local utils = require("nui.utils") local layout_utils = require("nui.layout.utils") local u = { is_type = utils.is_type, calculate_window_size = layout_utils.calculate_window_size, } local mod = {} local function get_child_position(box, child, current_position, canvas_position) local position = box.dir == "row" and { row = canvas_position.row, col = current_position.col, } or { col = canvas_position.col, row = current_position.row, } if child.component then local border = child.component.border if border and border._.type == "complex" then position.col = position.col + math.floor(border._.size_delta.width / 2 + 0.5) position.row = position.row + math.floor(border._.size_delta.height / 2 + 0.5) end end return position end ---@param parent table Layout.Box ---@param child table Layout.Box ---@param container_size table ---@param growable_dimension_per_factor? number local function get_child_size(parent, child, container_size, growable_dimension_per_factor) local child_size = { width = child.size.width, height = child.size.height, } if child.grow and growable_dimension_per_factor then if parent.dir == "col" then child_size.height = math.floor(growable_dimension_per_factor * child.grow) else child_size.width = math.floor(growable_dimension_per_factor * child.grow) end end local outer_size = u.calculate_window_size(child_size, container_size) local inner_size = { width = outer_size.width, height = outer_size.height, } if child.component then if child.component.border then inner_size.width = inner_size.width - child.component.border._.size_delta.width inner_size.height = inner_size.height - child.component.border._.size_delta.height end end return outer_size, inner_size end function mod.process(box, meta) if box.mount or box.component or not box.box then return error("invalid paramter: box") end local container_size = meta.container_size if not u.is_type("number", container_size.width) or not u.is_type("number", container_size.height) then return error("invalid value: box.size") end local current_position = { col = 0, row = 0, } local growable_child_factor = 0 for _, child in ipairs(box.box) do if meta.process_growable_child or not child.grow then local position = get_child_position(box, child, current_position, meta.position) local outer_size, inner_size = get_child_size(box, child, container_size, meta.growable_dimension_per_factor) if child.component then child.component:set_layout({ size = inner_size, relative = { type = "win", winid = meta.winid, }, position = position, }) else mod.process(child, { winid = meta.winid, container_size = outer_size, position = position, }) end current_position.col = current_position.col + outer_size.width current_position.row = current_position.row + outer_size.height end if child.grow then growable_child_factor = growable_child_factor + child.grow end end if meta.process_growable_child or growable_child_factor == 0 then return end local growable_width = container_size.width - current_position.col local growable_height = container_size.height - current_position.row local growable_dimension = box.dir == "col" and growable_height or growable_width local growable_dimension_per_factor = growable_dimension / growable_child_factor mod.process(box, { winid = meta.winid, container_size = meta.container_size, position = meta.position, process_growable_child = true, growable_dimension_per_factor = growable_dimension_per_factor, }) end function mod.mount_box(box) for _, child in ipairs(box.box) do if child.component then child.component:mount() else mod.mount_box(child) end end end ---@param box table Layout.Box function mod.show_box(box) for _, child in ipairs(box.box) do if child.component then child.component:show() else mod.show_box(child) end end end function mod.unmount_box(box) for _, child in ipairs(box.box) do if child.component then child.component:unmount() else mod.unmount_box(child) end end end ---@param box table Layout.Box function mod.hide_box(box) for _, child in ipairs(box.box) do if child.component then child.component:hide() else mod.hide_box(child) end end end ---@param box table Layout.Box ---@return table<string, table> local function collect_box_components(box, components) if not components then components = {} end for _, child in ipairs(box.box) do if child.component then components[child.component._.id] = child.component else collect_box_components(child, components) end end return components end ---@param curr_box table Layout.Box ---@param prev_box table Layout.Box function mod.process_box_change(curr_box, prev_box) if curr_box == prev_box then return end local curr_components = collect_box_components(curr_box) local prev_components = collect_box_components(prev_box) for id, component in pairs(curr_components) do if not prev_components[id] then if not component.winid then if component._.mounted then component:show() else component:mount() end end end end for id, component in pairs(prev_components) do if not curr_components[id] then if component._.mounted then if component.winid then component:hide() end end end end end return mod