let s:c_begin = complete_base endif let s:c_begin = s:complete(complete_base, s:complete_num) let s:complete_num += 1 elseif char ==# "\" " ctrl+k delete the chars from cursor to the end let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' elseif char ==# "\" let s:c_begin = substitute(s:c_begin,'\S*\s*$','','g') elseif char ==# "\" || char ==# "\" "+ 移动到左边一个聊天窗口 call s:previous_channel() elseif char ==# "\" || char ==# "\" "+ 移动到右边一个聊天窗口 call s:next_channel() elseif char ==# "\" " 向左移动光标 if s:c_begin !=# '' let s:c_end = s:c_char . s:c_end let s:c_char = matchstr(s:c_begin, '.$') let s:c_begin = substitute(s:c_begin, '.$', '', 'g') endif elseif char ==# "\" let l = line('.') - winheight('$') if l < 0 exe 0 else exe l endif elseif char ==# "\" exe line('.') + winheight('$') elseif char ==# "\" let l = line('w0') - 3 exe max([1, l]) elseif char ==# "\" let l = line('w$') + 3 exe min([line('$'), l]) elseif char ==# "\" || char ==# "\" " + a 将光标移动到行首 let s:c_end = substitute(s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end, '^.', '', 'g') let s:c_char = matchstr(s:c_begin, '^.') let s:c_begin = '' elseif char ==# "\" || char == "\" " + e 将光标移动到行末 let s:c_begin = s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' elseif index(s:close_windows_char, char) !=# -1 let s:quit_chating_win = 1 elseif char ==# "\" || char ==# "\" " ctrl+h or delete last char let s:c_begin = substitute(s:c_begin,'.$','','g') elseif char ==# "\" if s:complete_input_history_num == [0,0] let complete_input_history_base = s:c_begin let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' else let s:c_begin = complete_input_history_base endif let s:complete_input_history_num[0] += 1 let s:c_begin = s:complete_input_history(complete_input_history_base, s:complete_input_history_num) elseif char ==# "\" if s:complete_input_history_num == [0,0] let complete_input_history_base = s:c_begin let s:c_char = '' let s:c_end = '' else let s:c_begin = complete_input_history_base endif let s:complete_input_history_num[1] += 1 let s:c_begin = s:complete_input_history(complete_input_history_base, s:complete_input_history_num) elseif char ==# "\" || char ==# "\" || char2nr(char) == 128 " @fixme \x80 should not be completely ignored if char ==# "\" " shift-space should return space in insert mode let s:c_begin .= ' ' endif else let s:c_begin .= char endif call s:echon() endwhile setl nomodifiable close let s:quit_chating_win = 0 let s:last_channel = s:current_channel let s:current_channel = '' let s:msg_win_opened = 0 normal! : endfunction function! s:get_str_with_width(str,width) abort let str = a:str let result = '' let tmp = '' for i in range(strchars(str)) let tmp .= matchstr(str, '^.') if strwidth(tmp) > a:width return result else let result = tmp endif let str = substitute(str, '^.', '', 'g') endfor return result endfunction function! s:disable_r_mode(timer) abort let s:c_r_mode = 0 endfunction function! s:high_pso(l, c, rl, rc) abort let l = a:l let rl = a:rl let c = strlen(strcharpart(getline(l), 0, a:c)) + 1 let rc = strlen(strcharpart(getline(rl), 0, a:rc)) + 1 call clearmatches() if l ==# rl && c == rc return '' endif " start_col is based s:update_msg_screen let start_col = 41 if rl > l if c < strlen(getline(l)) call s:CMP.matchaddpos('Visual', [[l, max([c - 1, start_col]), strlen(getline(l)) - c + 2]]) endif " if there are more than two lines if rl - l >= 2 for line in range(l + 1, rl - 1) call s:CMP.matchaddpos('Visual', [[line, start_col, strlen(getline(line)) - start_col + 2]]) endfor endif if rc > start_col call s:CMP.matchaddpos('Visual', [[rl, start_col, rc - start_col]]) endif elseif rl == l if max([c, rc]) > start_col let begin = max([start_col, min([c, rc])]) call s:CMP.matchaddpos('Visual', [[l, begin - 1, max([c, rc]) - begin + 1]]) endif else " let _l = rl " let rl = l " let l = _l " let _c = rc " let rc = c " let c = _c let [l, c, rl, rc] = [rl, rc, l, c] if c < strlen(getline(l)) call s:CMP.matchaddpos('Visual', [[l, max([c - 1, start_col]), strlen(getline(l)) - c + 2]]) endif " if there are more than two lines if rl - l >= 2 for line in range(l + 1, rl - 1) call s:CMP.matchaddpos('Visual', [[line, start_col, strlen(getline(line)) - start_col + 2]]) endfor endif if rc > start_col call s:CMP.matchaddpos('Visual', [[rl, start_col, rc - start_col]]) endif endif redraw endfunction function! s:get_lines_with_width(str, width) abort let str = a:str let lines = [] let line = '' let tmp = '' for i in range(strchars(str)) let char = matchstr(str, '^.') if char ==# "\n" call add(lines, line) let line = '' elseif strwidth(line . char) > a:width call add(lines, line) let line = char else let line = line . char endif let str = substitute(str, '^.', '', 'g') endfor if !empty(line) call add(lines, line) endif return lines endfunction function! s:update_msg_screen() abort if s:msg_win_opened normal! gg"_dG let buffer = [] let msgs = filter(deepcopy(s:messages), 'v:val["room"] ==# s:current_channel') for msg in msgs let name = s:get_str_with_width(msg['user'], 13) let message = s:get_lines_with_width(msg['msg'], winwidth('$') - 36) let first_line = '[' . msg['time'] . '] ' . nr2char(9474) . repeat(' ', 13 - strwidth(name)) . name . ' ' . nr2char(9474) . ' ' . message[0] call add(buffer, first_line) if len(message) > 1 for l in message[1:] call add(buffer, repeat(' ', 18) . ' ' . nr2char(9474) . ' ' .repeat(' ', 12) . ' ' . nr2char(9474) . ' ' . l ) endfor endif endfor call setline(1, buffer) normal! G redraw call s:echon() endif endfunction function! s:echon() abort redraw normal! : echohl Comment | echon s:c_base echohl None | echon s:c_begin echohl Wildmenu | echon s:c_char echohl None | echon s:c_end endfunction function! s:windowsinit() abort " option setl fileformat=unix setl fileencoding=utf-8 setl iskeyword=@,48-57,_ setl noreadonly setl buftype=nofile setl bufhidden=wipe setl noswapfile setl nobuflisted setl nolist setl nonumber setl norelativenumber setl wrap setl winfixwidth setl winfixheight setl textwidth=0 setl nospell setl nofoldenable setl cursorline setl filetype=vimchat setl concealcursor=nivc setl conceallevel=2 setl nocursorline endfunction let s:enter_history = [] function! s:enter() abort if s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end =~# '/quit\s*' let s:quit_chating_win = 1 let s:c_end = '' let s:c_char = '' let s:c_begin = '' return elseif s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end =~# '/set_protocol\s*' let s:protocol = matchstr(s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end, '/set_protocol\s*\zs\S*') let s:c_end = '' let s:c_char = '' let s:c_begin = '' try call chat#{s:protocol}#get_channels() if !has_key(s:opened_channels, s:protocol) let s:opened_channels[s:protocol] = [] endif catch endtry call s:update_msg_screen() return elseif s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end =~# '/set_channel\s*' if !empty(s:protocol) let s:current_channel = matchstr(s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end, '/set_channel\s*\zs\S*') if !empty(s:current_channel) call chat#{s:protocol}#enter_room(s:current_channel) if index(s:opened_channels[s:protocol], s:current_channel) ==# -1 call add(s:opened_channels[s:protocol], s:current_channel) endif endif endif let s:c_end = '' let s:c_char = '' let s:c_begin = '' call s:update_msg_screen() return endif call add(s:enter_history, s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end) call s:send(s:c_begin . s:c_char . s:c_end) let s:c_end = '' let s:c_char = '' let s:c_begin = '' endfunction let s:complete_num = 0 function! s:complete(base,num) abort if a:base =~# '^/[a-z_A-Z]*$' let rsl = filter(copy(s:chatting_commands), "v:val =~# a:base .'[^\ .]*'") if len(rsl) > 0 return rsl[a:num % len(rsl)] endif elseif a:base =~# '@\S*$' let nicks = uniq(map(filter(deepcopy(s:messages), 'v:val["room"] ==# s:current_channel'), '"@" . v:val.username')) let rsl = filter(nicks, "v:val =~# '^' . matchstr(a:base, '@\\S*$')") if len(rsl) > 0 return substitute(a:base, '@\S*$', rsl[a:num % len(rsl)], '') endif elseif a:base =~# '^/set_protocol\s*\w*$' let rsl = filter(copy(s:all_protocols), "v:val =~# matchstr(a:base, '\\w*$') .'[^\ .]*'") if len(rsl) > 0 return matchstr(a:base, '^/set_protocol\s*') . rsl[a:num % len(rsl)] endif elseif a:base =~# '^/set_channel\s*\w*$' && !empty(s:protocol) let channels = [] try let channels = chat#{s:protocol}#get_channels() catch endtry let rsl = filter(copy(channels), "v:val =~? '^' . matchstr(a:base, '\\w*$')") if len(rsl) > 0 return matchstr(a:base, '^/set_channel\s*') . rsl[a:num % len(rsl)] endif endif return a:base endfunction let s:complete_input_history_num = [0,0] function! s:complete_input_history(base,num) abort let results = filter(copy(s:enter_history), "v:val =~# '^' . a:base") if len(results) > 0 call add(results, a:base) let index = ((len(results) - 1) - a:num[0] + a:num[1]) % len(results) return results[index] else return a:base endif endfunction function! s:init_hi() abort if get(s:, 'init_hi_done', 0) == 0 " current channel hi! ChattingHI1 ctermbg=003 ctermfg=Black guibg=#fabd2f guifg=#282828 " channel with new msg hi! ChattingHI2 ctermbg=005 ctermfg=Black guibg=#b16286 guifg=#282828 " normal channel hi! ChattingHI3 ctermbg=007 ctermfg=Black guibg=#8ec07c guifg=#282828 " end hi! ChattingHI4 ctermbg=243 guibg=#7c6f64 " current channel + end hi! ChattingHI5 guibg=#7c6f64 guifg=#fabd2f " current channel + new msg channel hi! ChattingHI6 guibg=#b16286 guifg=#fabd2f " current channel + normal channel hi! ChattingHI7 guibg=#8ec07c guifg=#fabd2f " new msg channel + end hi! ChattingHI8 guibg=#7c6f64 guifg=#b16286 " new msg channel + current channel hi! ChattingHI9 guibg=#fabd2f guifg=#b16286 " new msg channel + normal channel hi! ChattingHI10 guibg=#8ec07c guifg=#b16286 " new msg channel + new msg channel hi! ChattingHI11 guibg=#b16286 guifg=#b16286 " normal channel + end hi! ChattingHI12 guibg=#7c6f64 guifg=#8ec07c " normal channel + normal channel hi! ChattingHI13 guibg=#8ec07c guifg=#8ec07c " normal channel + new msg channel hi! ChattingHI14 guibg=#b16286 guifg=#8ec07c " normal channel + current channel hi! ChattingHI15 guibg=#fabd2f guifg=#8ec07c let s:init_hi_done = 1 endif endfunction function! s:update_statusline() abort let &l:statusline = SpaceVim#layers#core#statusline#get(1) endfunction function! s:previous_channel() abort if !empty(s:protocol) && has_key(s:opened_channels, s:protocol) && index(s:opened_channels[s:protocol], s:current_channel) !=# -1 let index = index(s:opened_channels[s:protocol], s:current_channel) let index -=1 let s:current_channel = s:opened_channels[s:protocol][index] call chat#{s:protocol}#enter_room(s:current_channel) call s:update_msg_screen() call s:update_statusline() endif endfunction function! s:next_channel() abort if !empty(s:protocol) && has_key(s:opened_channels, s:protocol) let index = index(s:opened_channels[s:protocol], s:current_channel) let index += 1 if index ==# len(s:opened_channels[s:protocol]) let index = 0 endif let s:current_channel = s:opened_channels[s:protocol][index] call chat#{s:protocol}#enter_room(s:current_channel) call s:update_msg_screen() call s:update_statusline() endif endfunction function! s:send(msg) abort if !empty(s:protocol) && !empty(s:current_channel) call chat#{s:protocol}#send(s:current_channel, a:msg) endif endfunction function! chat#windows#status() abort let c = '' try let c = chat#{s:protocol}#get_user_count(s:current_channel) catch endtry return { \ 'channel' : s:current_channel, \ 'protocol' : s:protocol, \ 'usercount' : c, \ } endfunction