# over.vim 3.0

## Screencapture
### Preview in the command line window


### Preview in the over command line


### Buffer word complete in the over command line


## License


[NYSL English](http://www.kmonos.net/nysl/index.en.html)

## Change log

* 3.0 (2015/04/01)
 * Add digraph
 * Add `<C-q>`
 * Import cmap/cnoremap setting
 * `<C-w>` by regexp
 * Multi lhs by keymapping
 * Support `<expr>` keymapping
 * Refactoring

* 2.0
 * Refactoring
 * Change cursor highlight
 * Add highlighting `:/` and `:%g/`
 * No input specital keys(e.g. `<BS>`, `<C->`)

## Special Thanks

* [@haya14busa](https://github.com/haya14busa)