let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! grammarous#info_win#action_return() call grammarous#move_to_checked_buf(b:grammarous_preview_error.fromy+1, b:grammarous_preview_error.fromx+1) endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#action_fixit() call grammarous#fixit(b:grammarous_preview_error) endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#action_remove_error() let e = b:grammarous_preview_error if !grammarous#move_to_checked_buf( \ b:grammarous_preview_error.fromy+1, \ b:grammarous_preview_error.fromx+1 ) return endif call grammarous#remove_error(e, b:grammarous_result) endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#action_disable_rule() let e = b:grammarous_preview_error if !grammarous#move_to_checked_buf( \ b:grammarous_preview_error.fromy+1, \ b:grammarous_preview_error.fromx+1 ) return endif call grammarous#disable_rule(e.ruleId, b:grammarous_result) endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#action_next_error() if !grammarous#move_to_checked_buf( \ b:grammarous_preview_error.fromy+1, \ b:grammarous_preview_error.fromx+1 ) return endif if !grammarous#move_to_next_error(getpos('.')[1 : 2], b:grammarous_result) wincmd p endif endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#action_previous_error() if !grammarous#move_to_checked_buf( \ b:grammarous_preview_error.fromy+1, \ b:grammarous_preview_error.fromx+1 ) return endif if !grammarous#move_to_previous_error(getpos('.')[1 : 2], b:grammarous_result) wincmd p endif endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#action_help() echo join([ \ '| Mappings | Description |', \ '| -------- |:---------------------------------------------- |', \ '| q | Quit the info window |', \ '| <CR> | Move to the location of the error |', \ '| f | Fix the error automatically |', \ '| r | Remove the error without fix |', \ '| R | Disable the grammar rule in the checked buffer |', \ '| n | Move to the next error |', \ '| p | Move to the previous error |', \ ], "\n") endfunction function! s:get_info_buffer(e) let lines = \ [ \ 'Error: ' . a:e.category, \ ' ' . a:e.msg, \ '', \ ] if a:e.replacements !=# '' let lines += \ [ \ 'Corrections:', \ ' ' . join(split(a:e.replacements, '#', 1), '; '), \ '', \ ] endif let lines += \ [ \ 'Context:', \ ' ' . a:e.context, \ '', \ "Press '?' in this window to show help", \ ] return lines endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#action_quit() let s:do_not_preview = 1 let preview_bufnr = bufnr('%') quit! " Consider the case where :quit! does not navigate to the buffer " where :GrammarousCheck checked. for bufnr in tabpagebuflist() let b = getbufvar(bufnr, 'grammarous_preview_bufnr', -1) if b != preview_bufnr continue endif let winnr = bufwinnr(bufnr) if winnr == -1 continue endif execute winnr . 'wincmd w' unlet b:grammarous_preview_bufnr return endfor " Reach here when the original buffer was already closed endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#update(e) let b:grammarous_preview_error = a:e silent normal! gg"_dG silent %delete _ call setline(1, s:get_info_buffer(a:e)) execute 1 setlocal modified return bufnr('%') endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#open(e, bufnr) execute g:grammarous#info_win_direction g:grammarous#info_window_height . 'new' '[Grammarous]' " why need this, the statusline is not update when open info win first " time doautocmd WinEnter let b:grammarous_preview_original_bufnr = a:bufnr let b:grammarous_preview_error = a:e call setline(1, s:get_info_buffer(a:e)) execute 1 syntax match GrammarousInfoSection "\%(Context\|Correction\):" syntax match GrammarousInfoError "Error:.*$" syntax match GrammarousInfoHelp "^Press '?' in this window to show help$" execute 'syntax match GrammarousError "' . escape(grammarous#generate_highlight_pattern(a:e), '"') . '"' setlocal nonumber setlocal bufhidden=hide setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal readonly setl winfixwidth setl winfixheight setlocal nolist setlocal nobuflisted setlocal noswapfile setlocal nospell setlocal nomodeline setlocal nofoldenable setlocal noreadonly setlocal foldcolumn=0 setlocal nomodified nnoremap <silent><buffer>q :<C-u>call grammarous#info_win#action_quit()<CR> nnoremap <silent><buffer><CR> :<C-u>call grammarous#info_win#action_return()<CR> nnoremap <buffer>f :<C-u>call grammarous#info_win#action_fixit()<CR> nnoremap <silent><buffer>r :<C-u>call grammarous#info_win#action_remove_error()<CR> nnoremap <silent><buffer>R :<C-u>call grammarous#info_win#action_disable_rule()<CR> nnoremap <silent><buffer>n :<C-u>call grammarous#info_win#action_next_error()<CR> nnoremap <silent><buffer>p :<C-u>call grammarous#info_win#action_previous_error()<CR> nnoremap <silent><buffer>? :<C-u>call grammarous#info_win#action_help()<CR> return bufnr('%') endfunction function! s:lookup_preview_bufnr() for b in tabpagebuflist() let the_buf = getbufvar(b, 'grammarous_preview_bufnr', -1) if the_buf != -1 return the_buf endif endfor return -1 endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#close() let cur_win = winnr() if exists('b:grammarous_preview_bufnr') let prev_win = bufwinnr(b:grammarous_preview_bufnr) else let the_buf = s:lookup_preview_bufnr() if the_buf == -1 return 0 endif let prev_win = bufwinnr(the_buf) endif if prev_win == -1 return 0 end execute prev_win . 'wincmd w' wincmd c execute cur_win . 'wincmd w' return 1 endfunction function! s:do_auto_preview() let mode = mode() if mode ==? 'v' || mode ==# "\<C-v>" return endif if exists('s:do_not_preview') unlet s:do_not_preview return endif if !exists('b:grammarous_result') || empty(b:grammarous_result) autocmd! plugin-grammarous-auto-preview return endif call grammarous#create_update_info_window_of(b:grammarous_result) endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#start_auto_preview() augroup plugin-grammarous-auto-preview autocmd! autocmd CursorMoved <buffer> call <SID>do_auto_preview() augroup END endfunction function! grammarous#info_win#stop_auto_preview() silent! autocmd! plugin-grammarous-auto-preview endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo