This page documents changes in master branch since last release v2.0.0 ## New features #### New features ``` - Create LICENSE - chore(bundle): update bundle lspconfig - chore(bundle): use bundle fugitive & dispatch - chore(chat): add gitter js - chore(command): add `spacevim.command` module - chore(copyright): add file head - chore(fold): add code fold marker - chore(fsharp): use bundle fsharp plugin - chore(go): use bundle vim-go and deoplete-go - chore(nerdtree): update bundle nerdtree - chore(typo): typo in clipboard.vim - chore(version): update version to v2.1.0-dev - ci(linux): upgrade to ubuntu-20.04 - ci(test): use ubuntu18.04 for old vim - docs(aspectj): AspectJ support has been misspelled - docs(commit): typo in gitcommit.vim - docs(community): add issue links - docs(community): add link to facebook - docs(community): add link to reddit - docs(community): update link of the chatting rooms - docs(data#dict): update doc of `data#dict` api - docs(development): update cn chat link - docs(development): update development page - docs(forum): add link to forum - docs(index): add vim versions - docs(index): update index page - docs(lsp): fix typo in - docs(option): add `:h SpaceVim-options-disabled_plugins` - docs(readme): add link - docs(readme): update link of chatting room - docs(readme): update readme - docs(readme): update readme - docs(typo): fix typo in website - docs(undotree): fix typo - docs(website): fix spelling and grammar - docs(website): typo in website - docs(website): update community link - docs(website): update faq - feat(api): add `vim.command` api - feat(autosave): implement autosave plugin in lua - feat(clipboard): add clipboard#set function - feat(clipboard): add log for clipboard - feat(custom): add log for write_to_config function - feat(default): add default.lua - feat(edit): use lua plugin for nvim 0.7 - feat(flygrep): add apply_to_quickfix function - feat(flygrep): add double_click function - feat(flygrep): add lua flygrep - feat(flygrep): add match highlight - feat(flygrep): add move_cursor function - feat(flygrep): add open_item_in_tab function - feat(flygrep): add open_item_vertically/horizontally function - feat(flygrep): add open_iten function - feat(flygrep): add statusline for flygrep.lua - feat(flygrep): add toggle_expr_mode function - feat(flygrep): implement flygrep in lua - feat(flygrep): support filter mode - feat(flygrep): support preview item - feat(iedit): handle <delete> key in iedit-insert mode - feat(iedit): handle insert left/right/ctrl-b/f - feat(iedit): handle normal D/p/S/G/g - feat(iedit): handle normal n - feat(iedit): rewrite iedit in lua (#4724) - feat(lua): add lua implementation - feat(matrix): update link to matrix - feat(messletters): add bubble_num function - feat(messletters): add circled_num function - feat(messletters): add messletters functions - feat(plugins): implement lua functions - feat(plugins): implement plugins logic - feat(prompt): add lua prompt api - feat(prompt): fix handle function - feat(screensaver): use bundle screensaver - feat(searcher): rewrite searcher in lua - feat(vim.compatible): update vim.compatible api - feat(vim8): use lua plugin for vim8 - fix(a.lua): fix undifinded value fn - fix(alternative): fix a.vim and a.lua - fix(api): clear package.loaded after import api - fix(argv): fix startup logic - fix(autosave): fix save_buffer function - fix(autosave): use pcall to avoid error - fix(branch): fix statusline branch info - fix(default): use pcall to avoid error - fix(flygrep): check if filewritable - fix(flygrep): clear cmdline after closing flygrep - fix(flygrep): clear mode when open flygrep - fix(flygrep): fix grep_stdout function - fix(flygrep): fix toggle_preview function - fix(flygrep): include files required for the lua logger api - fix(flygrep): silent update history - fix(iedit): fix parse_symbol function - fix(iedit): fix replace_symbol function - fix(java): fix java layer - fix(lsp): type error when loading lsp config (#4701) - fix(lua): use lua only for neovim - fix(nvim-cmp) change source priority - fix(nvim-cmp): fix broken hotkeys and add tab,s-tab - fix(option): fix for lua removing leading zeros - fix(prompt): fix _build_prompt function - fix(prompt): fix close logic - fix(prompt): fix handle function - fix(prompt): fix lua prompt api - fix(prompt): fix register matcher - fix(prompt): implement prompt api - fix(python): fix python support for neovim 0.7 - fix(statusline): fix warning in buffer terminal - fix(statusline): init statusline separators - fix(tabline): fix undefined s:lsep variable - fix(typo): fix typo in flygrep - fix(typo): fix typo in prompt.lua - fix(ultisnips): fix ultisnips config - fix(vim#buffer): fix `vim#buffer` api - perf(iedit): use getreg instead of eval - perf(lspconfig): update bundle lspconfig - refactor(a.lua): remove debug info in parse function - test(java): fix java layer test - test(mkdir): disable undofile option - test(neovim): add test for nvim 0.7 - test(neovim): remove test for nvim 0.7.1 - typo(website): release ``` ## Latest Release SpaceVim releases v2.0.0 at 2022-07-02, please check the release page: - [SpaceVim releases v2.0.0]( for all the details