local Path = require "plenary.path" local path = Path.path describe("Path", function() it("should find valid files", function() local p = Path:new "README.md" assert(p.filename == "README.md", p.filename) assert.are.same(p.filename, "README.md") end) describe("absolute", function() it(".absolute()", function() local p = Path:new { "README.md", sep = "/" } assert.are.same(p:absolute(), vim.fn.fnamemodify("README.md", ":p")) end) it("can determine absolute paths", function() local p = Path:new { "/home/asdfasdf/", sep = "/" } assert(p:is_absolute(), "Is absolute") assert(p:absolute() == p.filename) end) it("can determine non absolute paths", function() local p = Path:new { "./home/tj/", sep = "/" } assert(not p:is_absolute(), "Is absolute") end) it("will normalize the path", function() local p = Path:new { "lua", "..", "README.md", sep = "/" } assert.are.same(p:absolute(), vim.fn.fnamemodify("README.md", ":p")) end) end) it("can join paths by constructor or join path", function() assert.are.same(Path:new("lua", "plenary"), Path:new("lua"):joinpath "plenary") end) it("can join paths with /", function() assert.are.same(Path:new("lua", "plenary"), Path:new "lua" / "plenary") end) it("can join paths with paths", function() assert.are.same(Path:new("lua", "plenary"), Path:new("lua", Path:new "plenary")) end) it("inserts slashes", function() assert.are.same("lua" .. path.sep .. "plenary", Path:new("lua", "plenary").filename) end) describe(".exists()", function() it("finds files that exist", function() assert.are.same(true, Path:new("README.md"):exists()) end) it("returns false for files that do not exist", function() assert.are.same(false, Path:new("asdf.md"):exists()) end) end) describe(".is_dir()", function() it("should find directories that exist", function() assert.are.same(true, Path:new("lua"):is_dir()) end) it("should return false when the directory does not exist", function() assert.are.same(false, Path:new("asdf"):is_dir()) end) it("should not show files as directories", function() assert.are.same(false, Path:new("README.md"):is_dir()) end) end) describe(".is_file()", function() it("should not allow directories", function() assert.are.same(true, not Path:new("lua"):is_file()) end) it("should return false when the file does not exist", function() assert.are.same(true, not Path:new("asdf"):is_file()) end) it("should show files as file", function() assert.are.same(true, Path:new("README.md"):is_file()) end) end) describe(":new", function() it("can be called with or without colon", function() -- This will work, cause we used a colon local with_colon = Path:new "lua" local no_colon = Path.new "lua" assert.are.same(with_colon, no_colon) end) end) describe(":make_relative", function() it("can take absolute paths and make them relative to the cwd", function() local p = Path:new { "lua", "plenary", "path.lua" } local absolute = vim.loop.cwd() .. path.sep .. p.filename local relative = Path:new(absolute):make_relative() assert.are.same(relative, p.filename) end) it("can take absolute paths and make them relative to a given path", function() local root = path.sep == "\\" and "c:\\" or "/" local r = Path:new { root, "home", "prime" } local p = Path:new { "aoeu", "agen.lua" } local absolute = r.filename .. path.sep .. p.filename local relative = Path:new(absolute):make_relative(r.filename) assert.are.same(relative, p.filename) end) it("can take double separator absolute paths and make them relative to the cwd", function() local p = Path:new { "lua", "plenary", "path.lua" } local absolute = vim.loop.cwd() .. path.sep .. path.sep .. p.filename local relative = Path:new(absolute):make_relative() assert.are.same(relative, p.filename) end) it("can take double separator absolute paths and make them relative to a given path", function() local root = path.sep == "\\" and "c:\\" or "/" local r = Path:new { root, "home", "prime" } local p = Path:new { "aoeu", "agen.lua" } local absolute = r.filename .. path.sep .. path.sep .. p.filename local relative = Path:new(absolute):make_relative(r.filename) assert.are.same(relative, p.filename) end) it("can take absolute paths and make them relative to a given path with trailing separator", function() local root = path.sep == "\\" and "c:\\" or "/" local r = Path:new { root, "home", "prime" } local p = Path:new { "aoeu", "agen.lua" } local absolute = r.filename .. path.sep .. p.filename local relative = Path:new(absolute):make_relative(r.filename .. path.sep) assert.are.same(relative, p.filename) end) it("can take absolute paths and make them relative to the root directory", function() local root = path.sep == "\\" and "c:\\" or "/" local p = Path:new { "home", "prime", "aoeu", "agen.lua" } local absolute = root .. p.filename local relative = Path:new(absolute):make_relative(root) assert.are.same(relative, p.filename) end) it("can take absolute paths and make them relative to themselves", function() local root = path.sep == "\\" and "c:\\" or "/" local p = Path:new { root, "home", "prime", "aoeu", "agen.lua" } local relative = Path:new(p.filename):make_relative(p.filename) assert.are.same(relative, ".") end) it("should not truncate if path separator is not present after cwd", function() local cwd = "tmp" .. path.sep .. "foo" local p = Path:new { "tmp", "foo_bar", "fileb.lua" } local relative = Path:new(p.filename):make_relative(cwd) assert.are.same(p.filename, relative) end) it("should not truncate if path separator is not present after cwd and cwd ends in path sep", function() local cwd = "tmp" .. path.sep .. "foo" .. path.sep local p = Path:new { "tmp", "foo_bar", "fileb.lua" } local relative = Path:new(p.filename):make_relative(cwd) assert.are.same(p.filename, relative) end) end) describe(":normalize", function() it("can take path that has one character directories", function() local orig = "/home/j/./p//path.lua" local final = Path:new(orig):normalize() assert.are.same(final, "/home/j/p/path.lua") end) it("can take paths with double separators change them to single separators", function() local orig = "/lua//plenary/path.lua" local final = Path:new(orig):normalize() assert.are.same(final, "/lua/plenary/path.lua") end) -- this may be redundant since normalize just calls make_relative which is tested above it("can take absolute paths with double seps" .. "and make them relative with single seps", function() local orig = "/lua//plenary/path.lua" local final = Path:new(orig):normalize() assert.are.same(final, "/lua/plenary/path.lua") end) it("can remove the .. in paths", function() local orig = "/lua//plenary/path.lua/foo/bar/../.." local final = Path:new(orig):normalize() assert.are.same(final, "/lua/plenary/path.lua") end) it("can normalize relative paths", function() assert.are.same(Path:new("lua/plenary/path.lua"):normalize(), "lua/plenary/path.lua") end) it("can normalize relative paths containing ..", function() assert.are.same(Path:new("lua/plenary/path.lua/../path.lua"):normalize(), "lua/plenary/path.lua") end) it("can normalize relative paths with initial ..", function() local p = Path:new "../lua/plenary/path.lua" p._cwd = "/tmp/lua" assert.are.same("lua/plenary/path.lua", p:normalize()) end) it("can normalize relative paths to absolute when initial .. count matches cwd parts", function() local p = Path:new "../../tmp/lua/plenary/path.lua" p._cwd = "/tmp/lua" assert.are.same("/tmp/lua/plenary/path.lua", p:normalize()) end) it("can normalize ~ when file is within home directory (trailing slash)", function() local home = "/home/test/" local p = Path:new { home, "./test_file" } p.path.home = home p._cwd = "/tmp/lua" assert.are.same("~/test_file", p:normalize()) end) it("can normalize ~ when file is within home directory (no trailing slash)", function() local home = "/home/test" local p = Path:new { home, "./test_file" } p.path.home = home p._cwd = "/tmp/lua" assert.are.same("~/test_file", p:normalize()) end) it("handles usernames with a dash at the end", function() local home = "/home/mattr-" local p = Path:new { home, "test_file" } p.path.home = home p._cwd = "/tmp/lua" assert.are.same("~/test_file", p:normalize()) end) it("handles filenames with the same prefix as the home directory", function() local p = Path:new "/home/test.old/test_file" p.path.home = "/home/test" assert.are.same("/home/test.old/test_file", p:normalize()) end) end) describe(":shorten", function() it("can shorten a path", function() local long_path = "/this/is/a/long/path" local short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten() assert.are.same(short_path, "/t/i/a/l/path") end) it("can shorten a path's components to a given length", function() local long_path = "/this/is/a/long/path" local short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(2) assert.are.same(short_path, "/th/is/a/lo/path") -- without the leading / long_path = "this/is/a/long/path" short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(3) assert.are.same(short_path, "thi/is/a/lon/path") -- where len is greater than the length of the final component long_path = "this/is/an/extremely/long/path" short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(5) assert.are.same(short_path, "this/is/an/extre/long/path") end) it("can shorten a path's components when excluding parts", function() local long_path = "/this/is/a/long/path" local short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(nil, { 1, -1 }) assert.are.same(short_path, "/this/i/a/l/path") -- without the leading / long_path = "this/is/a/long/path" short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(nil, { 1, -1 }) assert.are.same(short_path, "this/i/a/l/path") -- where excluding positions greater than the number of parts long_path = "this/is/an/extremely/long/path" short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(nil, { 2, 4, 6, 8 }) assert.are.same(short_path, "t/is/a/extremely/l/path") -- where excluding positions less than the negation of the number of parts long_path = "this/is/an/extremely/long/path" short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(nil, { -2, -4, -6, -8 }) assert.are.same(short_path, "this/i/an/e/long/p") end) it("can shorten a path's components to a given length and exclude positions", function() local long_path = "/this/is/a/long/path" local short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(2, { 1, -1 }) assert.are.same(short_path, "/this/is/a/lo/path") long_path = "this/is/a/long/path" short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(3, { 2, -2 }) assert.are.same(short_path, "thi/is/a/long/pat") long_path = "this/is/an/extremely/long/path" short_path = Path:new(long_path):shorten(5, { 3, -3 }) assert.are.same(short_path, "this/is/an/extremely/long/path") end) end) describe("mkdir / rmdir", function() it("can create and delete directories", function() local p = Path:new "_dir_not_exist" p:rmdir() assert(not p:exists(), "After rmdir, it should not exist") p:mkdir() assert(p:exists()) p:rmdir() assert(not p:exists()) end) it("fails when exists_ok is false", function() local p = Path:new "lua" assert(not pcall(p.mkdir, p, { exists_ok = false })) end) it("fails when parents is not passed", function() local p = Path:new("impossible", "dir") assert(not pcall(p.mkdir, p, { parents = false })) assert(not p:exists()) end) it("can create nested directories", function() local p = Path:new("impossible", "dir") assert(pcall(p.mkdir, p, { parents = true })) assert(p:exists()) p:rmdir() Path:new("impossible"):rmdir() assert(not p:exists()) assert(not Path:new("impossible"):exists()) end) end) describe("touch", function() it("can create and delete new files", function() local p = Path:new "test_file.lua" assert(pcall(p.touch, p)) assert(p:exists()) p:rm() assert(not p:exists()) end) it("does not effect already created files but updates last access", function() local p = Path:new "README.md" local last_atime = p:_stat().atime.sec local last_mtime = p:_stat().mtime.sec local lines = p:readlines() assert(pcall(p.touch, p)) print(p:_stat().atime.sec > last_atime) print(p:_stat().mtime.sec > last_mtime) assert(p:exists()) assert.are.same(lines, p:readlines()) end) it("does not create dirs if nested in none existing dirs and parents not set", function() local p = Path:new { "nested", "nested2", "test_file.lua" } assert(not pcall(p.touch, p, { parents = false })) assert(not p:exists()) end) it("does create dirs if nested in none existing dirs", function() local p1 = Path:new { "nested", "nested2", "test_file.lua" } local p2 = Path:new { "nested", "asdf", ".hidden" } local d1 = Path:new { "nested", "dir", ".hidden" } assert(pcall(p1.touch, p1, { parents = true })) assert(pcall(p2.touch, p2, { parents = true })) assert(pcall(d1.mkdir, d1, { parents = true })) assert(p1:exists()) assert(p2:exists()) assert(d1:exists()) Path:new({ "nested" }):rm { recursive = true } assert(not p1:exists()) assert(not p2:exists()) assert(not d1:exists()) assert(not Path:new({ "nested" }):exists()) end) end) describe("rename", function() it("can rename a file", function() local p = Path:new "a_random_filename.lua" assert(pcall(p.touch, p)) assert(p:exists()) assert(pcall(p.rename, p, { new_name = "not_a_random_filename.lua" })) assert.are.same("not_a_random_filename.lua", p.filename) p:rm() end) it("can handle an invalid filename", function() local p = Path:new "some_random_filename.lua" assert(pcall(p.touch, p)) assert(p:exists()) assert(not pcall(p.rename, p, { new_name = "" })) assert(not pcall(p.rename, p)) assert.are.same("some_random_filename.lua", p.filename) p:rm() end) it("can move to parent dir", function() local p = Path:new "some_random_filename.lua" assert(pcall(p.touch, p)) assert(p:exists()) assert(pcall(p.rename, p, { new_name = "../some_random_filename.lua" })) assert.are.same(vim.loop.fs_realpath(Path:new("../some_random_filename.lua"):absolute()), p:absolute()) p:rm() end) it("cannot rename to an existing filename", function() local p1 = Path:new "a_random_filename.lua" local p2 = Path:new "not_a_random_filename.lua" assert(pcall(p1.touch, p1)) assert(pcall(p2.touch, p2)) assert(p1:exists()) assert(p2:exists()) assert(not pcall(p1.rename, p1, { new_name = "not_a_random_filename.lua" })) assert.are.same(p1.filename, "a_random_filename.lua") p1:rm() p2:rm() end) end) describe("copy", function() it("can copy a file", function() local p1 = Path:new "a_random_filename.rs" local p2 = Path:new "not_a_random_filename.rs" assert(pcall(p1.touch, p1)) assert(p1:exists()) assert(pcall(p1.copy, p1, { destination = "not_a_random_filename.rs" })) assert.are.same(p1.filename, "a_random_filename.rs") assert.are.same(p2.filename, "not_a_random_filename.rs") p1:rm() p2:rm() end) it("can copy to parent dir", function() local p = Path:new "some_random_filename.lua" assert(pcall(p.touch, p)) assert(p:exists()) assert(pcall(p.copy, p, { destination = "../some_random_filename.lua" })) assert(pcall(p.exists, p)) p:rm() Path:new(vim.loop.fs_realpath "../some_random_filename.lua"):rm() end) it("cannot copy an existing file if override false", function() local p1 = Path:new "a_random_filename.rs" local p2 = Path:new "not_a_random_filename.rs" assert(pcall(p1.touch, p1)) assert(pcall(p2.touch, p2)) assert(p1:exists()) assert(p2:exists()) assert(pcall(p1.copy, p1, { destination = "not_a_random_filename.rs", override = false })) assert.are.same(p1.filename, "a_random_filename.rs") assert.are.same(p2.filename, "not_a_random_filename.rs") p1:rm() p2:rm() end) it("fails when copying folders non-recursively", function() local src_dir = Path:new "src" src_dir:mkdir() src_dir:joinpath("file1.lua"):touch() local trg_dir = Path:new "trg" local status = xpcall(function() src_dir:copy { destination = trg_dir, recursive = false } end, function() end) -- failed as intended assert(status == false) src_dir:rm { recursive = true } end) it("can copy directories recursively", function() -- vim.tbl_flatten doesn't work here as copy doesn't return a list local flatten flatten = function(ret, t) for _, v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "table" then flatten(ret, v) else table.insert(ret, v) end end end -- setup directories local src_dir = Path:new "src" local trg_dir = Path:new "trg" src_dir:mkdir() -- set up sub directory paths for creation and testing local sub_dirs = { "sub_dir1", "sub_dir1/sub_dir2" } local src_dirs = { src_dir } local trg_dirs = { trg_dir } -- {src, trg}_dirs is a table with all directory levels by {src, trg} for _, dir in ipairs(sub_dirs) do table.insert(src_dirs, src_dir:joinpath(dir)) table.insert(trg_dirs, trg_dir:joinpath(dir)) end -- generate {file}_{level}.lua on every directory level in src -- src -- ├── file1_1.lua -- ├── file2_1.lua -- ├── .file3_1.lua -- └── sub_dir1 -- ├── file1_2.lua -- ├── file2_2.lua -- ├── .file3_2.lua -- └── sub_dir2 -- ├── file1_3.lua -- ├── file2_3.lua -- └── .file3_3.lua local files = { "file1", "file2", ".file3" } for _, file in ipairs(files) do for level, dir in ipairs(src_dirs) do local p = dir:joinpath(file .. "_" .. level .. ".lua") assert(pcall(p.touch, p, { parents = true, exists_ok = true })) assert(p:exists()) end end for _, hidden in ipairs { true, false } do -- override = `false` should NOT copy as it was copied beforehand for _, override in ipairs { true, false } do local success = src_dir:copy { destination = trg_dir, recursive = true, override = override, hidden = hidden } -- the files are already created because we iterate first with `override=true` -- hence, we test here that no file ops have been committed: any value in tbl of tbls should be false if not override then local file_ops = {} flatten(file_ops, success) -- 3 layers with at at least 2 and at most 3 files (`hidden = true`) local num_files = not hidden and 6 or 9 assert(#file_ops == num_files) for _, op in ipairs(file_ops) do assert(op == false) end else for _, file in ipairs(files) do for level, dir in ipairs(trg_dirs) do local p = dir:joinpath(file .. "_" .. level .. ".lua") -- file 3 is hidden if not (file == files[3]) then assert(p:exists()) else assert(p:exists() == hidden) end end end end -- only clean up once we tested that we dont want to copy -- if `override=true` if not override then trg_dir:rm { recursive = true } end end end src_dir:rm { recursive = true } end) end) describe("parents", function() it("should extract the ancestors of the path", function() local p = Path:new(vim.loop.cwd()) local parents = p:parents() assert(vim.tbl_islist(parents)) for _, parent in pairs(parents) do assert.are.same(type(parent), "string") end end) it("should return itself if it corresponds to path.root", function() local p = Path:new(Path.path.root(vim.loop.cwd())) assert.are.same(p:parent(), p) end) end) describe("read parts", function() it("should read head of file", function() local p = Path:new "LICENSE" local data = p:head() local should = [[MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 TJ DeVries Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:]] assert.are.same(should, data) end) it("should read the first line of file", function() local p = Path:new "LICENSE" local data = p:head(1) local should = [[MIT License]] assert.are.same(should, data) end) it("head should max read whole file", function() local p = Path:new "LICENSE" local data = p:head(1000) local should = [[MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 TJ DeVries Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.]] assert.are.same(should, data) end) it("should read tail of file", function() local p = Path:new "LICENSE" local data = p:tail() local should = [[The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.]] assert.are.same(should, data) end) it("should read the last line of file", function() local p = Path:new "LICENSE" local data = p:tail(1) local should = [[SOFTWARE.]] assert.are.same(should, data) end) it("tail should max read whole file", function() local p = Path:new "LICENSE" local data = p:tail(1000) local should = [[MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 TJ DeVries Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.]] assert.are.same(should, data) end) end) describe("readbyterange", function() it("should read bytes at given offset", function() local p = Path:new "LICENSE" local data = p:readbyterange(13, 10) local should = "Copyright " assert.are.same(should, data) end) it("supports negative offset", function() local p = Path:new "LICENSE" local data = p:readbyterange(-10, 10) local should = "SOFTWARE.\n" assert.are.same(should, data) end) end) end) -- function TestPath:testIsDir() -- end -- function TestPath:testCanBeCalledWithoutColon() -- end -- -- @sideeffect -- function TestPath:testMkdir() -- end