" vim match-up - even better matching " " Maintainer: Andy Massimino " Email: a@normed.space " let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! matchup#delim#get_next(type, side, ...) " {{{1 return s:get_delim(extend({ \ 'direction' : 'next', \ 'type' : a:type, \ 'side' : a:side, \}, get(a:, '1', {}))) endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#get_prev(type, side, ...) " {{{1 return s:get_delim(extend({ \ 'direction' : 'prev', \ 'type' : a:type, \ 'side' : a:side, \}, get(a:, '1', {}))) endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#get_current(type, side, ...) " {{{1 return s:get_delim(extend({ \ 'direction' : 'current', \ 'type' : a:type, \ 'side' : a:side, \}, get(a:, '1', {}))) endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#get_matching(delim, ...) " {{{1 if empty(a:delim) || !has_key(a:delim, 'lnum') | return {} | endif let l:opts = a:0 && type(a:1) == type({}) ? a:1 : {} let l:stopline = get(l:opts, 'stopline', s:stopline) " get all the matching position(s) " *important*: in the case of mid, we search up before searching down " this gives us a context object which we use for the other side " TODO: what if no open is found here? let l:matches = [] let l:save_pos = matchup#pos#get_cursor() for l:down in {'open': [1], 'close': [0], 'mid': [0,1]}[a:delim.side] call matchup#pos#set_cursor(a:delim) " second iteration: [] refers to the current match if !empty(l:matches) call add(l:matches, []) endif let l:res = a:delim.get_matching(l:down, l:stopline) if l:res[0][1] > 0 call extend(l:matches, l:res) elseif l:down let l:matches = [] endif endfor call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:save_pos) if a:delim.side ==# 'open' call insert(l:matches, []) endif if a:delim.side ==# 'close' call add(l:matches, []) endif " create the match result(s) let l:matching_list = [] for l:i in range(len(l:matches)) if empty(l:matches[l:i]) let a:delim.match_index = l:i call add(l:matching_list, a:delim) continue end let [l:match, l:lnum, l:cnum] = l:matches[l:i] let l:matching = copy(a:delim) let l:matching.class = copy(a:delim.class) let l:matching.lnum = l:lnum let l:matching.cnum = l:cnum let l:matching.match = l:match let l:matching.side = l:i == 0 ? 'open' \ : l:i == len(l:matches)-1 ? 'close' : 'mid' let l:matching.class[1] = 'FIXME' let l:matching.match_index = l:i call add(l:matching_list, l:matching) endfor " set up links between matches for l:i in range(len(l:matching_list)) let l:c = l:matching_list[l:i] let l:c.links = {} let l:c.links.next = l:matching_list[(l:i+1) % len(l:matching_list)] let l:c.links.prev = l:matching_list[l:i-1] let l:c.links.open = l:matching_list[0] let l:c.links.close = l:matching_list[-1] endfor return l:matching_list endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#get_surrounding(type, ...) " {{{1 call matchup#perf#tic('delim#get_surrounding') let l:save_pos = matchup#pos#get_cursor() let l:pos_val_cursor = matchup#pos#val(l:save_pos) let l:pos_val_last = l:pos_val_cursor let l:pos_val_open = l:pos_val_cursor - 1 let l:count = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 1 let l:counter = l:count " third argument specifies local any block, otherwise, " provided count == 0 refers to local any block let l:opts = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : {} let l:local = get(l:opts, 'local', l:count == 0 ? 1 : 0) let l:delimopts = {} let s:invert_skip = 0 " TODO: this logic is still bad if matchup#delim#skip() " TODO: check for insert mode (?) let l:delimopts.check_skip = 0 endif " TODO: pin skip if get(l:opts, 'check_skip', 0) let l:delimopts.check_skip = 1 endif " keep track of the outermost pair found so far " returned when g:matchup_delim_count_fail = 1 let l:best = [] while l:pos_val_open < l:pos_val_last let l:open = matchup#delim#get_prev(a:type, \ l:local ? 'open_mid' : 'open', l:delimopts) if empty(l:open) | break | endif " if configured, we may still accept this match if matchup#perf#timeout_check() && !g:matchup_delim_count_fail break endif let l:matches = matchup#delim#get_matching(l:open, 1) " TODO: getting one match result here is surely wrong if len(l:matches) == 1 let l:matches = [] endif if has_key(l:opts, 'matches') let l:opts.matches = l:matches endif if len(l:matches) let l:close = l:local ? l:open.links.next : l:open.links.close let l:pos_val_try = matchup#pos#val(l:close) \ + matchup#delim#end_offset(l:close) endif if len(l:matches) && l:pos_val_try >= l:pos_val_cursor if l:counter <= 1 " restore cursor and accept call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:save_pos) call matchup#perf#toc('delim#get_surrounding', 'accept') return [l:open, l:close] endif let l:counter -= 1 let l:best = [l:open, l:close] else let l:pos_val_last = l:pos_val_open let l:pos_val_open = matchup#pos#val(l:open) endif if l:open.lnum == 1 && l:open.cnum == 1 break endif call matchup#pos#set_cursor(matchup#pos#prev(l:open)) endwhile if !empty(l:best) && g:matchup_delim_count_fail call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:save_pos) call matchup#perf#toc('delim#get_surrounding', 'bad_count') return l:best endif " restore cursor and return failure call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:save_pos) call matchup#perf#toc('delim#get_surrounding', 'fail') return [{}, {}] endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#get_surround_nearest(open, ...) " {{{1 " finds the first consecutive pair whose start " positions surround pos (default to the cursor) let l:cur_pos = a:0 ? a:1 : matchup#pos#get_cursor() let l:pos_val_cursor = matchup#pos#val(l:cur_pos) let l:pos_val_open = matchup#pos#val(a:open) let l:pos_val_prev = l:pos_val_open let l:delim = a:open.links.next let l:pos_val_next = matchup#pos#val(l:delim) while l:pos_val_next > l:pos_val_open let l:end_offset = matchup#delim#end_offset(l:delim) if l:pos_val_prev <= l:pos_val_cursor \ && l:pos_val_next + l:end_offset >= l:pos_val_cursor return [l:delim.links.prev, l:delim] endif let l:pos_val_prev = l:pos_val_next let l:delim = l:delim.links.next let l:pos_val_next = matchup#pos#val(l:delim) endwhile return [{}, {}] endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#jump_target(delim) " {{{1 let l:save_pos = matchup#pos#get_cursor() " unicode note: technically wrong, but works in practice " since the cursor snaps back to start of multi-byte chars let l:column = a:delim.cnum let l:column += strlen(a:delim.match) - 1 if strlen(a:delim.match) < 2 return l:column endif for l:tries in range(strlen(a:delim.match)-1) call matchup#pos#set_cursor(a:delim.lnum, l:column) let l:delim_test = matchup#delim#get_current('all', 'both_all') if l:delim_test.class[0] ==# a:delim.class[0] break endif let l:column -= 1 endfor call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:save_pos) return l:column endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#end_offset(delim) " {{{1 return max([0, match(a:delim.match, '.$')]) endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#end_pos(delim) abort " {{{1 return [a:delim.lnum, a:delim.cnum + matchup#delim#end_offset(a:delim)] endfunction " }}}1 function! s:get_delim(opts) " {{{1 " arguments: {{{2 " opts = { " 'direction' : 'next' | 'prev' | 'current' " 'type' : 'delim_tex' " | 'delim_all' " | 'all' " 'side' : 'open' | 'close' " | 'both' | 'mid' " | 'both_all' | 'open_mid' " } " " }}}2 " returns: {{{2 " delim = { " type : 'delim' " lnum : line number " cnum : column number " match : the actual text match " augment : how to match a corresponding open " groups : dict of captured groups " side : 'open' | 'close' | 'mid' " class : [ c1, c2 ] identifies the kind of match_words " regexone : the regex item, like \1foo " regextwo : the regex_capture item, like \(group\)foo " } " " }}}2 if !get(b:, 'matchup_delim_enabled', 0) return {} endif call matchup#perf#tic('s:get_delim') let l:save_pos = matchup#pos#get_cursor() call matchup#loader#refresh_match_words() " this contains all the patterns for the specified type and side let l:re = b:matchup_delim_re[a:opts.type][a:opts.side] let l:cursorpos = col('.') let l:insertmode = get(a:opts, 'insertmode', 0) if l:cursorpos > 1 && l:insertmode let l:cursorpos -= 1 endif if l:cursorpos > strlen(getline('.')) \ && stridx("vV\<c-v>", mode()) > -1 let l:cursorpos -= 1 endif let s:invert_skip = 0 if a:opts.direction ==# 'current' let l:check_skip = get(a:opts, 'check_skip', \ g:matchup_delim_noskips >= 2 \ || g:matchup_delim_noskips >= 1 \ && getline(line('.'))[l:cursorpos-1] =~ '[^[:punct:]]') if l:check_skip && matchup#delim#skip(line('.'), l:cursorpos) return {} endif else " check skip if cursor is not currently in skip let l:check_skip = get(a:opts, 'check_skip', \ !matchup#delim#skip(line('.'), l:cursorpos) \ || g:matchup_delim_noskips >= 2) endif let a:opts.cursorpos = l:cursorpos " for current, we want to find matches that end after the cursor " note: we expect this to give false-positives with \ze if a:opts.direction ==# 'current' let l:re .= '\%>'.(l:cursorpos).'c' " let l:re = '\%<'.(l:cursorpos+1).'c' . l:re endif " allow overlapping delimiters " without this, the > in <tag> would not be found if b:matchup_delim_re[a:opts.type]._engine_info.has_zs[a:opts.side] let l:save_cpo = &cpo noautocmd set cpo-=c else " faster than changing cpo but doesn't work right with \zs let l:re .= '\&' endif " move cursor one left for searchpos if necessary let l:need_restore_cursor = 0 if l:insertmode call matchup#pos#set_cursor(line('.'), col('.')-1) let l:need_restore_cursor = 1 endif " stopline may depend on the current action let l:stopline = get(a:opts, 'stopline', s:stopline) " in the first pass, we get matching line and column numbers " this is intended to be as fast as possible, with no capture groups " we look for a match on this line (if direction == current) " or forwards or backwards (if direction == next or prev) " for current, we actually search leftwards from the cursor while 1 let l:to = matchup#perf#timeout() let [l:lnum, l:cnum] = a:opts.direction ==# 'next' \ ? searchpos(l:re, 'cnW', line('.') + l:stopline, l:to) \ : a:opts.direction ==# 'prev' \ ? searchpos(l:re, 'bcnW', \ max([line('.') - l:stopline, 1]), l:to) \ : searchpos(l:re, 'bcnW', line('.'), l:to) if l:lnum == 0 | break | endif " note: the skip here should not be needed " in 'current' mode, but be explicit if a:opts.direction !=# 'current' \ && (l:check_skip || g:matchup_delim_noskips == 1 \ && getline(l:lnum)[l:cnum-1] =~ '[^[:punct:]]') \ && matchup#delim#skip(l:lnum, l:cnum) \ && (a:opts.direction ==# 'prev' ? (l:lnum > 1 || l:cnum > 1) \ : (l:lnum < line('$') || l:cnum < len(getline('$')))) " invalid match, move cursor and keep looking call matchup#pos#set_cursor(a:opts.direction ==# 'next' \ ? matchup#pos#next(l:lnum, l:cnum) \ : matchup#pos#prev(l:lnum, l:cnum)) let l:need_restore_cursor = 1 continue endif break endwhile " restore cpo if necessary " note: this messes with cursor position if exists('l:save_cpo') noautocmd let &cpo = l:save_cpo let l:need_restore_cursor = 1 endif " restore cursor if l:need_restore_cursor call matchup#pos#set_cursor(l:save_pos) endif call matchup#perf#toc('s:get_delim', 'first_pass') " nothing found, leave now if l:lnum == 0 call matchup#perf#toc('s:get_delim', 'nothing_found') return {} endif if matchup#perf#timeout_check() return {} endif let l:skip_state = 0 if !l:check_skip && (!&synmaxcol || l:cnum <= &synmaxcol) " XXX: workaround an apparent obscure vim bug where the " reported syntax id is incorrect on the first synID() call call matchup#delim#skip(l:lnum, l:cnum) if matchup#perf#timeout_check() return {} endif let l:skip_state = matchup#delim#skip(l:lnum, l:cnum) endif " now we get more data about the match in this position " there may be capture groups which need to be stored " result stub, to be filled by the parser when there is a match let l:result = { \ 'lnum' : l:lnum, \ 'cnum' : l:cnum, \ 'type' : '', \ 'match' : '', \ 'augment' : '', \ 'groups' : '', \ 'side' : '', \ 'class' : [], \ 'regexone' : '', \ 'regextwo' : '', \ 'skip' : l:skip_state, \} for l:type in s:types[a:opts.type] let l:parser_result = l:type.parser(l:lnum, l:cnum, a:opts) if !empty(l:parser_result) let l:result = extend(l:parser_result, l:result, 'keep') break endif endfor call matchup#perf#toc('s:get_delim', 'got_results') return empty(l:result.type) ? {} : l:result endfunction " }}}1 function! s:parser_delim_new(lnum, cnum, opts) " {{{1 let l:cursorpos = a:opts.cursorpos let l:found = 0 let l:sides = matchup#loader#sidedict()[a:opts.side] let l:rebrs = b:matchup_delim_lists[a:opts.type].regex_capture " use b:match_ignorecase let l:ic = get(b:, 'match_ignorecase', 0) ? '\c' : '\C' " loop through all (index, side) pairs, let l:ns = len(l:sides) let l:found = 0 for l:i in range(len(l:rebrs)*l:ns) let l:side = l:sides[ l:i % l:ns ] if l:side ==# 'mid' let l:res = l:rebrs[l:i / l:ns].mid_list if empty(l:res) | continue | end else let l:res = [ l:rebrs[l:i / l:ns][l:side] ] if empty(l:res[0]) | continue | end endif " if pattern may contain \zs, extra processing is required let l:extra_info = l:rebrs[l:i / l:ns].extra_info let l:has_zs = get(l:extra_info, 'has_zs', 0) let l:mid_id = 0 for l:re in l:res let l:mid_id += 1 " check whether hlend needs to be handled let l:id = l:side ==# 'mid' ? l:mid_id : l:side ==# 'open' ? 0 : -1 let l:extra_entry = l:rebrs[l:i / l:ns].extra_list[l:id] let l:has_hlend = has_key(l:extra_entry, 'hlend') if l:has_hlend && get(a:opts, 'highlighting', 0) let l:re = s:process_hlend(l:re, l:cursorpos) endif " prepend the column number and append the cursor column " to anchor the match; we don't use {start} for matchlist " because there may be zero-width look behinds let l:re_anchored = l:ic . s:anchor_regex(l:re, a:cnum, l:has_zs) " for current we want the first match which the cursor is inside if a:opts.direction ==# 'current' let l:re_anchored .= '\%>'.(l:cursorpos).'c' endif let l:matches = matchlist(getline(a:lnum), l:re_anchored) if empty(l:matches) | continue | endif " reject matches which the cursor is outside of " this matters only for \ze if !l:has_hlend && a:opts.direction ==# 'current' \ && a:cnum + strlen(l:matches[0]) <= l:cursorpos continue endif " if pattern contains \zs we need to re-check the starting column if l:has_zs && match(getline(a:lnum), l:re_anchored) != a:cnum-1 continue endif let l:found = 1 break endfor if !l:found | continue | endif break endfor " reset ignorecase (defunct) if !l:found return {} endif let l:match = l:matches[0] let l:list = b:matchup_delim_lists[a:opts.type] let l:thisre = l:list.regex[l:i / l:ns] let l:thisrebr = l:list.regex_capture[l:i / l:ns] let l:augment = {} " these are the capture groups indexed by their 'open' id let l:groups = {} let l:id = 0 if l:side ==# 'open' " XXX we might as well store all the groups... "for l:br in keys(l:thisrebr.need_grp) for l:br in range(1,9) if empty(l:matches[l:br]) | continue | endif let l:groups[l:br] = l:matches[l:br] endfor else let l:id = (l:side ==# 'close') \ ? len(l:thisrebr.mid_list)+1 \ : l:mid_id if has_key(l:thisrebr.grp_renu, l:id) for [l:br, l:to] in items(l:thisrebr.grp_renu[l:id]) let l:groups[l:to] = l:matches[l:br] endfor endif " fill in augment pattern " TODO all the augment patterns should match, " but checking might be too slow if has_key(l:thisrebr.aug_comp, l:id) let l:aug = l:thisrebr.aug_comp[l:id][0] let l:augment.str = matchup#delim#fill_backrefs( \ l:aug.str, l:groups, 0) let l:augment.unresolved = deepcopy(l:aug.outputmap) endif endif let l:result = { \ 'type' : 'delim_tex', \ 'match' : l:match, \ 'augment' : l:augment, \ 'groups' : l:groups, \ 'side' : l:side, \ 'class' : [(l:i / l:ns), l:id], \ 'get_matching' : s:basetypes['delim_tex'].get_matching, \ 'regexone' : l:thisre, \ 'regextwo' : l:thisrebr, \ 'midmap' : get(l:list, 'midmap', {}), \ 'highlighting' : get(a:opts, 'highlighting', 0), \} return l:result endfunction " }}}1 function! s:get_matching_delims(down, stopline) dict " {{{1 " called as: a:delim.get_matching(...) " called from: matchup#delim#get_matching <- matchparen, motion " from: matchup#delim#get_surrounding <- matchparen, motion, text_obj call matchup#perf#tic('get_matching_delims') " first, we figure out what the furthest match is, which will be " either the open or close depending on the direction let [l:re, l:flags, l:stopline] = a:down \ ? [self.regextwo.close, 'W', line('.') + a:stopline] \ : [self.regextwo.open, 'bW', max([line('.') - a:stopline, 1])] " these are the anchors for searchpairpos let l:open = self.regexone.open " TODO is this right? BADLOGIC let l:close = self.regexone.close " if we're searching up, we anchor by the augment, if it exists if !a:down && !empty(self.augment) let l:open = self.augment.str endif " TODO temporary workaround for BADLOGIC if a:down && self.side ==# 'mid' let l:open = self.regextwo.open endif " turn \(\) into \%(\) for searchpairpos let l:open = matchup#loader#remove_capture_groups(l:open) let l:close = matchup#loader#remove_capture_groups(l:close) " fill in back-references " TODO: BADLOGIC2: when going up we don't have these groups yet.. " the second anchor needs to be mid/self for mid self let l:open = matchup#delim#fill_backrefs(l:open, self.groups, 0) let l:close = matchup#delim#fill_backrefs(l:close, self.groups, 0) let s:invert_skip = self.skip if empty(b:matchup_delim_skip) let l:skip = 'matchup#delim#skip_default()' else let l:skip = 'matchup#delim#skip0()' endif " disambiguate matches for languages like julia, matlab, ruby, etc if !empty(self.midmap) let l:midmap = self.midmap.elements if self.side ==# 'mid' let l:idx = filter(range(len(l:midmap)), \ 'self.match =~# l:midmap[v:val][1]') else let l:syn = synIDattr(synID(self.lnum, self.cnum, 0), 'name') let l:idx = filter(range(len(l:midmap)), \ 'l:syn =~# l:midmap[v:val][0]') endif if len(l:idx) let l:valid = l:midmap[l:idx[0]] let l:skip = printf('matchup#delim#skip1(%s, %s)', \ string(l:midmap[l:idx[0]]), string(l:skip)) else let l:skip = printf('matchup#delim#skip2(%s, %s)', \ string(self.midmap.strike), string(l:skip)) endif endif if matchup#perf#timeout_check() | return [['', 0, 0]] | endif " improves perceptual performance in insert mode if mode() ==# 'i' || mode() ==# 'R' if !g:matchup_matchparen_deferred sleep 1m endif endif " use b:match_ignorecase let l:ic = get(b:, 'match_ignorecase', 0) ? '\c' : '\C' let l:open = l:ic . l:open let l:close = l:ic . l:close let [l:lnum_corr, l:cnum_corr] = searchpairpos(l:open, '', l:close, \ 'n'.l:flags, l:skip, l:stopline, matchup#perf#timeout()) call matchup#perf#toc('get_matching_delims', 'initial_pair') " if nothing found, bail immediately if l:lnum_corr == 0 " reset ignorecase (defunct) return [['', 0, 0]] endif " when highlighting, respect hlend let l:extra_entry = self.regextwo.extra_list[a:down ? -1 : 0] if self.highlighting && has_key(l:extra_entry, 'hlend') let l:re = s:process_hlend(l:re, -1) endif " get the match and groups let l:has_zs = self.regextwo.extra_info.has_zs let l:re_anchored = l:ic . s:anchor_regex(l:re, l:cnum_corr, l:has_zs) let l:matches = matchlist(getline(l:lnum_corr), l:re_anchored) let l:match_corr = l:matches[0] " reset ignorecase (defunct) " store these in these groups if a:down " let l:id = len(self.regextwo.mid_list)+1 " for [l:from, l:to] in items(self.regextwo.grp_renu[l:id]) " let self.groups[l:to] = l:matches[l:from] " endfor else for l:to in range(1,9) if !has_key(self.groups, l:to) && !empty(l:matches[l:to]) let self.groups[l:to] = l:matches[l:to] endif endfor endif call matchup#perf#toc('get_matching_delims', 'get_matches') " fill in additional groups let l:mids = matchup#loader#remove_capture_groups(self.regexone.mid) let l:mids = matchup#delim#fill_backrefs(l:mids, self.groups, 1) " if there are no mids, we're done if empty(l:mids) return [[l:match_corr, l:lnum_corr, l:cnum_corr]] endif let l:re = l:mids " when highlighting, respect hlend if get(self.regextwo.extra_info, 'mid_hlend') && self.highlighting let l:re = s:process_hlend(l:re, -1) endif " use b:match_ignorecase let l:mid = l:ic . l:mids let l:re = l:ic . l:re let l:list = [] while 1 if matchup#perf#timeout_check() | break | endif let [l:lnum, l:cnum] = searchpairpos(l:open, l:mids, l:close, \ l:flags, l:skip, l:lnum_corr, matchup#perf#timeout()) if l:lnum <= 0 | break | endif if a:down if l:lnum > l:lnum_corr || l:lnum == l:lnum_corr \ && l:cnum >= l:cnum_corr | break | endif else if l:lnum < l:lnum_corr || l:lnum == l:lnum_corr \ && l:cnum <= l:cnum_corr | break | endif endif let l:re_anchored = s:anchor_regex(l:re, l:cnum, l:has_zs) let l:matches = matchlist(getline(l:lnum), l:re_anchored) if empty(l:matches) " this should never happen continue endif let l:match = l:matches[0] call add(l:list, [l:match, l:lnum, l:cnum]) endwhile " reset ignorecase (defunct) call add(l:list, [l:match_corr, l:lnum_corr, l:cnum_corr]) if !a:down call reverse(l:list) endif return l:list endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#skip(...) " {{{1 if a:0 >= 2 let [l:lnum, l:cnum] = [a:1, a:2] else let [l:lnum, l:cnum] = matchup#pos#get_cursor()[1:2] endif if empty(get(b:, 'matchup_delim_skip', '')) return matchup#util#in_comment_or_string(l:lnum, l:cnum) \ ? !s:invert_skip : s:invert_skip endif let s:eff_curpos = [l:lnum, l:cnum] execute 'return' (s:invert_skip ? '!(' : '(') b:matchup_delim_skip ')' endfunction function! matchup#delim#skip_default() return matchup#util#in_comment_or_string(line('.'), col('.')) \ ? !s:invert_skip : s:invert_skip endfunction function! matchup#delim#skip0() let s:eff_curpos = [line('.'), col('.')] execute 'return' (s:invert_skip ? '!(' : '(') b:matchup_delim_skip ')' endfunction "" " advanced mid/syntax skip when found in midmap " {val} is a 2 element array of allowed [syntax, words] " {def} is the fallback skip expression function! matchup#delim#skip1(val, def) if getline('.')[col('.')-1:] =~# '^'.a:val[1] return eval(a:def) endif let l:s = synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'), 0), 'name') return l:s !~# a:val[0] || eval(a:def) endfunction "" " advanced mid/syntax skip when word is not in midmap " {strike} pattern of disallowed mid words " {def} is the fallback skip expression function! matchup#delim#skip2(strike, def) return getline('.')[col('.')-1:] =~# '^' . a:strike || eval(a:def) endfunction let s:invert_skip = 0 let s:eff_curpos = [1, 1] " effective column/line function! s:effline(expr) return a:expr ==# '.' ? s:eff_curpos[0] : line(a:expr) endfunction function! s:effcol(expr) return a:expr ==# '.' ? s:eff_curpos[1] : col(a:expr) endfunction function! s:geteffline(expr) return a:expr ==# '.' ? getline(s:effline(a:expr)) : getline(a:expr) endfunction " }}}1 function! matchup#delim#fill_backrefs(re, groups, warn) " {{{1 return substitute(a:re, g:matchup#re#backref, \ '\=s:get_backref(a:groups, submatch(1), a:warn)', 'g') " \ '\=get(a:groups, submatch(1), "")', 'g') endfunction function! s:get_backref(groups, bref, warn) if !has_key(a:groups, a:bref) if a:warn echohl WarningMsg echo 'match-up: requested invalid backreference \'.a:bref echohl None endif return '' endif return '\V'.escape(get(a:groups, a:bref), '\').'\m' endfunction "}}}1 function! s:anchor_regex(re, cnum, method) " {{{1 if a:method " trick to re-match at a particular column " handles the case where pattern contains \ze, \zs, and assertions " but doesn't work with overlapping matches and is possibly slower return '\%<'.(a:cnum+1).'c\%('.a:re.'\)\%>'.(a:cnum).'c' else " fails to match with \zs return '\%'.(a:cnum).'c\%('.a:re.'\)' endif endfunction " }}}1 function! s:process_hlend(re, cursorpos) " {{{1 " first replace all \ze with \%>{cursorpos}c let l:re = substitute(a:re, g:matchup#re#ze, \ a:cursorpos < 0 ? '' : '\\%>'.a:cursorpos.'c', 'g') " next convert hlend mark to \ze return substitute(l:re, '\V\\%(hlend\\)\\{0}', '\\ze', 'g') endfunction " }}}1 " initialize script variables let s:stopline = get(g:, 'matchup_delim_stopline', 1500) let s:basetypes = { \ 'delim_tex': { \ 'parser' : function('s:parser_delim_new'), \ 'get_matching' : function('s:get_matching_delims'), \ }, \} let s:types = { \ 'all' : [ s:basetypes.delim_tex ], \ 'delim_all' : [ s:basetypes.delim_tex ], \ 'delim_tex' : [ s:basetypes.delim_tex ], \} let &cpo = s:save_cpo " vim: fdm=marker sw=2