local uv = vim.loop local M = { config = nil, path = nil, } --- Write to log file --- @param typ string as per log.types config --- @param fmt string for string.format --- @vararg any arguments for string.format function M.raw(typ, fmt, ...) if not M.path or not M.config.types[typ] and not M.config.types.all then return end local line = string.format(fmt, ...) local file = io.open(M.path, "a") io.output(file) io.write(line) io.close(file) end --- Write to log file via M.line --- START is prefixed --- @return number nanos to pass to profile_end function M.profile_start(fmt, ...) if not M.path or not M.config.types.profile and not M.config.types.all then return end M.line("profile", "START " .. (fmt or "???"), ...) return uv.hrtime() end --- Write to log file via M.line --- END is prefixed and duration in seconds is suffixed --- @param start number nanos returned from profile_start function M.profile_end(start, fmt, ...) if not M.path or not M.config.types.profile and not M.config.types.all then return end local millis = start and math.modf((uv.hrtime() - start) / 1000000) or -1 M.line("profile", "END " .. (fmt or "???") .. " " .. millis .. "ms", ...) end -- Write to log file via M.raw -- time and typ are prefixed and a trailing newline is added function M.line(typ, fmt, ...) M.raw(typ, string.format("[%s] [%s] %s\n", os.date "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", typ, fmt), ...) end function M.setup(opts) M.config = opts.log if M.config and M.config.enable and M.config.types then M.path = string.format("%s/nvim-tree.log", vim.fn.stdpath "cache", os.date "%H:%M:%S", vim.env.USER) if M.config.truncate then os.remove(M.path) end print("nvim-tree.lua logging to " .. M.path) end end return M