local p_scroller = require "telescope.pickers.scroller" local log = require "telescope.log" log.use_console = false local eq = assert.are.same describe("scroller", function() local max_results = 10 describe("ascending cycle", function() local cycle_scroller = p_scroller.create("cycle", "ascending") it("should return values within the max results", function() eq(5, cycle_scroller(max_results, max_results, 5)) end) it("should return 0 at 0", function() eq(0, cycle_scroller(max_results, max_results, 0)) end) it("should cycle you to the top when you go below 0", function() eq(max_results - 1, cycle_scroller(max_results, max_results, -1)) end) it("should cycle you to 0 when you go past the results", function() eq(0, cycle_scroller(max_results, max_results, max_results + 1)) end) it("should cycle when current results is less than max_results", function() eq(0, cycle_scroller(max_results, 5, 7)) end) end) describe("ascending limit", function() local limit_scroller = p_scroller.create("limit", "ascending") it("should return values within the max results", function() eq(5, limit_scroller(max_results, max_results, 5)) end) it("should return 0 at 0", function() eq(0, limit_scroller(max_results, max_results, 0)) end) it("should not cycle", function() eq(0, limit_scroller(max_results, max_results, -1)) end) it("should not cycle you to 0 when you go past the results", function() eq(max_results - 1, limit_scroller(max_results, max_results, max_results + 1)) end) it("should stay at current results when current results is less than max_results", function() local current = 5 eq(current - 1, limit_scroller(max_results, current, 7)) end) end) describe("descending cycle", function() local cycle_scroller = p_scroller.create("cycle", "descending") it("should return values within the max results", function() eq(5, cycle_scroller(max_results, max_results, 5)) end) it("should return max_results - 1 at 0", function() eq(0, cycle_scroller(max_results, max_results, 0)) end) it("should cycle you to the bot when you go below 0", function() eq(max_results - 1, cycle_scroller(max_results, max_results, -1)) end) it("should cycle you to 0 when you go past the results", function() eq(0, cycle_scroller(max_results, max_results, max_results + 1)) end) it("should cycle when current results is less than max_results", function() eq(9, cycle_scroller(max_results, 5, 4)) end) end) describe("descending limit", function() local limit_scroller = p_scroller.create("limit", "descending") it("should return values within the max results", function() eq(5, limit_scroller(max_results, max_results, 5)) end) it("should return 0 at 0", function() eq(0, limit_scroller(max_results, max_results, 0)) end) it("should not cycle", function() eq(0, limit_scroller(max_results, max_results, -1)) end) it("should not cycle you to 0 when you go past the results", function() eq(max_results - 1, limit_scroller(max_results, max_results, max_results + 1)) end) it("should stay at current results when current results is less than max_results", function() local current = 5 eq(max_results - current, limit_scroller(max_results, current, 4)) end) end) describe("https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/pull/293#issuecomment-751463224", function() it("should handle having many more results than necessary", function() local scroller = p_scroller.create("cycle", "descending") -- 23 112 23 eq(0, scroller(23, 112, 23)) end) end) describe("should give top, middle and bottom index", function() it("should handle ascending", function() eq(0, p_scroller.top("ascending", 20, 1000)) eq(19, p_scroller.bottom("ascending", 20, 1000)) eq(0, p_scroller.top("ascending", 20, 10)) eq(9, p_scroller.bottom("ascending", 20, 10)) eq(5, p_scroller.middle("ascending", 11, 100)) eq(10, p_scroller.middle("ascending", 20, 100)) eq(12, p_scroller.middle("ascending", 25, 100)) end) it("should handle descending", function() eq(0, p_scroller.top("descending", 20, 1000)) eq(19, p_scroller.bottom("descending", 20, 1000)) eq(10, p_scroller.top("descending", 20, 10)) eq(19, p_scroller.bottom("descending", 20, 10)) eq(25, p_scroller.middle("descending", 30, 10)) eq(50, p_scroller.middle("descending", 60, 20)) eq(105, p_scroller.middle("descending", 120, 30)) end) end) end)