" Static Var: " char list of ['!'..'~']. let s:chars = map(range(33, 126), 'nr2char(v:val)') " data file path let s:data_large = expand("<sfile>:h") . '/data/large' let s:data_small = expand("<sfile>:h") . '/data/small' " Util: let s:_ = choosewin#util#get() function! s:scan_char(str, char) "{{{1 " Return List of index where char mached to string " ex) " s:scan_char(' ## ', '#') => [3, 4] " s:scan_char(' ', '#') => [] let R = [] for [index, char] in map(split(a:str, '\zs'), '[v:key, v:val]') if char is a:char call add(R, index) endif endfor return R endfunction "}}} " Font: function! s:font_new(data) "{{{1 " Generate Font(=Dictionary) used by Overlay. let [line_used, col_used, pattern] = s:pattern_gen(a:data) let height = max(line_used) + 1 let width = max(col_used) return { \ 'width': width, \ 'height': height, \ 'col_used': col_used, \ 'line_used': line_used, \ 'pattern': pattern, \ } endfunction function! s:pattern_gen(data) "{{{1 " Return Regexp pattern font_data represent. " This Regexp can't use without replacing special vars like '%{L+1}, %{C+1} ..' let R = [] let line_used = [] let col_used = [] for [i, val] in map(a:data, '[v:key, s:scan_char(v:val, "#")]') if empty(val) continue endif call extend(col_used, val) call add(line_used, i) call add(R, s:_parse_column(i, val)) endfor let col_used = s:_.uniq(col_used) return [line_used, col_used, '\v' . join(R, '|')] endfunction function! s:_parse_column(line, column_list) "{{{1 " c_base = previous column position let R = [] let c_previous = -1 for c in a:column_list if c is c_previous let R[-1] .= '.' else call add(R, '%{C+'. c .'}c.') endif let col_previous = c endfor let prefix = "%{L+". a:line ."}l" return join(map(R, 'prefix . v:val'), "|") endfunction "}}} " Table: function! s:read_data(file) "{{{1 " file = font data file path " return Dictionary where key=char, val=fontdata as List. " { " '!': [' ## ', ' ## ', ' ## ', ' ', ' ## '], " '"': [' ## ## ', ' ## ## ', ' # # ', ' ', ' '], " ....... " } let R = {} for c in s:chars | let R[c] = [] | endfor let lines = readfile(a:file) for c in s:chars while 1 let line = remove(lines, 0) if line =~# '\v^---' break endif call add(R[c], line) endwhile endfor return R endfunction "}}} " API: function! choosewin#font#small() "{{{1 return map(s:read_data(s:data_small),'s:font_new(v:val)') endfunction function! choosewin#font#large() "{{{1 return map(s:read_data(s:data_large),'s:font_new(v:val)') endfunction "}}} " vim: foldmethod=marker