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SpaceVim is not just a vimrc but an ultimate Vim configuration, It contains many built-in features.  The last release is v1.0.0, check out [following-HEAD](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/wiki/Following-HEAD) page for what happened since last release. ## Instructions **See the followings below for more information:** - [Quick Start Guide](https://spacevim.org/quick-start-guide/) - [Documentation](https://spacevim.org/documentation/) - [Available Layers](https://spacevim.org/layers/) If you have any questions about SpaceVim, please follow the [Getting Help Guide](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/wiki/Getting-help). Here is a throughput graph of the repository for the last few weeks: [](https://waffle.io/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/metrics/throughput) <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [New Features](#new-features) - [Project layout](#project-layout) - [Support SpaceVim](#support-spacevim) - [Credits & Thanks](#credits--thanks) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> ### New Features This is a list of latest features implemented in SpaceVim: **Use toml as default configuration** Here is an example for using toml as SpaceVim config: ```toml # This is basic configuration example for SpaceVim # All SpaceVim options below [option] section [options] # set spacevim theme. by default colorscheme layer is not loaded, # if you want to use more colorschemes, please load the colorscheme # layer colorscheme = "gruvbox" colorscheme_bg = "dark" # Disable guicolors in basic mode, many terminal do not support 24bit # true colors enable_guicolors = false # Disable statusline separator, if you want to use other value, please # install nerd fonts statusline_separator = "nil" statusline_inactive_separator = "bar" buffer_index_type = 4 windows_index_type = 3 enable_tabline_filetype_icon = false enable_statusline_mode = false statusline_unicode_symbols = false # Enable Vim compatible mode, avoid changing origin Vim key bindings vimcompatible = true # Enable autocomplete layer [[layers]] name = 'autocomplete' auto-completion-return-key-behavior = "complete" auto-completion-tab-key-behavior = "cycle" [[layers]] name = 'shell' default_position = 'top' default_height = 30 ``` **Iedit mode** SpaceVim uses a powerful iedit mode to quick edit multiple occurrences of a symbol or selection. Two new modes:`iedit-Normal`/`iedit-Insert`. The default color for iedit is `red`/`green` which is based on the current colorscheme.  **Highlight cursor symbol** SpaceVim supports highlighting of the current symbol on demand and adds a transient state to easily navigate and rename this symbol.  [**Fly Grep in Vim**](https://spacevim.org/grep-on-the-fly-in-spacevim/) With this feature, Vim will display the searching result as you type. Of course, it is running asynchronously. Before using this feature, you need to install a searching tool. FlyGrep works through search tools: `ag`, `rg`, `ack`, `pt` and `grep`, Choose one you like.  [**Mnemonic key bindings navigation**](https://spacevim.org/mnemonic-key-bindings-navigation/) You don't need to remember any key bindings, as the mapping guide will show up after the <kbd>SPC</kbd> is pressed. The mapping guide is also available for `g`, `z`, and `s`.  [**Help description for key bindings**](https://spacevim.org/help-description-for-key-bindings/) Use <kbd>SPC h d k</kbd> to get the help description of a key binding, and `gd` to find definition of key bindings.  [**Asynchronous plugin manager**](https://spacevim.org/Asynchronous-plugin-manager/) Create an UI for [dein.vim](https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim/) - the best asynchronous vim plugin manager  For more features, please read [SpaceVim's Blog](https://spacevim.org/blog/) ### Project layout ```txt ├─ .ci/ build automation ├─ .github/ issue/PR templates ├─ .SpaceVim.d/ project specific configuration ├─ autoload/SpaceVim.vim SpaceVim core file ├─ autoload/SpaceVim/api/ Public APIs ├─ autoload/SpaceVim/layers/ available layers ├─ autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/ buildin plugins ├─ autoload/SpaceVim/mapping/ mapping guide ├─ doc/ help(cn/en) ├─ docs/ website(cn/en) ├─ wiki/ wiki(cn/en) ├─ bin/ executable └─ test/ tests ``` ### Support SpaceVim The best way to support SpaceVim is to contribute to it either by reporting bugs. Helping the community on the [Gitter Chat](https://gitter.im/SpaceVim/SpaceVim) or sending pull requests. For more information please check our [development guidelines](https://spacevim.org/development/). If you want to show your support financially you can buy a drink for the maintainer by clicking following icon. <a href='https://ko-fi.com/spacevim' target='_blank'><img height='36' style='border:0px;height:36px;' src='https://az743702.vo.msecnd.net/cdn/kofi4.png?v=f' border='0' alt='Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com' /></a> | wechat | alipay | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | <a href='#support-spacevim'><img src="https://spacevim.org/img/weixin.png" height="150" width="150" /></a> | <a href='#support-spacevim'><img src="https://spacevim.org/img/zhifubao.png" height="150" width="150" /></a> | Bitcoin: 1DtuVeg81c2L9NEhDaVTAAbrCR3pN5xPFv ### Credits & Thanks This project exists to thank all the people who have [contributed](CONTRIBUTING.md): <a href="https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim/graphs/contributors"><img src="https://opencollective.com/spacevim/contributors.svg?width=890&button=false" /></a> - [@Gabirel](https://github.com/Gabirel) and his [Hack-SpaceVim](https://github.com/Gabirel/Hack-SpaceVim) - [@everettjf](https://github.com/everettjf) and his [SpaceVimTutorial](https://everettjf.gitbooks.io/spacevimtutorial/content/) - [vimdoc](https://github.com/google/vimdoc) generate doc file for SpaceVim - [Rafael Bodill](https://github.com/rafi) and his vim-config - [Bailey Ling](https://github.com/bling) and his dotvim - Authors of all the plugins used in SpaceVim. <!-- vim:set nowrap: -->