local M = {} local options = require('spacevim.opt') local layers = require('spacevim.layer') function M.bootstrap() options.init() layers.init() end function M.eval(l) if vim.api ~= nil then return vim.api.nvim_eval(l) else return vim.eval(l) end end -- there is no want to call viml function in old vim and neovim local function build_argv(...) local str = '' for index, value in ipairs(...) do if str ~= '' then str = str .. ',' end if type(value) == 'string' then str = str .. '"' .. value .. '"' elseif type(value) == 'number' then str = str .. value end end return str end function M.call(funcname, ...) if vim.call ~= nil then return vim.call(funcname, ...) else if vim.api ~= nil then return vim.api.nvim_call_function(funcname, {...}) else -- call not call vim script function in lua vim.command('let g:lua_rst = ' .. funcname .. '(' .. build_argv({...}) .. ')') return M.eval('g:lua_rst') end end end -- this is for Vim and old neovim M.fn = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, key) local _fn if vim.api ~= nil and vim.api[key] ~= nil then _fn = function() error(string.format("Tried to call API function with vim.fn: use vim.api.%s instead", key)) end else _fn = function(...) return M.call(key, ...) end end t[key] = _fn return _fn end }) -- This is for vim and old neovim to use vim.o M.vim_options = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, key) local _fn if vim.api ~= nil then -- for neovim return vim.api.nvim_get_option(key) else -- for vim _fn = M.eval('&' .. key) end t[key] = _fn return _fn end }) -- this function is only for vim function M.has(feature) return M.eval('float2nr(has("' .. feature .. '"))') end return M