Include: include/setup.vader Execute (neomake#compat#uniq): AssertEqual neomake#compat#uniq([]), [] AssertEqual neomake#compat#uniq([1, 2]), [1, 2] AssertEqual neomake#compat#uniq([1, 2, 1]), [1, 2, 1] AssertEqual neomake#compat#uniq([1, 1, 2]), [1, 2] AssertEqual neomake#compat#uniq([1, 1, 2, 2]), [1, 2] AssertEqual neomake#compat#uniq([1, 1, 2, 2, '2']), [1, 2, '2'] AssertEqual neomake#compat#uniq([[1], [1]]), [[1]] AssertEqual neomake#compat#uniq([{'a': 1}]), [{'a': 1}] Execute (neomake#compat#uniq modifies list in place): let l = [5, 5] call neomake#compat#uniq(l) AssertEqual l, [5] Execute (neomake#compat#reltimefloat): let r = neomake#compat#reltimefloat() AssertEqual type(r), type(0.0) let r2 = neomake#compat#reltimefloat() Assert r2 > r, '2nd result is bigger' Execute (neomake#compat#systemlist): let r = neomake#compat#systemlist(['echo 1']) if has('nvim') AssertEqual r, '' if has('nvim-0.5.0') AssertNeomakeMessage "systemlist error: Vim(return):E475: Invalid value for argument cmd: 'echo 1' is not executable.", 0 endif else AssertEqual r, [&shell.': echo 1: command not found'] AssertEqual v:shell_error, 127 endif AssertEqual neomake#compat#systemlist(['echo', '1']), ['1'] AssertEqual v:shell_error, 0 AssertEqual neomake#compat#systemlist(['sh', '-c', 'echo 1; echo 2']), ['1', '2'] AssertEqual v:shell_error, 0 AssertEqual neomake#compat#systemlist(['echo', '1 2']), ['1 2'] AssertEqual v:shell_error, 0 AssertEqual neomake#compat#systemlist(['printf', '%s\n', '1', '2']), ['1', '2'] AssertEqual v:shell_error, 0 Execute (neomake#compat#systemlist with empty args): AssertEqual neomake#compat#systemlist(''), [] AssertEqual neomake#compat#systemlist([]), [] AssertEqual neomake#compat#systemlist('0'), [&shell.': 0: command not found'] Execute (neomake#compat#json_decode): AssertEqual neomake#compat#json_decode(''), g:neomake#compat#json_none Assert neomake#compat#json_decode('') is g:neomake#compat#json_none if has('nvim') let expected_exception = 'Vim(return):E474: Unidentified byte: success' elseif exists('*json_decode') let expected_exception = 'Vim(return):E474: Invalid argument' else let expected_exception = 'Neomake: Failed to parse JSON input: invalid input' endif AssertThrows call neomake#compat#json_decode('success') AssertEqual g:vader_exception, expected_exception Execute (neomake#compat#json_decode: handles newlines): let json = '{"foo": '."\n".'"bar"}' AssertEqual neomake#compat#json_decode(json), {'foo': 'bar'} Execute (neomake#compat#json_none): AssertThrows call items(g:neomake#compat#json_none) AssertEqual g:vader_exception, 'Vim(call):E715: Dictionary required' Assert empty(g:neomake#compat#json_none), 'json_none is empty' Execute (neomake#compat#get_mode): AssertEqual neomake#compat#get_mode(), 'n' norm! V AssertEqual neomake#compat#get_mode(), 'V' exe "norm! \<Esc>" AssertEqual neomake#compat#get_mode(), 'n' if has('nvim') let nvim_exe = '/proc/'.getpid().'/exe' let nvim_cmd = [nvim_exe, '-u', 'tests/vim/vimrc', '--headless'] if has('nvim-0.3.0') " Do not use --embed, which might cause it to hang with hit-enter prompt " due to `echom` (while debugging). Requires Neovim 0.3.0+. let nvim_cmd += ['--cmd', "call stdioopen({'rpc': v:true})"] else let nvim_cmd += ['--embed'] endif let nvim = jobstart(nvim_cmd, {'rpc': v:true}) call rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_call_function', 'feedkeys', ['d', '!']) call rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_eval', 'assert_equal(neomake#compat#get_mode(), "no")') let rpc_errors = rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_eval', 'v:errors') AssertEqual rpc_errors, [] call jobstop(nvim) elseif exists('*timer_start') let b:mode_in_cb = '' function s:CB(...) let b:mode_in_cb = neomake#compat#get_mode() call feedkeys("\<Esc>") endfunction call timer_start(10, 's:CB') call feedkeys('da', 'x!') AssertEqual b:mode_in_cb, 'no' AssertEqual neomake#compat#get_mode(), 'n' endif Execute (neomake#compat#get_mode with insert mode completion (feedkeys)): if has('timers') new file file_sleep_efm normal! iword1 normal! oword2 function! s:close_pum(...) let s:mode = neomake#compat#get_mode() let s:in_completion = neomake#compat#in_completion() call feedkeys("\<c-e>\<esc>") endfunction call timer_start(10, 's:close_pum') " NOTE: silent for Neovim ( silent call feedkeys("oword\<C-p>", 'x!') if has('patch-8.0.0283') AssertEqual s:mode, 'ic' else AssertEqual s:mode, 'i' endif AssertEqual getline('.'), 'word' AssertEqual s:in_completion, 1 bwipe! endif Execute (neomake#compat#get_mode with insert mode completion (imap)): new file file_sleep_efm normal! iword1 normal! oword2 function s:save_mode() let s:mode = neomake#compat#get_mode() let s:in_completion = neomake#compat#in_completion() return '' endfunction " NOTE: silent for Neovim ( inoremap <silent> <buffer> <F2> <C-r>=s:save_mode()<CR> exe "normal oword\<C-p>\<F2>\<C-e>\<Esc>" if has('patch-8.0.0283') AssertEqual s:mode, 'ic' else AssertEqual s:mode, 'i' endif AssertEqual s:in_completion, 1 AssertEqual getline('.'), 'word' exe "normal oword\<C-p>\<C-e>\<F2>\<Esc>" AssertEqual s:mode, 'i' AssertEqual s:in_completion, 0 AssertEqual getline('.'), 'word' bwipe! Execute (neomake#compat#glob_list): AssertEqual neomake#compat#glob_list('doesnotexist'), [] AssertEqual neomake#compat#glob_list(g:vader_file), [g:vader_file] Save &wildignore let &wildignore = '*.vader' AssertEqual fnamemodify(g:vader_file, ':e'), 'vader' AssertEqual neomake#compat#glob_list(g:vader_file), [g:vader_file] Execute (neomake#compat#restore_prev_windows handles removed windows): new new if exists('*win_getid') let expected_msg = printf('Cannot restore previous windows (previous window with ID %d not found).', \ win_getid()) else let expected_msg = 'Cannot restore previous windows (3 > 2).' endif call neomake#compat#save_prev_windows() bwipe call neomake#compat#restore_prev_windows() AssertNeomakeMessage expected_msg, 3 bwipe Execute (neomake#compat#restore_prev_windows triggers autocommands): new let s:events = [] augroup neomake_tests au WinEnter * call add(s:events, ['WinEnter', winnr()]) au WinLeave * call add(s:events, ['WinLeave', winnr()]) augroup END let expected_events = [ \ ['WinLeave', 2], ['WinEnter', 3], \ ['WinLeave', 3], ['WinEnter', 2]] new wincmd p AssertEqual s:events, expected_events wincmd p bwipe let s:events = [] call neomake#compat#save_prev_windows() new call neomake#compat#restore_prev_windows() AssertEqual s:events, expected_events wincmd p bwipe bwipe