local M = {} local sp = require('spacevim') local cmp = require('spacevim.api').import('vim.compatible') local cmd = require('spacevim').cmd local sp_file = require('spacevim.api').import('file') local sp_opt = require('spacevim.opt') local sp_json = require('spacevim.api').import('data.json') local logger = require('spacevim.logger').derive('a.vim') local alternate_conf = {} alternate_conf['_'] = '.project_alt.json' local cache_path = sp_file.unify_path(sp_opt.data_dir, ':p') .. 'SpaceVim/a.json' local project_config = {} local function cache() fn.writefile({sp_json.json_encode(project_config)}, sp_file.unify_path(cache_path, ':p')) end local function get_type_path(a, f, b) logger.debug('run get_type_path function') logger.debug(fn.string(a)) logger.debug(f) logger.debug(b) local begin_len = fn.strlen(a[1]) local end_len = fn.strlen(a[2]) local r = fn.substitute(b, '{}', string.sub(f, begin_len + 1, (end_len+1) * -1), 'g') logger.debug(r) return r end local function load_cache() logger.info('Try to load alt cache from:' .. cache_path) local cache_context = fn.join(fn.readfile(cache_path, ''), '') if cache_context ~= '' then project_config = sp_json.json_decode(cache_context) end end function M.set_config_name(path, name) alternate_conf[path] = name end function M.alt(request_parse, ...) local argvs=... local alt_type = 'alternate' if argvs ~= nil then alt_type = argvs[1] or alt_type end local alt = nil if fn.exists('b:alternate_file_config') ~= 1 then local conf_file_path = M.getConfigPath() local file = sp_file.unify_path(fn.bufname('%'), ':.') alt = M.get_alt(file, conf_file_path, request_parse, alt_type) end logger.debug('alt is:' .. alt) if alt ~= nil and alt ~= '' then cmd('e ' .. alt) else print('failed to find alternate file!') end end local function get_project_config(conf_file) logger.info('read context from:' .. conf_file) local context = fn.join(fn.readfile(conf_file), "\n") local conf = sp_json.json_decode(context) logger.debug(context) if type(conf) ~= type({}) then conf = {} end local root = sp_file.unify_path(conf_file, ':p:h') return { ['root'] = root, ['config'] = conf } end -- we need to sort the keys in config -- local function _keys(val) local new_keys = {} for k,v in pairs(val) do table.insert(new_keys, k) end return new_keys end local function _comp(a, b) if (string.match(a, '*') == '*' and string.match(b, '*') == '*') then return #a < #b elseif string.match(a, '*') == '*' then return true elseif string.match(b, '*') == '*' then return false else local _, al = string.gsub(a, "/", "") local _, bl = string.gsub(b, "/", "") return al < bl end end local function parse(alt_config_json) logger.info('Start to parse alternate file for:' .. alt_config_json.root) project_config[alt_config_json.root] = {} local keys = _keys(alt_config_json.config) table.sort(keys, _comp) for _, key in pairs(keys) do logger.debug('start parse key:' .. key) local searchpath = key if string.match(searchpath, '*') == '*' then searchpath = string.gsub(searchpath, '*', '**/*') end logger.debug('run globpath for: '.. searchpath) for _,file in pairs(cmp.globpath('.', searchpath)) do file = sp_file.unify_path(file, ':.') logger.debug(file) project_config[alt_config_json.root][file] = {} if alt_config_json.config[file] ~= nil then for alt_type, type_v in pairs(alt_config_json.config[file]) do project_config[alt_config_json.root][file][alt_type] = type_v end else for a_type, _ in pairs(alt_config_json.config[key]) do local begin_end = fn.split(key, '*') if #begin_end == 2 then project_config[alt_config_json.root][file][a_type] = get_type_path( begin_end, file, alt_config_json.config[key][a_type] ) end end end end end logger.info('Paser done, try to cache alternate info') cache() end local function is_config_changed(conf_path) if fn.getftime(conf_path) > fn.getftime(cache_path) then logger.info('alt config file(' .. conf_path .. ')') return 1 end end function M.get_alt(file, conf_path, request_parse, a_type) logger.info('getting alt file for:' .. file) logger.info(' > type: ' .. a_type) logger.info(' > parse: ' .. request_parse) logger.info(' > config: ' .. conf_path) alt_config_json = get_project_config(conf_path) if project_config[alt_config_json.root] == nil and is_config_changed(conf_path) == 0 and request_parse == 0 then load_cache() if project_config[alt_config_json.root] == nil or project_config[alt_config_json.root][file] == nil then parse(alt_config_json) end else parse(alt_config_json) end if project_config[alt_config_json.root] ~= nil and project_config[alt_config_json.root][file] ~= nil and project_config[alt_config_json.root][file][a_type] ~= nil then return project_config[alt_config_json.root][file][a_type] else return '' end end function M.getConfigPath() logger.debug('getConfigPath') local pwd = fn.getcwd() logger.debug(pwd) local p = alternate_conf['_'] logger.debug(p) if alternate_conf[pwd] ~= nil then p = alternate_conf[pwd] end return sp_file.unify_path(p, ':p') end function M.complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) local file = sp_file.unify_path(fn.bufname('%'), ':.') local conf_file_path = M.getConfigPath() local alt_config_json = get_project_config(conf_file_path) M.get_alt(file, conf_file_path, 0, '') local a = project_config[alt_config_json.root][file] if a ~= nil then return fn.join(fn.keys(a), "\n") else return '' end end return M