" ___vital___ " NOTE: lines between '" ___vital___' is generated by :Vitalize. " Do not mofidify the code nor insert new lines before '" ___vital___' function! s:_SID() abort return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze__SID$') endfunction execute join(['function! vital#_incsearch#Vim#Buffer#import() abort', printf("return map({'parse_cmdarg': '', '_vital_depends': '', 'read_content': '', 'get_selected_text': '', 'is_cmdwin': '', 'edit_content': '', 'open': '', 'get_last_selected': '', '_vital_loaded': ''}, \"vital#_incsearch#function('<SNR>%s_' . v:key)\")", s:_SID()), 'endfunction'], "\n") delfunction s:_SID " ___vital___ let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim let s:t_funcref = type(function('tr')) let s:t_string = type('') let s:t_number = type(0) function! s:_vital_loaded(V) abort let s:V = a:V let s:Guard = s:V.import('Vim.Guard') endfunction function! s:_vital_depends() abort return ['Vim.Guard'] endfunction if exists('*getcmdwintype') function! s:is_cmdwin() abort return getcmdwintype() !=# '' endfunction else function! s:is_cmdwin() abort return bufname('%') ==# '[Command Line]' endfunction endif function! s:open(buffer, ...) abort if a:0 == 1 && (type(a:1) == s:t_string || type(a:1) == s:t_funcref) " For backward compatibility let options = {'opener': a:1} else let options = get(a:000, 0, {}) endif let options = extend({ \ 'mods': '', \ 'cmdarg': '', \ 'opener': empty(a:buffer) ? 'enew' : 'edit', \}, options \) let guard = s:Guard.store(['&wildignore']) try let &wildignore = '' if type(options.opener) == s:t_funcref let loaded = !bufloaded(a:buffer) call options.opener(a:buffer) elseif a:buffer is 0 || a:buffer is# '' let loaded = 1 silent execute options.mods options.opener enew else let loaded = !bufloaded(a:buffer) if type(a:buffer) == s:t_string execute options.mods options.opener options.cmdarg '`=a:buffer`' elseif type(a:buffer) == s:t_number silent execute options.mods options.opener execute a:buffer 'buffer' else throw 'vital: Vim.Buffer: Unknown {buffer} type.' endif endif finally call guard.restore() endtry return loaded endfunction function! s:get_selected_text(...) abort echohl WarningMsg echom "vital: Vim.Buffer: Warning: s:get_selected_text() is deprecated. Use 's:get_last_selected()'." echohl None return call('s:get_last_selected', a:000) endfunction " Get the last selected text in visual mode " without using |gv| to avoid |textlock|. " NOTE: " * This function uses |gv| only when using |CTRL-V| " because |gv| is the only way to get selected text " when using <C-v>$ . " Please see #192 for the details. " * If you don't care about |textlock|, " you can use simple version of this function. " https://github.com/vim-jp/vital.vim/commit/39aae80f3839fdbeebd838ff14d87327a6b889a9 function! s:get_last_selected() abort if visualmode() ==# "\<C-v>" let save = getreg('"', 1) let save_type = getregtype('"') try normal! gv""y return @" finally call setreg('"', save, save_type) endtry else let [begin, end] = [getpos("'<"), getpos("'>")] let lastchar = matchstr(getline(end[1])[end[2]-1 :], '.') if begin[1] ==# end[1] let lines = [getline(begin[1])[begin[2]-1 : end[2]-2]] else let lines = [getline(begin[1])[begin[2]-1 :]] \ + (end[1] - begin[1] <# 2 ? [] : getline(begin[1]+1, end[1]-1)) \ + [getline(end[1])[: end[2]-2]] endif return join(lines, "\n") . lastchar . (visualmode() ==# 'V' ? "\n" : '') endif endfunction function! s:read_content(content, ...) abort let options = extend({ \ 'tempfile': '', \ 'fileformat': '', \ 'encoding': '', \ 'binary': 0, \ 'nobinary': 0, \ 'bad': '', \ 'edit': 0, \ 'line': '', \ 'lockmarks': 0, \}, get(a:000, 0, {})) let tempfile = empty(options.tempfile) ? tempname() : options.tempfile let optnames = [ \ empty(options.fileformat) ? '' : '++ff=' . options.fileformat, \ empty(options.encoding) ? '' : '++enc=' . options.encoding, \ empty(options.binary) ? '' : '++bin', \ empty(options.nobinary) ? '' : '++nobin', \ empty(options.bad) ? '' : '++bad=' . options.bad, \ empty(options.edit) ? '' : '++edit', \] let optname = join(filter(optnames, '!empty(v:val)')) try call writefile(a:content, tempfile) execute printf('keepalt keepjumps %s%sread %s%s', \ options.lockmarks ? 'lockmarks ' : '', \ options.line, \ empty(optname) ? '' : optname . ' ', \ fnameescape(tempfile), \) finally call delete(tempfile) " To remove 'tempfile' from unlisted-buffer #439 silent execute 'bwipeout!' fnameescape(tempfile) endtry endfunction function! s:edit_content(content, ...) abort let options = extend({ \ 'edit': 1, \ 'lockmarks': 0, \}, get(a:000, 0, {})) let guard = s:Guard.store(['&l:modifiable']) let saved_view = winsaveview() try let &l:modifiable=1 silent execute printf( \ 'keepjumps %s%%delete _', \ options.lockmarks ? 'lockmarks ' : '', \) silent call s:read_content(a:content, options) silent execute printf( \ 'keepjumps %s1delete _', \ options.lockmarks ? 'lockmarks ' : '', \) finally keepjumps call winrestview(saved_view) call guard.restore() endtry setlocal nomodified endfunction function! s:parse_cmdarg(...) abort let cmdarg = get(a:000, 0, v:cmdarg) let options = {} if cmdarg =~# '++enc=' let options.encoding = matchstr(cmdarg, '++enc=\zs[^ ]\+\ze') endif if cmdarg =~# '++ff=' let options.fileformat = matchstr(cmdarg, '++ff=\zs[^ ]\+\ze') endif if cmdarg =~# '++bad=' let options.bad = matchstr(cmdarg, '++bad=\zs[^ ]\+\ze') endif if cmdarg =~# '++bin' let options.binary = 1 endif if cmdarg =~# '++nobin' let options.nobinary = 1 endif if cmdarg =~# '++edit' let options.edit = 1 endif return options endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim:set et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 tw=0: