" Language: Verilog/SystemVerilog HDL " " Credits: " Originally created by " Lewis Russell <lewis6991@gmail.com> " " Inspired from script originally created by " Chih-Tsun Huang <cthuang@larc.ee.nthu.edu.tw> " " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded. if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal indentexpr=GetVerilogSystemVerilogIndent() setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,0),0},=begin,=end,=join,=endcase,=join_any,=join_none setlocal indentkeys+==endmodule,=endfunction,=endtask,=endspecify setlocal indentkeys+==endclass,=endpackage,=endsequence,=endclocking setlocal indentkeys+==endinterface,=endgroup,=endprogram,=endproperty setlocal indentkeys+==endgenerate,=endchecker,=endconfig,=endprimitive,=endtable setlocal indentkeys+==`else,=`endif setlocal indentkeys+=; let s:vlog_open_statement = '\([<>:!=?&|^%/*+]\|-[^>]\)' let s:vlog_end_statement = ')\s*;' let s:vlog_comment = '\(//.*\|/\*.*\*/\)' let s:vlog_macro = '`\k\+\((.*)\)\?\s*$' let s:vlog_statement = '.*;\s*$\|'. s:vlog_macro let s:vlog_sens_list = '\(@\s*(.*)\)' let s:vlog_always = '\<always\(_ff\|_comb\|_latch\)\?\>\s*' . s:vlog_sens_list . '\?' let s:vlog_method = '^\(\s*pure\s\+virtual\|\s*extern\)\@!.*\<\(function\|task\)\>\s\+\(\[.*\]\s*\)\?\w\+' let s:vlog_block_start = '\<\(begin\|case\|^\s*fork\)\>\|{\|(' let s:vlog_block_end = '\<\(end\|endcase\|join\(_all\|_none\)\?\)\>\|}\|)' let s:vlog_module = '\<\(extern\s\+\)\@<!module\>' let s:vlog_interface = '\(virtual\s\+\)\@<!\<interface\>\s*\(\<class\>\)\@!\w\+.*[^,]$' let s:vlog_package = '\<package\>' let s:vlog_covergroup = '\<covergroup\>' let s:vlog_program = '\<program\>' let s:vlog_generate = '\<generate\>' let s:vlog_class = '\<\(typedef\s\+\)\@<!class\>' let s:vlog_property = g:verilog_syntax['property'][0]['match_start'] let s:vlog_sequence = g:verilog_syntax['sequence'][0]['match_start'] let s:vlog_clocking = g:verilog_syntax['clocking'][0]['match_start'] let s:vlog_preproc = '^\s*`ifn\?def\>' let s:vlog_define = '^\s*`define\>' let s:vlog_case = '\<case[zx]\?\>\s*(' let s:vlog_join = '\<join\(_any\|_none\)\?\>' let s:vlog_block_decl = '\(\<\(while\|if\|foreach\|for\)\>\s*(\)\|\<\(else\|do\)\>\|' . s:vlog_always let s:vlog_context_end = '\<end\(package\|function\|class\|module\|group\|generate\|program\|property\|sequence\|clocking\|interface\|task\)\>\|`endif\>' let s:vlog_assign = '\([^=!]=\([^=]\|$\)\|return\||[-=]>\)' let s:vlog_conditional = '?.*:.*$' " Only define the function once. if exists("*GetVerilogSystemVerilogIndent") finish endif set cpo-=C function! GetVerilogSystemVerilogIndent() let s:verilog_disable_indent = verilog#VariableGetValue('verilog_disable_indent_lst') if verilog#VariableExists('verilog_indent_width') let s:offset = verilog#VariableGetValue('verilog_indent_width') else let s:offset = &sw endif " At the start of the file use zero indent. if v:lnum == 1 return 0 endif let s:curr_line = getline(v:lnum) if s:curr_line =~ '^\s*)' let l:extra_offset = 0 if s:curr_line =~ '^\s*'.s:vlog_end_statement.'\s*$' && \ index(s:verilog_disable_indent, 'eos') < 0 let l:extra_offset = s:offset endif call verilog#Verbose("Indenting )") return indent(s:SearchForBlockStart('(', '', ')', v:lnum, 0)) + l:extra_offset elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*}' call verilog#Verbose("Indenting }") return indent(s:SearchForBlockStart('{', '', '}', v:lnum, 0)) endif " Reset indent for end blocks. if s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<end' if s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endfunction\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<function\>' , v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endtask\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<task\>' , v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endclocking\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<clocking\>' , v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endpackage\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<package\>' , v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endinterface\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<interface\>' , v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endproperty\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<property\>' , v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endgroup\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<covergroup\>', v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endgenerate\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<generate\>', v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endprogram\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<program\>', v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endspecify\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<specify\>' , v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endsequence\>' return indent(s:SearchBackForPattern('\<sequence\>' , v:lnum)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endmodule\>' return indent(s:SearchForBlockStart('\<module\>', '', '\<endmodule\>', v:lnum, 0)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endclass\>' return indent(s:SearchForBlockStart('\<class\>' , '', '\<endclass\>' , v:lnum, 0)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<end\>' return indent(s:SearchForBlockStart('\<begin\>' , '', '\<end\>' , v:lnum, 1)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<endcase\>' return indent(s:SearchForBlockStart(s:vlog_case , '', '\<endcase\>' , v:lnum, 0)) endif endif if s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<while\>\s*(.*'.s:vlog_end_statement return indent(s:SearchForBlockStart('\<do\>', '', '\<while\>\s*(.*'.s:vlog_end_statement, v:lnum, 1)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*`\(endif\|else\|elsif\)\>' return indent(s:SearchForBlockStart(s:vlog_preproc, '`else\>\|`elsif\>', '`endif\>', v:lnum, 1)) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*' . s:vlog_join return indent(s:SearchForBlockStart('^\s*\<fork\>', '', s:vlog_join, v:lnum, 1)) endif if s:InsideSynPattern('verilogDefine', v:lnum) && s:curr_line !~ s:vlog_define return (indent(s:SearchBackForPattern(s:vlog_define, v:lnum)) + s:offset) endif if s:curr_line =~ '^\s*'.s:vlog_comment.'\s*$' && \ getline(v:lnum + 1) =~ '^\s*else' return indent(v:lnum + 1) endif if s:curr_line =~ s:vlog_statement && \ getline(v:lnum - 1) =~ '^\s*\(end\s*\)\?else\s*$' return indent(v:lnum - 1) + s:offset endif return s:GetContextIndent() endfunction function! s:GetLineStripped(lnum) if s:IsComment(a:lnum) return "" endif let l:temp = getline(a:lnum) " Remove inline comments unless the whole line is a comment if l:temp !~ '^\s*'.s:vlog_comment.'\s*$' let l:temp = substitute(l:temp, '/\*.\{-}\*/\|//.*', '', 'g') endif " Remove strings return substitute(l:temp, '".\{-}"', '""', 'g') endfunction function! s:SearchBackForPattern(pattern, current_line_no) let l:lnum = a:current_line_no while l:lnum > 0 let l:lnum = search(a:pattern, 'bW') if getline(l:lnum) !~ s:vlog_comment call verilog#Verbose("Reset indent for context end -> " . a:keyword) return l:lnum endif endwhile endfunction " For any kind of block with a provided end pattern and start pattern, return the " line of the start of the block. function! s:SearchForBlockStart(start_wd, mid_wd, end_wd, current_line_no, skip_start_end) call cursor(a:current_line_no, 1) " Detect whether the cursor is on a comment. let l:skip_arg = 'synIDattr(synID(".", col("."), 0), "name") == "verilogComment"' let l:skip_arg .= ' || synIDattr(synID(".", col("."), 0), "name") == "verilogString"' if a:skip_start_end == 1 let l:skip_arg = \ l:skip_arg." || getline('.') =~ '".a:end_wd.'.\{-}'.a:start_wd."'" endif let l:lnum = searchpair(a:start_wd, a:mid_wd, a:end_wd, 'bnW', l:skip_arg) call verilog#Verbose('SearchForBlockStart: returning l:lnum ' . l:lnum) return l:lnum endfunction " Calculates the current line's indent taking into account its context " " It checks all lines before the current and when it finds an indenting " context adds an s:offset to its indent value. Extra indent offset " related with open statement, for example, are stored in l:open_offset " to caculate the final indent value. function! s:GetContextIndent() let l:bracket_level = 0 let l:cbracket_level = 0 let l:lnum = v:lnum let l:oneline_mode = 1 let l:look_for_open_statement = 1 let l:look_for_open_assign = 0 let l:open_offset = 0 " Loop that searches up the file to build a context and determine the correct " indentation. while l:lnum > 1 let l:lnum = prevnonblank(l:lnum - 1) let l:line = getline(l:lnum) " Never use comments to determine indentation. if l:line =~ '^\s*' . s:vlog_comment continue endif let l:line = s:GetLineStripped(l:lnum) if l:line == "" continue endif call verilog#Verbose("GetContextIndent:" . l:lnum . ": " . l:line) if l:look_for_open_statement == 1 if l:line =~ s:vlog_open_statement . '\s*$' && \ l:line !~ '/\*\s*$' || \ s:curr_line =~ '^\s*' . s:vlog_open_statement && \ s:curr_line !~ '^\s*/\*' && \ s:curr_line !~ s:vlog_comment && !s:IsComment(v:lnum) || \ l:line =~ '\<or\>' && s:InsideSynPattern("verilogExpression", l:lnum, "$") let l:open_offset = s:offset call verilog#Verbose("Increasing indent for an open statement.") if (!verilog#VariableExists("verilog_indent_assign_fix")) let l:look_for_open_assign = 1 endif endif let l:look_for_open_statement = 0 endif if l:look_for_open_assign == 1 if s:curr_line !~ s:vlog_conditional && \ l:line =~ s:vlog_conditional && \ index(s:verilog_disable_indent, 'conditional') < 0 " Return the length of the last line up to the first character after the " first '?' return len(substitute(l:line, '?\s*\zs.*', '', "")) endif " Search for assignments (=, <=) that don't end in ";" if l:line =~ s:vlog_assign . '[^;]*$' && (!s:InsideAssign(l:lnum)) if l:line !~ s:vlog_assign . '\s*$' " If there are values after the assignment, then use that column as " the indentation of the open statement. let l:assign = substitute(l:line, s:vlog_assign .'\s*\zs.*', '', "") let l:assign_offset = len(l:assign) call verilog#Verbose( "Increasing indent for an open assignment with values (by " . l:assign_offset .")." ) else " If the assignment is empty, simply increment the indent by one " level. let l:assign_offset = indent(l:lnum) + s:offset call verilog#Verbose( "Increasing indent for an empty open assignment (by " . l:assign_offset .")." ) endif return l:assign_offset endif endif if l:line =~ '\<begin\>' && l:line !~ '\<begin\>.*\<end\>' call verilog#Verbose("Inside a 'begin end' block.") return indent(l:lnum) + s:offset + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ '^\s*\<fork\>' call verilog#Verbose("Inside a 'fork join' block.") return indent(l:lnum) + s:offset + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_case call verilog#Verbose("Inside a 'case' block.") return indent(l:lnum) + s:offset + l:open_offset endif " If we hit an 'end', 'endcase' or 'join', skip past the whole block. if l:line =~ '\<end\>' && l:line !~ '\<begin\>.*\<end\>' && l:line !~ '\<begin\>\s*$' let l:lnum = s:SearchForBlockStart('\<begin\>', '', '\<end\>', l:lnum, 1) let l:oneline_mode = 0 let l:line = s:GetLineStripped(l:lnum) endif if l:line =~ s:vlog_join let l:lnum = s:SearchForBlockStart('^\s*\<fork\>', '', s:vlog_join, l:lnum, 1) let l:oneline_mode = 0 let l:line = s:GetLineStripped(l:lnum) endif if l:line =~ '\<endcase\>' let l:lnum = s:SearchForBlockStart(s:vlog_case, '', '\<endcase\>', l:lnum, 1) let l:oneline_mode = 0 let l:line = s:GetLineStripped(l:lnum) endif " Store end-of-statement indent level in case this is an instance if l:line =~ s:vlog_end_statement let l:instance_indent = indent(l:lnum) if index(s:verilog_disable_indent, 'eos') < 0 let l:instance_indent -= s:offset endif call verilog#Verbose("Found possible end of instance on line ".l:lnum." with level ".l:instance_indent) endif " If a instance port connection is found, then return previously detected instance indent level if l:line =~ '^\s*\.\k' && exists('l:instance_indent') call verilog#Verbose("Found instance at line ".l:lnum.". Returning previously stored indent level ".l:instance_indent) return l:instance_indent endif if l:line =~ '[()]' let l:bracket_level += \ s:CountMatches(l:line, ')') - s:CountMatches(l:line, '(') if l:bracket_level < 0 call verilog#Verbose("Inside a '()' block.") return indent(l:lnum) + s:offset endif endif if l:line =~ '[{}]' let l:cbracket_level += \ s:CountMatches(l:line, '}') - s:CountMatches(l:line, '{') if l:cbracket_level < 0 call verilog#Verbose("Inside a '{}' block.") return indent(l:lnum) + s:offset + l:open_offset endif endif if l:oneline_mode == 1 && l:line =~ s:vlog_statement let l:oneline_mode = 0 elseif l:oneline_mode == 1 && l:line =~ '\<begin\>.*\<end\>' call verilog#Verbose("'begin'..'end' pair.") return indent(l:lnum) elseif l:oneline_mode == 1 && l:line =~ s:vlog_block_decl && l:line !~ '\<begin\>.*\<end\>' if s:curr_line =~ '^\s*\<begin\>' call verilog#Verbose("Standalone 'begin' after block declaration.") return indent(l:lnum) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*{\s*$' && l:cbracket_level == 0 call verilog#Verbose("Standalone '{' after block declaration.") return indent(l:lnum) elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*(\s*$' && l:bracket_level == 0 call verilog#Verbose("Standalone '(' after block declaration.") return indent(l:lnum) else call verilog#Verbose("Indenting a single line block.") return indent(l:lnum) + s:offset + l:open_offset endif elseif s:curr_line =~ '^\s*else' && l:line =~ '\<\(if\|assert\)\>\s*(.*)' call verilog#Verbose("'else' of 'if' or 'assert'.") return indent(l:lnum) endif if l:line =~ s:vlog_module return s:GetContextStartIndent("module" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_interface return s:GetContextStartIndent("interface" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_class return s:GetContextStartIndent("class" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_package return s:GetContextStartIndent("package" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_covergroup return s:GetContextStartIndent("covergroup", l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_program return s:GetContextStartIndent("program" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_generate return s:GetContextStartIndent("generate" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_sequence return s:GetContextStartIndent("sequence" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_clocking return s:GetContextStartIndent("clocking" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_property return s:GetContextStartIndent("property" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_method && s:InsideSynPattern('verilog\(Task\|Function\)', l:lnum, "$") return s:GetContextStartIndent("method" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_preproc return s:GetContextStartIndent("preproc" , l:lnum) + l:open_offset elseif l:line =~ s:vlog_context_end call verilog#Verbose("After the end of a context.") return indent(l:lnum) endif endwhile " Return any calculated extra offset if no indenting context was found return l:open_offset endfunction function! s:GetContextStartIndent(name, lnum) call verilog#Verbose("Inside a " . a:name . ".") if index(s:verilog_disable_indent, a:name) >= 0 return indent(a:lnum) else return indent(a:lnum) + s:offset endfunction function! s:CountMatches(line, pattern) return len(split(a:line, a:pattern, 1)) - 1 endfunction function! s:IsComment(lnum) return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, 1, 0), "name") == "verilogComment" endfunction function! s:InsideAssign(lnum) return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, 1, 0), "name") == "verilogAssign" endfunction function! s:InsideSynPattern(pattern, lnum, ...) " Check for optional column number/pattern if a:0 >= 1 let l:cnum = a:1 else let l:cnum = 1 endif " Determine column number if using a pattern if type(l:cnum) != 0 let l:cnum = col([a:lnum, l:cnum]) endif for id in synstack(a:lnum, l:cnum) if synIDattr(id, "name") =~ a:pattern return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction " vi: sw=2 sts=2: