#!/usr/bin/env python3.6 """ Profile a piece of Python code with ``profile``. Tries a completion on a certain piece of code. Usage: profile.py [<code>] [-n <number>] [-d] [-o] [-s <sort>] [-i] [--precision] profile.py -h | --help Options: -h --help Show this screen. -n <number> Number of passes before profiling [default: 1]. -d --debug Enable Jedi internal debugging. -o --omit Omit profiler, just do a normal run. -i --infer Infer types instead of completions. -s <sort> Sort the profile results, e.g. cum, name [default: time]. --precision Makes profile time formatting more precise (nanoseconds) """ import time import profile import pstats from docopt import docopt import jedi # Monkeypatch the time formatting function of profiling to make it easier to # understand small time differences. def f8(x): ret = "%7.3f " % x if ret == ' 0.000 ': return "%6dµs" % (x * 1e6) if ret.startswith(' 0.00'): return "%8.4f" % x return ret def run(code, index, infer=False): start = time.time() script = jedi.Script(code) if infer: result = script.infer() else: result = script.complete() print('Used %ss for the %sth run.' % (time.time() - start, index + 1)) return result def main(args): code = args['<code>'] infer = args['--infer'] n = int(args['-n']) for i in range(n): run(code, i, infer=infer) if args['--precision']: pstats.f8 = f8 jedi.set_debug_function(notices=args['--debug']) if args['--omit']: run(code, n, infer=infer) else: profile.runctx('run(code, n, infer=infer)', globals(), locals(), sort=args['-s']) if __name__ == '__main__': args = docopt(__doc__) if args['<code>'] is None: args['<code>'] = 'import numpy; numpy.array([0]).' main(args)