"============================================================================= " indentmove.vim --- SpaceVim indentmove layer " Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Wang Shidong & Contributors " Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg at 163.com > " URL: https://spacevim.org " License: GPLv3 "============================================================================= "" " @section indentmove, layer-indentmove " @parentsection layers " Move cursor quickly according to indent. " " @subsection Mappings " > " Key mode function " ----------------------------------------------------------------- " EH normal/visual move up to nearest line with smaller " indent level " EL normal/visual move down to nearest line with larger " indent level " EJ normal/visual move down to nearest line with smaller " or same indent level " EK normal/visual move down to nearest line with larger " or same indent level " EI normal/visual move down to nearest child indent " < " " function! SpaceVim#layers#indentmove#plugins() abort return [ \ ['ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIndentMove', { 'merged' : 0}], \ ] endfunction function! SpaceVim#layers#indentmove#config() abort nnoremap E nnoremap EE `` nnoremap EH :call ZF_IndentMoveParent('n') xnoremap EH :call ZF_IndentMoveParent('v') nnoremap EL :call ZF_IndentMoveParentEnd('n') xnoremap EL :call ZF_IndentMoveParentEnd('v') nnoremap EK :call ZF_IndentMovePrev('n') xnoremap EK :call ZF_IndentMovePrev('v') nnoremap EJ :call ZF_IndentMoveNext('n') xnoremap EJ :call ZF_IndentMoveNext('v') nnoremap EI :call ZF_IndentMoveChild('n') xnoremap EI :call ZF_IndentMoveChild('v') endfunction