" Author: Nate Peterson " Repository: https://github.com/ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace " Prevent loading the plugin multiple times if exists('g:loaded_better_whitespace_plugin') finish endif let g:loaded_better_whitespace_plugin = 1 " Section: Preferences " Initializes a given global variable to a given value, if it does not yet exist. function! s:InitVariable(var, value) let g:[a:var] = get(g:, a:var, a:value) endfunction " " Set the highlight color for trailing whitespaces call s:InitVariable('better_whitespace_ctermcolor', 'red') call s:InitVariable('better_whitespace_guicolor', '#FF0000') " Operator for StripWhitespace (empty to disable) call s:InitVariable('better_whitespace_operator', '<leader>s') " Set this to enable/disable whitespace highlighting call s:InitVariable('better_whitespace_enabled', 1) " Set this to match space characters that appear before or in-between tabs call s:InitVariable('show_spaces_that_precede_tabs', 0) " Set this to disable highlighting on the current line in all modes " WARNING: This checks for current line on cursor move, which can significantly " impact the performance of Vim (especially on large files) " WARNING: Ignored if g:current_line_whitespace_disabled_soft is set. call s:InitVariable('current_line_whitespace_disabled_hard', 0) " Set this to disable highlighting of the current line in all modes " This setting will not have the performance impact of the above, but " highlighting throughout the file may be overridden by other highlight " patterns with higher priority. call s:InitVariable('current_line_whitespace_disabled_soft', 0) " Set this to enable stripping whitespace on file save call s:InitVariable('strip_whitespace_on_save', 0) " Set this to enable stripping white lines at the end of the file when we " strip whitespace call s:InitVariable('strip_whitelines_at_eof', 0) " Set this to enable user confirmation before stripping whitespace on file save call s:InitVariable('strip_whitespace_confirm', 1) " Set this to blacklist specific filetypes call s:InitVariable('better_whitespace_filetypes_blacklist', ['diff', 'gitcommit', 'unite', 'qf', 'help', 'markdown']) " Skip empty (whitespace-only) lines for highlighting call s:InitVariable('better_whitespace_skip_empty_lines', 0) " Skip stripping whitespace on lines that have not been modified call s:InitVariable('strip_only_modified_lines', 0) " Skip stripping whitespace on files that have more lines than this variable call s:InitVariable('strip_max_file_size', 1000) " Disable verbosity by default call s:InitVariable('better_whitespace_verbosity', 0) " Bypass the aliases set for diff by default if has("win32") || has("win16") call s:InitVariable('diff_binary', 'diff.exe') else call s:InitVariable('diff_binary', 'command diff') endif " Section: Whitespace matching setup " Define custom whitespace character group to include all horizontal unicode " whitespace characters except tab (\u0009). Vim's '\s' class only includes ASCII spaces and tabs. let s:whitespace_chars='\u0020\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200b\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff' let s:eol_whitespace_pattern = '[\u0009' . s:whitespace_chars . ']\+$' if g:better_whitespace_skip_empty_lines == 1 let s:eol_whitespace_pattern = '[^\u0009' . s:whitespace_chars . ']\@1<=' . s:eol_whitespace_pattern endif let s:strip_whitespace_pattern = s:eol_whitespace_pattern if g:show_spaces_that_precede_tabs == 1 let s:eol_whitespace_pattern .= '\|[' . s:whitespace_chars . ']\+\ze[\u0009]' endif " Only init once let s:better_whitespace_initialized = 0 " Ensure the 'ExtraWhitespace' highlight group has been defined function! s:WhitespaceInit() " Check if the user has already defined highlighting for this group if hlexists('ExtraWhitespace') == 0 || empty(synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID('ExtraWhitespace')), 'bg')) execute 'highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg = '.g:better_whitespace_ctermcolor. ' guibg = '.g:better_whitespace_guicolor endif let s:better_whitespace_initialized = 1 endfunction " Diff command returning a space-separated list of ranges of new/modified lines (as first,last) let s:diff_cmd=g:diff_binary.' -a --unchanged-group-format="" --old-group-format="" --new-group-format="%dF,%dL " --changed-group-format="%dF,%dL " ' " Section: Actual work functions " Function to implement trim() if it does not exist if exists('*trim') function! s:Trim(s) return trim(a:s) endfunction else function! s:Trim(s) return substitute(a:s, '^\_s*\(.\{-}\)\_s*$', '\1', '') endfunction endif " query per-buffer setting for whitespace highlighting function! s:ShouldHighlight() " Guess from the filetype if a) not locally decided, b) globally enabled, c) there is enough information if !exists('b:better_whitespace_enabled') && g:better_whitespace_enabled == 1 && !(empty(&buftype) && empty(&filetype)) let b:better_whitespace_enabled = &buftype != 'nofile' && &buftype != 'popup' && index(g:better_whitespace_filetypes_blacklist, &ft) == -1 endif return get(b:, 'better_whitespace_enabled', g:better_whitespace_enabled) endfunction " query per-buffer setting for whitespace stripping function! s:ShouldStripWhitespaceOnSave() " Guess from local whitespace enabled-ness and global whitespace setting if !exists('b:strip_whitespace_on_save') && exists('b:better_whitespace_enabled') let b:strip_whitespace_on_save = b:better_whitespace_enabled && g:strip_whitespace_on_save && &modifiable && \ (g:strip_max_file_size == 0 || g:strip_max_file_size >= line('$')) endif return get(b:, 'strip_whitespace_on_save', g:strip_whitespace_on_save) endfunction " Setup matching with either syntax or match if g:current_line_whitespace_disabled_soft == 1 " Match Whitespace on all lines function! s:HighlightEOLWhitespace() call <SID>ClearHighlighting() if <SID>ShouldHighlight() exe 'syn match ExtraWhitespace excludenl "' . s:eol_whitespace_pattern . '"' endif endfunction " Match Whitespace on all lines except the current one function! s:HighlightEOLWhitespaceExceptCurrentLine() call <SID>ClearHighlighting() if <SID>ShouldHighlight() exe 'syn match ExtraWhitespace excludenl "\%<' . line('.') . 'l' . s:eol_whitespace_pattern . \ '\|\%>' . line('.') . 'l' . s:eol_whitespace_pattern . '"' endif endfunction " Remove Whitespace matching function! s:ClearHighlighting() syn clear ExtraWhitespace endfunction else " Match Whitespace on all lines function! s:HighlightEOLWhitespace() call <SID>ClearHighlighting() if <SID>ShouldHighlight() let s:match_id = matchadd('ExtraWhitespace', s:eol_whitespace_pattern, 10, get(s:, 'match_id', -1)) endif endfunction " Match Whitespace on all lines except the current one function! s:HighlightEOLWhitespaceExceptCurrentLine() call <SID>ClearHighlighting() if <SID>ShouldHighlight() let s:match_id = matchadd('ExtraWhitespace', \ '\%<' . line('.') . 'l' . s:eol_whitespace_pattern . \ '\|\%>' . line('.') . 'l' . s:eol_whitespace_pattern, 10, get(s:, 'match_id', -1)) endif endfunction " Remove Whitespace matching function! s:ClearHighlighting() silent! call matchdelete(get(s:, 'match_id', -1)) endfunction endif " Checks for extraneous whitespace in the file " WARNING: moves the cursor. function! s:DetectWhitespace(line1, line2) call cursor(a:line1, 1) return search(s:strip_whitespace_pattern, 'cn', a:line2) endfunction " Removes all extraneous whitespace in the file function! s:StripWhitespace(line1, line2) " Save the current search and cursor position let _s=@/ let l = line('.') let c = col('.') silent execute ':' . a:line1 . ',' . a:line2 . 's/' . s:strip_whitespace_pattern . '//e' " Strip empty lines at EOF if g:strip_whitelines_at_eof == 1 && a:line2 >= line('$') silent execute '%s/\(\n\)\+\%$//e' endif " Restore the saved search and cursor position let @/=_s call cursor(l, c) endfunction " Removes all extraneous whitespace in the file function! s:StripWhitespaceCommand(line1, line2, force) if &readonly && a:force == 0 echoerr "E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)" else call <SID>StripWhitespace(a:line1, a:line2) endif endfunction " Removes all extraneous whitespace in the file function! s:StripWhitespaceOnChangedLinesCommand(line1, line2, force) if &readonly && a:force == 0 echoerr "E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)" else let ranges=<SID>ChangedLines() for r in ranges if r[0] > a:line2 break elseif r[1] < a:line1 continue endif call <SID>StripWhitespace(max([a:line1, r[0]]), min([a:line2, r[1]])) endfor endif endfunction " Strip using motion lines function! s:StripWhitespaceMotion(...) call <SID>StripWhitespace(line("'["), line("']")) endfunction " Get the ranges of changed lines function! s:ChangedLines() if !filereadable(expand('%')) return [[1,line('$')]] elseif &modified redir => l:better_whitespace_changes_list silent! echo system(s:diff_cmd.' '.shellescape(expand('%')).' -', join(getline(1, line('$')), "\n") . "\n") redir END return map(split(s:Trim(l:better_whitespace_changes_list), ' '), 'split(v:val, ",")') endif return [] endfunction " Strip after checking for confirmation function! s:StripWhitespaceOnSave(force) let ranges = g:strip_only_modified_lines ? <SID>ChangedLines() : [[1,line('$')]] if g:strip_whitespace_confirm == 1 && a:force == 0 let l = line(".") let c = col(".") let found = 0 for r in ranges if <SID>DetectWhitespace(r[0], r[1]) " found not just any whitespace, but whitespace that we are willing to strip let found = confirm('Whitespace found, delete it?', "&No\n&Yes", 1, 'Question') == 2 break endif endfor call cursor(l, c) if found == 0 return endif endif for r in ranges call <SID>StripWhitespace(r[0], r[1]) endfor endfunction " Search for trailing whitespace function! s:GotoTrailingWhitespace(search_backwards, from, to) " Save the current search let _s=@/ let l = line('.') let c = col('.') " Move to start of range (if we are outside of it) if l < a:from || l > a:to if a:search_backwards != 0 call cursor(a:to, 0) call cursor(0, col('$')) else call cursor(a:from, 1) endif endif " Set options (search direction, last searched line) let opts = 'wz' let until = a:to if a:search_backwards != 0 let opts .= 'b' let until = a:from endif " Full file, allow wrapping if a:from == 1 && a:to == line('$') let until = 0 endif " Go to pattern let found = search(s:eol_whitespace_pattern, opts, until) " Restore position if there is no match (in case we moved it) if found == 0 call cursor(l, c) endif " Restore the saved search let @/=_s endfunction " Sets up (or removes) all auto commands in the buffer, after checking the " per-buffer settings. Also performs an initial highlighting (or clears it). function! <SID>SetupAutoCommands() augroup better_whitespace " Reset all auto commands in group autocmd! if <SID>ShouldHighlight() if s:better_whitespace_initialized == 0 call <SID>WhitespaceInit() endif " Highlight extraneous whitespace at the end of lines, but not the current line in insert mode. call <SID>HighlightEOLWhitespace() autocmd CursorMovedI,InsertEnter * call <SID>HighlightEOLWhitespaceExceptCurrentLine() autocmd InsertLeave,BufReadPost * call <SID>HighlightEOLWhitespace() if g:current_line_whitespace_disabled_soft == 0 " Using syntax: clear whitespace highlighting when leaving buffer autocmd BufWinLeave * if expand("<afile>") == expand("%") | call <SID>ClearHighlighting() | endif " Do not highlight whitespace on current line in insert mode autocmd CursorMovedI * call <SID>HighlightEOLWhitespaceExceptCurrentLine() " Do not highlight whitespace on current line in normal mode? if g:current_line_whitespace_disabled_hard == 1 autocmd CursorMoved * call <SID>HighlightEOLWhitespaceExceptCurrentLine() endif endif elseif s:better_whitespace_initialized == 1 " Clear highlighting if it disabled, as it might have just been toggled call <SID>ClearHighlighting() endif " Strip whitespace on save if enabled. if <SID>ShouldStripWhitespaceOnSave() autocmd BufWritePre * call <SID>StripWhitespaceOnSave(v:cmdbang) endif augroup END endfunction " Check & setup auto commands upon enter & load, and again on filetype change. autocmd FileType,WinEnter,BufWinEnter * call <SID>SetupAutoCommands() autocmd ColorScheme * call <SID>WhitespaceInit() " Section: Setting of per-buffer higlighting/stripping function! s:EnableWhitespace() let b:better_whitespace_enabled = 1 call <SID>SetupAutoCommands() endfunction function! s:DisableWhitespace() let b:better_whitespace_enabled = 0 call <SID>SetupAutoCommands() endfunction function! s:ToggleWhitespace() let b:better_whitespace_enabled = 1 - <SID>ShouldHighlight() call <SID>SetupAutoCommands() endfunction function! s:EnableStripWhitespaceOnSave() let b:strip_whitespace_on_save = 1 call <SID>SetupAutoCommands() endfunction function! s:DisableStripWhitespaceOnSave() let b:strip_whitespace_on_save = 0 call <SID>SetupAutoCommands() endfunction function! s:ToggleStripWhitespaceOnSave() let b:strip_whitespace_on_save = 1 - <SID>ShouldStripWhitespaceOnSave() call <SID>SetupAutoCommands() endfunction " Section: Public commands and mappings " Run :StripWhitespace to remove end of line whitespace *on changed lines* command! -bang -range=% StripWhitespaceOnChangedLines call <SID>StripWhitespaceOnChangedLinesCommand(<line1>, <line2>, <bang>0) " Run :StripWhitespace to remove end of line whitespace command! -bang -range=% StripWhitespace call <SID>StripWhitespaceCommand(<line1>, <line2>, <bang>0) " Run :EnableStripWhitespaceOnSave to enable whitespace stripping on save command! EnableStripWhitespaceOnSave call <SID>EnableStripWhitespaceOnSave() " Run :DisableStripWhitespaceOnSave to disable whitespace stripping on save command! DisableStripWhitespaceOnSave call <SID>DisableStripWhitespaceOnSave() " Run :ToggleStripWhitespaceOnSave to enable/disable whitespace stripping on save command! ToggleStripWhitespaceOnSave call <SID>ToggleStripWhitespaceOnSave() " Run :EnableWhitespace to enable whitespace highlighting command! EnableWhitespace call <SID>EnableWhitespace() " Run :DisableWhitespace to disable whitespace highlighting command! DisableWhitespace call <SID>DisableWhitespace() " Run :ToggleWhitespace to toggle whitespace highlighting on/off command! ToggleWhitespace call <SID>ToggleWhitespace() " Search for trailing white space forwards command! -range=% NextTrailingWhitespace call <SID>GotoTrailingWhitespace(0, <line1>, <line2>) " Search for trailing white space backwards command! -range=% PrevTrailingWhitespace call <SID>GotoTrailingWhitespace(1, <line1>, <line2>) if !empty(g:better_whitespace_operator) " Ensure we only map if no identical, user-defined mapping already exists if (empty(mapcheck(g:better_whitespace_operator, 'x'))) " Visual mode exe 'xmap <silent> '.g:better_whitespace_operator.' :StripWhitespace<CR>' endif " Ensure we only map if no identical, user-defined mapping already exists if (empty(mapcheck(g:better_whitespace_operator, 'n'))) " Normal mode (+ space, with line count) exe 'nmap <silent> '.g:better_whitespace_operator.'<space> :<C-U>exe ".,+".v:count" StripWhitespace"<CR>' " Other motions exe 'nmap <silent> '.g:better_whitespace_operator.' :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>StripWhitespaceMotion<CR>g@' endif endif " Deprecated legacy commands, set for compatiblity and to point users in the right direction. let s:errmsg='please set g:current_line_whitespace_disabled_{soft,hard} and reload better whitespace' command! -nargs=* CurrentLineWhitespaceOff echoerr 'E492: Deprecated command CurrentLineWhitespaceOff: '.s:errmsg command! CurrentLineWhitespaceOn echoerr 'E492: Deprecated command CurrentLineWhitespaceOn: '.s:errmsg