"============================================================================= " FILE: neobundle/install.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! unite#sources#neobundle_install#define() abort "{{{ return [s:source_install, s:source_update] endfunction"}}} let s:source_install = { \ 'name' : 'neobundle/install', \ 'description' : 'install bundles', \ 'hooks' : {}, \ 'default_kind' : 'word', \ 'syntax' : 'uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall', \ } function! s:source_install.hooks.on_init(args, context) abort "{{{ let bundle_names = filter(copy(a:args), "v:val != '!'") let a:context.source__bang = \ index(a:args, '!') >= 0 || !empty(bundle_names) let a:context.source__not_fuzzy = 0 call s:init(a:context, bundle_names) endfunction"}}} function! s:source_install.hooks.on_syntax(args, context) abort "{{{ syntax match uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall_Progress /(.\{-}):\s*.*/ \ contained containedin=uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall highlight default link uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall_Progress String syntax match uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall_Source /|.\{-}|/ \ contained containedin=uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall_Progress highlight default link uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall_Source Type syntax match uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall_URI /-> diff URI/ \ contained containedin=uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall highlight default link uniteSource__NeoBundleInstall_URI Underlined endfunction"}}} function! s:source_install.hooks.on_close(args, context) abort "{{{ if !empty(a:context.source__processes) for process in a:context.source__processes if has('nvim') call jobstop(process.proc) else call process.proc.waitpid() endif endfor endif endfunction"}}} function! s:source_install.async_gather_candidates(args, context) abort "{{{ if !a:context.sync && empty(filter(range(1, winnr('$')), \ "getwinvar(v:val, '&l:filetype') ==# 'unite'")) return [] endif let old_msgs = copy(neobundle#installer#get_updates_log()) if a:context.source__number < a:context.source__max_bundles while a:context.source__number < a:context.source__max_bundles \ && len(a:context.source__processes) < \ g:neobundle#install_max_processes let bundle = a:context.source__bundles[a:context.source__number] call neobundle#installer#sync(bundle, a:context, 1) call unite#clear_message() call unite#print_source_message( \ neobundle#installer#get_progress_message(bundle, \ a:context.source__number, \ a:context.source__max_bundles), self.name) redrawstatus endwhile endif if !empty(a:context.source__processes) for process in a:context.source__processes call neobundle#installer#check_output(a:context, process, 1) endfor " Filter eof processes. call filter(a:context.source__processes, '!v:val.eof') else call neobundle#installer#update_log( \ neobundle#installer#get_updated_bundles_message( \ a:context.source__synced_bundles), 1) call neobundle#installer#update_log( \ neobundle#installer#get_errored_bundles_message( \ a:context.source__errored_bundles), 1) call neobundle#installer#update( \ a:context.source__synced_bundles) " Finish. call neobundle#installer#update_log('Completed.', 1) let a:context.is_async = 0 endif return map(neobundle#installer#get_updates_log()[len(old_msgs) :], "{ \ 'word' : (v:val =~ '^\\s*\\h\\w*://' ? ' -> diff URI' : v:val), \ 'is_multiline' : 1, \ 'kind' : (v:val =~ '^\\s*\\h\\w*://' ? 'uri' : 'word'), \ 'action__uri' : substitute(v:val, '^\\s\\+', '', ''), \}") endfunction"}}} function! s:source_install.complete(args, context, arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort "{{{ return ['!'] + \ neobundle#commands#complete_bundles(a:arglead, a:cmdline, a:cursorpos) endfunction"}}} let s:source_update = deepcopy(s:source_install) let s:source_update.name = 'neobundle/update' let s:source_update.description = 'update bundles' function! s:source_update.hooks.on_init(args, context) abort "{{{ let a:context.source__bang = \ index(a:args, 'all') >= 0 ? 2 : 1 let a:context.source__not_fuzzy = index(a:args, '!') >= 0 let bundle_names = filter(copy(a:args), \ "v:val !=# 'all' && v:val !=# '!'") call s:init(a:context, bundle_names) endfunction"}}} function! s:init(context, bundle_names) abort "{{{ let a:context.source__synced_bundles = [] let a:context.source__errored_bundles = [] let a:context.source__processes = [] let a:context.source__number = 0 let a:context.source__bundles = !a:context.source__bang ? \ neobundle#get_force_not_installed_bundles(a:bundle_names) : \ empty(a:bundle_names) ? \ neobundle#config#get_enabled_bundles() : \ a:context.source__not_fuzzy ? \ neobundle#config#search(a:bundle_names) : \ neobundle#config#fuzzy_search(a:bundle_names) call neobundle#installer#_load_install_info( \ a:context.source__bundles) let reinstall_bundles = \ neobundle#installer#get_reinstall_bundles( \ a:context.source__bundles) if !empty(reinstall_bundles) call neobundle#installer#reinstall(reinstall_bundles) endif let a:context.source__max_bundles = \ len(a:context.source__bundles) call neobundle#installer#clear_log() if empty(a:context.source__bundles) let a:context.is_async = 0 call neobundle#installer#error( \ 'Target bundles not found. You may use wrong bundle name.') else call neobundle#installer#update_log( \ 'Update started: ' . strftime('(%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S)')) endif endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker