local a = vim.api local M = {} local events = require "nvim-tree.events" M.View = { tabpages = {}, cursors = {}, hide_root_folder = false, winopts = { relativenumber = false, number = false, list = false, foldenable = false, winfixwidth = true, winfixheight = true, spell = false, signcolumn = "yes", foldmethod = "manual", foldcolumn = "0", cursorcolumn = false, cursorlineopt = "line", colorcolumn = "0", wrap = false, winhl = table.concat({ "EndOfBuffer:NvimTreeEndOfBuffer", "Normal:NvimTreeNormal", "CursorLine:NvimTreeCursorLine", -- #1221 WinSeparator not present in nvim 0.6.1 and some builds of 0.7.0 pcall(vim.cmd, "silent hi WinSeparator") and "WinSeparator:NvimTreeWinSeparator" or "VertSplit:NvimTreeWinSeparator", "StatusLine:NvimTreeStatusLine", "StatusLineNC:NvimTreeStatuslineNC", "SignColumn:NvimTreeSignColumn", "NormalNC:NvimTreeNormalNC", }, ","), }, } -- The initial state of a tab local tabinitial = { -- True if help is displayed help = false, -- The position of the cursor { line, column } cursor = { 0, 0 }, -- The NvimTree window number winnr = nil, } local BUFNR_PER_TAB = {} local BUFFER_OPTIONS = { swapfile = false, buftype = "nofile", modifiable = false, filetype = "NvimTree", bufhidden = "wipe", buflisted = false, } local function matches_bufnr(bufnr) for _, b in pairs(BUFNR_PER_TAB) do if b == bufnr then return true end end return false end local function wipe_rogue_buffer() for _, bufnr in ipairs(a.nvim_list_bufs()) do if not matches_bufnr(bufnr) and a.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr):match "NvimTree" ~= nil then return pcall(a.nvim_buf_delete, bufnr, { force = true }) end end end local function create_buffer(bufnr) wipe_rogue_buffer() local tab = a.nvim_get_current_tabpage() BUFNR_PER_TAB[tab] = bufnr or a.nvim_create_buf(false, false) a.nvim_buf_set_name(M.get_bufnr(), "NvimTree_" .. tab) for option, value in pairs(BUFFER_OPTIONS) do vim.bo[M.get_bufnr()][option] = value end require("nvim-tree.actions").apply_mappings(M.get_bufnr()) end local function get_size() local width_or_height = M.is_vertical() and "width" or "height" local size = M.View[width_or_height] if type(size) == "number" then return size elseif type(size) == "function" then return size() end local size_as_number = tonumber(size:sub(0, -2)) local percent_as_decimal = size_as_number / 100 return math.floor(vim.o.columns * percent_as_decimal) end local move_tbl = { left = "H", right = "L", bottom = "J", top = "K", } -- TODO: remove this once they fix https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/14670 local function set_local(opt, value) local cmd if value == true then cmd = string.format("setlocal %s", opt) elseif value == false then cmd = string.format("setlocal no%s", opt) else cmd = string.format("setlocal %s=%s", opt, value) end vim.cmd(cmd) end -- setup_tabpage sets up the initial state of a tab local function setup_tabpage(tabpage) local winnr = a.nvim_get_current_win() M.View.tabpages[tabpage] = vim.tbl_extend("force", M.View.tabpages[tabpage] or tabinitial, { winnr = winnr }) end local function open_window() a.nvim_command "vsp" M.reposition_window() setup_tabpage(a.nvim_get_current_tabpage()) end local function set_window_options_and_buffer() pcall(vim.cmd, "buffer " .. M.get_bufnr()) for k, v in pairs(M.View.winopts) do set_local(k, v) end end local function get_existing_buffers() return vim.tbl_filter(function(buf) return a.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf) and vim.fn.buflisted(buf) == 1 end, a.nvim_list_bufs()) end local function switch_buf_if_last_buf() if #a.nvim_list_wins() == 1 then if #get_existing_buffers() > 0 then vim.cmd "sbnext" else vim.cmd "new" end end end -- save_tab_state saves any state that should be preserved across redraws. local function save_tab_state() local tabpage = a.nvim_get_current_tabpage() M.View.cursors[tabpage] = a.nvim_win_get_cursor(M.get_winnr()) end function M.close() if not M.is_visible() then return end save_tab_state() switch_buf_if_last_buf() local tree_win = M.get_winnr() local current_win = a.nvim_get_current_win() for _, win in pairs(a.nvim_list_wins()) do if tree_win ~= win and a.nvim_win_get_config(win).relative == "" then a.nvim_win_close(tree_win, true) local prev_win = vim.fn.winnr "#" -- this tab only if tree_win == current_win and prev_win > 0 then a.nvim_set_current_win(vim.fn.win_getid(prev_win)) end events._dispatch_on_tree_close() return end end end function M.open(options) if M.is_visible() then return end create_buffer() open_window() set_window_options_and_buffer() M.resize() local opts = options or { focus_tree = true } if not opts.focus_tree then vim.cmd "wincmd p" end events._dispatch_on_tree_open() end function M.resize(size) if type(size) == "string" then size = vim.trim(size) local first_char = size:sub(1, 1) size = tonumber(size) if first_char == "+" or first_char == "-" then size = M.View.width + size end end if type(size) == "number" and size <= 0 then return end if size then M.View.width = size M.View.height = size end if not M.is_visible() then return end if M.is_vertical() then a.nvim_win_set_width(M.get_winnr(), get_size()) else a.nvim_win_set_height(M.get_winnr(), get_size()) end if not M.View.preserve_window_proportions then vim.cmd ":wincmd =" end end function M.reposition_window() local move_to = move_tbl[M.View.side] a.nvim_command("wincmd " .. move_to) M.resize() end local function set_current_win() local current_tab = a.nvim_get_current_tabpage() M.View.tabpages[current_tab].winnr = a.nvim_get_current_win() end function M.open_in_current_win(opts) opts = opts or { hijack_current_buf = true, resize = true } create_buffer(opts.hijack_current_buf and a.nvim_get_current_buf()) setup_tabpage(a.nvim_get_current_tabpage()) set_current_win() set_window_options_and_buffer() if opts.resize then M.reposition_window() M.resize() end end function M.abandon_current_window() local tab = a.nvim_get_current_tabpage() BUFNR_PER_TAB[tab] = nil M.View.tabpages[tab].winnr = nil end function M.is_visible(opts) if opts and opts.any_tabpage then for _, v in pairs(M.View.tabpages) do if a.nvim_win_is_valid(v.winnr) then return true end end return false end return M.get_winnr() ~= nil and a.nvim_win_is_valid(M.get_winnr()) end function M.set_cursor(opts) if M.is_visible() then pcall(a.nvim_win_set_cursor, M.get_winnr(), opts) -- patch until https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/17395 is fixed require("nvim-tree.renderer").draw() end end function M.focus(winnr, open_if_closed) local wnr = winnr or M.get_winnr() if a.nvim_win_get_tabpage(wnr or 0) ~= a.nvim_win_get_tabpage(0) then M.close() M.open() wnr = M.get_winnr() elseif open_if_closed and not M.is_visible() then M.open() end a.nvim_set_current_win(wnr) end function M.is_vertical() return M.View.side == "left" or M.View.side == "right" end --- Restores the state of a NvimTree window if it was initialized before. function M.restore_tab_state() local tabpage = a.nvim_get_current_tabpage() M.set_cursor(M.View.cursors[tabpage]) end --- Returns the window number for nvim-tree within the tabpage specified ---@param tabpage number: (optional) the number of the chosen tabpage. Defaults to current tabpage. ---@return number function M.get_winnr(tabpage) tabpage = tabpage or a.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local tabinfo = M.View.tabpages[tabpage] if tabinfo ~= nil then return tabinfo.winnr end end --- Returns the current nvim tree bufnr ---@return number function M.get_bufnr() return BUFNR_PER_TAB[a.nvim_get_current_tabpage()] end --- Checks if nvim-tree is displaying the help ui within the tabpage specified ---@param tabpage number: (optional) the number of the chosen tabpage. Defaults to current tabpage. ---@return number function M.is_help_ui(tabpage) tabpage = tabpage or a.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local tabinfo = M.View.tabpages[tabpage] if tabinfo ~= nil then return tabinfo.help end end function M.toggle_help(tabpage) tabpage = tabpage or a.nvim_get_current_tabpage() M.View.tabpages[tabpage].help = not M.View.tabpages[tabpage].help end function M.is_buf_valid(bufnr) return bufnr and a.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) and a.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) end function M._prevent_buffer_override() local view_winnr = M.get_winnr() local view_bufnr = M.get_bufnr() -- need to schedule to let the new buffer populate the window -- because this event needs to be run on bufWipeout. -- Otherwise the curwin/curbuf would match the view buffer and the view window. vim.schedule(function() local curwin = a.nvim_get_current_win() local curbuf = a.nvim_win_get_buf(curwin) local bufname = a.nvim_buf_get_name(curbuf) if not bufname:match "NvimTree" then for i, tabpage in ipairs(M.View.tabpages) do if tabpage.winnr == view_winnr then M.View.tabpages[i] = nil break end end end if curwin ~= view_winnr or bufname == "" or curbuf == view_bufnr then return end -- patch to avoid the overriding window to be fixed in size -- might need a better patch vim.cmd "setlocal nowinfixwidth" vim.cmd "setlocal nowinfixheight" M.open { focus_tree = false } require("nvim-tree.renderer").draw() a.nvim_win_close(curwin, { force = true }) require("nvim-tree.actions.open-file").fn("edit", bufname) end) end function M.is_root_folder_visible(cwd) return cwd ~= "/" and not M.View.hide_root_folder end function M.setup(opts) local options = opts.view or {} M.View.side = options.side M.View.width = options.width M.View.height = options.height M.View.hide_root_folder = options.hide_root_folder M.View.preserve_window_proportions = options.preserve_window_proportions M.View.winopts.number = options.number M.View.winopts.relativenumber = options.relativenumber M.View.winopts.signcolumn = options.signcolumn end return M