let s:JOB = SpaceVim#api#import('job') let s:BUFFER = SpaceVim#api#import('vim#buffer') let s:commit_bufnr = -1 function! git#commit#run(...) abort if index(a:1, '-m') ==# -1 if bufexists(s:commit_bufnr) && index(tabpagebuflist(), s:commit_bufnr) !=# -1 let winnr = bufwinnr(s:commit_bufnr) exe winnr . 'wincmd w' else let s:commit_bufnr = s:openCommitBuffer() endif else let s:commit_bufnr = -1 endif let s:lines = [] if empty(a:1) let cmd = ['git', '--no-pager', '-c', \ 'core.editor=cat', '-c', \ 'color.status=always', \ '-C', \ expand(getcwd(), ':p'), \ 'commit', '--edit'] elseif index(a:1, '-m') != -1 let cmd = ['git', '--no-pager', '-c', \ 'core.editor=cat', '-c', \ 'color.status=always', \ '-C', \ expand(getcwd(), ':p'), \ 'commit'] + a:1 else let cmd = ['git', '--no-pager', '-c', \ 'core.editor=cat', '-c', \ 'color.status=always', \ '-C', \ expand(getcwd(), ':p'), \ 'commit',] + a:1 endif call s:JOB.start(cmd, \ { \ 'on_stderr' : function('s:on_stderr'), \ 'on_stdout' : function('s:on_stdout'), \ 'on_exit' : function('s:on_exit'), \ } \ ) endfunction function! s:on_stdout(id, data, event) abort for data in a:data call git#logger#info('git-commit stdout:' . data) endfor let s:lines += a:data endfunction function! s:on_stderr(id, data, event) abort for data in a:data call git#logger#info('git-commit stderr:' . data) endfor " stderr should not be added to commit buffer " let s:lines += a:data endfunction function! s:on_exit(id, data, event) abort call git#logger#info('git-exit exit data:' . string(a:data)) if s:commit_bufnr == -1 if a:data ==# 0 echo 'commit done!' else echo 'commit failed!' endif else call s:BUFFER.buf_set_lines(s:commit_bufnr, 0 , -1, 0, s:lines) endif endfunction function! s:openCommitBuffer() abort 10split git://commit normal! "_dd setlocal nobuflisted setlocal buftype=acwrite setlocal bufhidden=wipe setlocal noswapfile setlocal modifiable setf git-commit nnoremap <buffer><silent> q :bd!<CR> let b:git_commit_quitpre = 0 augroup git_commit_buffer autocmd! * <buffer> autocmd BufWriteCmd <buffer> call s:BufWriteCmd() autocmd QuitPre <buffer> call s:QuitPre() autocmd WinLeave <buffer> call s:WinLeave() autocmd WinEnter <buffer> let b:git_commit_quitpre = 0 augroup END return bufnr('%') endfunction " NOTE: " :w -- BufWriteCmd " <C-w>p -- WinLeave " :wq -- QuitPre -> BufWriteCmd -> WinLeave " when run `:wq` the commit window will not be closed " :q -- QuitPre -> WinLeave function! s:BufWriteCmd() abort let commit_file = '.git\COMMIT_EDITMSG' call writefile(getline(1, '$'), commit_file) setlocal nomodified endfunction function! s:QuitPre() abort let b:git_commit_quitpre = 1 endfunction function! s:WinLeave() abort if b:git_commit_quitpre == 1 let cmd = ['git', 'commit', '-F', '-'] let id = s:JOB.start(cmd, \ { \ 'on_exit' : function('s:on_commit_exit'), \ } \ ) " line start with # should be ignored call s:JOB.send(id, filter(readfile('.git\COMMIT_EDITMSG'), 'v:val !~# "^\s*#"')) call s:JOB.chanclose(id, 'stdin') endif endfunction function! s:on_commit_exit(id, data, event) abort call git#logger#info('git-commit exit data:' . string(a:data)) if a:data ==# 0 echo 'done!' else echo 'failed!' endif endfunction