local util = require 'lspconfig.util'

return {
  default_config = {
    cmd = { 'pasls' },
    filetypes = { 'pascal' },
    root_dir = util.root_pattern('*.lpi', '*.lpk', '.git'),
    single_file_support = true,
  docs = {
    description = [[

An LSP server implementation for Pascal variants that are supported by Free Pascal, including Object Pascal. It uses CodeTools from Lazarus as backend.

First set `cmd` to the Pascal lsp binary.

Customization options are passed to pasls as environment variables for example in your `.bashrc`:
export FPCDIR='/usr/lib/fpc/src'      # FPC source directory (This is the only required option for the server to work).
export PP='/usr/lib/fpc/3.2.2/ppcx64' # Path to the Free Pascal compiler executable.
export LAZARUSDIR='/usr/lib/lazarus'  # Path to the Lazarus sources.
export FPCTARGET=''                   # Target operating system for cross compiling.
export FPCTARGETCPU='x86_64'          # Target CPU for cross compiling.