module test-module {
  yang-version 1.1;
  namespace "";
  prefix test;

  import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }
  import tailf-ncs {
    prefix ncs;

  description "Multi-line strings has indentation
               aligned with the first line.";

  typedef foo {
    type enumeration {
      enum "foo";
      enum "bar";

  ncs:plan-outline test-nano-service {
    description "Testing indentation of extension statements.";

    ncs:component-type "ncs:self" {
      ncs:state "ncs:init" {
        ncs:create {
      ncs:state "ncs:ready";

    ncs:component-type "alloc:resource-allocator" {
      ncs:state "ncs:init";
      ncs:state "alloc:resources-allocated";
      ncs:state "ncs:ready";

  container test {

  augment /alloc:resource-allocator {
    description "Augmentation for the resource allocator mock services.";

    list test-nano-service {
      key "id";

      leaf id {
        type string;
          "I'm a multi-line string

           Starting on the next line from the statement.";