local M = {} local assert = require "luassert" local say = require "say" local scan_dir = require("plenary.scandir").scan_dir local Path = require "plenary.path" M.XFAIL = "xfail" local function same_indent(state, arguments) local before = arguments[1] local after = arguments[2] local ok = true local errors = { before = {}, after = {} } for line = 1, #before do if #string.match(before[line], "^%s*") ~= #string.match(after[line], "^%s*") then if before[line] and after[line] then -- store the actual indentation length for each line errors.before[line] = #string.match(before[line], "^%s*") errors.after[line] = #string.match(after[line], "^%s*") end ok = false end end -- we will always use only a single argument, passing the other one in fmtargs arguments.fmtargs = { { errors = errors, other = after } } arguments.fmtargs[2] = { errors = errors, other = after } return ok end local function format_indent(arg, fmtargs) if not arg or not fmtargs then return end -- find minimal width if any line is longer local width = 40 for _, line in ipairs(fmtargs.other) do width = #line > width and #line or width end width = width + 3 local header_fmt = "%8s %2s%-" .. tostring(width + 1) .. "s %s" local fmt = "%8s %2s |%-" .. tostring(width) .. "s |%s" local output = { header_fmt:format("", "", "Found:", "Expected:") } for i, line in ipairs(arg) do if fmtargs.errors.before[i] then local indents = string.format("%d vs %d", fmtargs.errors.after[i], fmtargs.errors.before[i]) table.insert(output, fmt:format(indents, "=>", fmtargs.other[i], line)) else table.insert(output, fmt:format("", "", fmtargs.other[i], line)) end end return table.concat(output, "\n") end say:set_namespace "en" say:set("assertion.same_indent.positive", "Incorrect indentation\n%s") say:set("assertion.same_indent.negative", "Incorrect indentation\n%s") assert:register( "assertion", "same_indent", same_indent, "assertion.same_indent.positive", "assert.same_indent.negative" ) -- Custom assertion better suited for indentation diffs local function compare_indent(before, after, xfail) assert:add_formatter(format_indent) if xfail then io.stdout:write "Warning! Known failure of this test! Please help to fix it! " assert.is_not.same_indent(before, after) else assert.is.same_indent(before, after) end assert:remove_formatter(format_indent) end local function set_buf_indent_opts(opts) local optnames = { "tabstop", "shiftwidth", "softtabstop", "expandtab", "filetype" } for _, opt in ipairs(optnames) do if opts[opt] ~= nil then vim.bo[opt] = opts[opt] end end end function M.run_indent_test(file, runner, opts) assert.are.same(1, vim.fn.filereadable(file), string.format('File "%s" not readable', file)) -- load reference file vim.cmd(string.format("edit %s", file)) vim.bo.indentexpr = "nvim_treesitter#indent()" local before = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, true) assert.are.same("nvim_treesitter#indent()", vim.bo.indentexpr) set_buf_indent_opts(opts) -- perform the test runner() -- get file content after the test local after = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, true) -- clear any changes to avoid 'No write since last change (add ! to override)' vim.cmd "edit!" return before, after end function M.indent_whole_file(file, opts, xfail) local before, after = M.run_indent_test(file, function() vim.cmd "silent normal gg=G" end, opts) compare_indent(before, after, xfail) end -- Open a file, use `normal o` to insert a new line and compare results -- @param file path to the initial file -- @param spec a table with keys: -- on_line: line on which `normal o` is executed -- text: text inserted in the new line -- indent: expected indent before the inserted text (string or int) -- @param opts buffer options passed to set_buf_indent_opts function M.indent_new_line(file, spec, opts, xfail) local before, after = M.run_indent_test(file, function() -- move to the line and input the new one vim.cmd(string.format("normal! %dG", spec.on_line)) vim.cmd(string.format("normal! o%s", spec.text)) end, opts) local indent = type(spec.indent) == "string" and spec.indent or string.rep(" ", spec.indent) table.insert(before, spec.on_line + 1, indent .. spec.text) compare_indent(before, after, xfail) before, after = M.run_indent_test(file, function() -- move to the line and input the new one vim.cmd(string.format("normal! %dG$", spec.on_line)) vim.cmd(string.format(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("normal! a<cr>%s", true, true, true), spec.text)) end, opts) indent = type(spec.indent) == "string" and spec.indent or string.rep(" ", spec.indent) table.insert(before, spec.on_line + 1, indent .. spec.text) compare_indent(before, after, xfail) end local Runner = {} Runner.__index = Runner -- Helper to avoid boilerplate when defining tests -- @param it the "it" function that busted defines globally in spec files -- @param base_dir all other paths will be resolved relative to this directory -- @param buf_opts buffer options passed to set_buf_indent_opts function Runner:new(it, base_dir, buf_opts) local runner = {} runner.it = it runner.base_dir = Path:new(base_dir) runner.buf_opts = buf_opts return setmetatable(runner, self) end function Runner:whole_file(dirs, opts) opts = opts or {} local expected_failures = opts.expected_failures or {} expected_failures = vim.tbl_map(function(f) return Path:new(f):make_relative(self.base_dir.filename) end, expected_failures) dirs = type(dirs) == "table" and dirs or { dirs } dirs = vim.tbl_map(function(dir) dir = self.base_dir / Path:new(dir) assert.is.same(1, vim.fn.isdirectory(dir.filename)) return dir.filename end, dirs) local files = vim.tbl_flatten(vim.tbl_map(scan_dir, dirs)) for _, file in ipairs(files) do local relpath = Path:new(file):make_relative(self.base_dir.filename) self.it(relpath, function() M.indent_whole_file(file, self.buf_opts, vim.tbl_contains(expected_failures, relpath)) end) end end function Runner:new_line(file, spec, title, xfail) title = title and title or tostring(spec.on_line) self.it(string.format("%s[%s]", file, title), function() local path = self.base_dir / file M.indent_new_line(path.filename, spec, self.buf_opts, xfail) end) end M.Runner = Runner return M