-- Copyright 2019 Yazdani Kiyan under MIT License local api = vim.api local lib = require "nvim-tree.lib" local utils = require "nvim-tree.utils" local view = require "nvim-tree.view" local M = {} local function get_split_cmd() local side = view.View.side if side == "right" then return "aboveleft" end if side == "left" then return "belowright" end if side == "top" then return "bot" end return "top" end ---Get user to pick a window. Selectable windows are all windows in the current ---tabpage that aren't NvimTree. ---@return integer|nil -- If a valid window was picked, return its id. If an --- invalid window was picked / user canceled, return nil. If there are --- no selectable windows, return -1. local function pick_window() local tabpage = api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local win_ids = api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(tabpage) local tree_winid = view.get_winnr(tabpage) local selectable = vim.tbl_filter(function(id) local bufid = api.nvim_win_get_buf(id) for option, v in pairs(M.window_picker.exclude) do local ok, option_value = pcall(api.nvim_buf_get_option, bufid, option) if ok and vim.tbl_contains(v, option_value) then return false end end local win_config = api.nvim_win_get_config(id) return id ~= tree_winid and win_config.focusable and not win_config.external end, win_ids) -- If there are no selectable windows: return. If there's only 1, return it without picking. if #selectable == 0 then return -1 end if #selectable == 1 then return selectable[1] end local i = 1 local win_opts = {} local win_map = {} local laststatus = vim.o.laststatus vim.o.laststatus = 2 local not_selectable = vim.tbl_filter(function(id) return not vim.tbl_contains(selectable, id) end, win_ids) if laststatus == 3 then for _, win_id in ipairs(not_selectable) do local ok_status, statusline = pcall(api.nvim_win_get_option, win_id, "statusline") local ok_hl, winhl = pcall(api.nvim_win_get_option, win_id, "winhl") win_opts[win_id] = { statusline = ok_status and statusline or "", winhl = ok_hl and winhl or "", } -- Clear statusline for windows not selectable api.nvim_win_set_option(win_id, "statusline", " ") end end -- Setup UI for _, id in ipairs(selectable) do local char = M.window_picker.chars:sub(i, i) local ok_status, statusline = pcall(api.nvim_win_get_option, id, "statusline") local ok_hl, winhl = pcall(api.nvim_win_get_option, id, "winhl") win_opts[id] = { statusline = ok_status and statusline or "", winhl = ok_hl and winhl or "", } win_map[char] = id api.nvim_win_set_option(id, "statusline", "%=" .. char .. "%=") api.nvim_win_set_option(id, "winhl", "StatusLine:NvimTreeWindowPicker,StatusLineNC:NvimTreeWindowPicker") i = i + 1 if i > #M.window_picker.chars then break end end vim.cmd "redraw" print "Pick window: " local _, resp = pcall(utils.get_user_input_char) resp = (resp or ""):upper() utils.clear_prompt() -- Restore window options for _, id in ipairs(selectable) do for opt, value in pairs(win_opts[id]) do api.nvim_win_set_option(id, opt, value) end end if laststatus == 3 then for _, id in ipairs(not_selectable) do for opt, value in pairs(win_opts[id]) do api.nvim_win_set_option(id, opt, value) end end end vim.o.laststatus = laststatus if not vim.tbl_contains(vim.split(M.window_picker.chars, ""), resp) then return end return win_map[resp] end local function open_file_in_tab(filename) if M.quit_on_open then view.close() else -- Switch window first to ensure new window doesn't inherit settings from -- NvimTree if lib.target_winid > 0 and api.nvim_win_is_valid(lib.target_winid) then api.nvim_set_current_win(lib.target_winid) else vim.cmd "wincmd p" end end -- This sequence of commands are here to ensure a number of things: the new -- buffer must be opened in the current tabpage first so that focus can be -- brought back to the tree if it wasn't quit_on_open. It also ensures that -- when we open the new tabpage with the file, its window doesn't inherit -- settings from NvimTree, as it was already loaded. vim.cmd("edit " .. vim.fn.fnameescape(filename)) local alt_bufid = vim.fn.bufnr "#" if alt_bufid ~= -1 then api.nvim_set_current_buf(alt_bufid) end if not M.quit_on_open then vim.cmd "wincmd p" end vim.cmd("tabe " .. vim.fn.fnameescape(filename)) end function M.fn(mode, filename) if mode == "tabnew" then open_file_in_tab(filename) return end if mode == "edit_in_place" then require("nvim-tree.view").abandon_current_window() vim.cmd("edit " .. vim.fn.fnameescape(filename)) return end local tabpage = api.nvim_get_current_tabpage() local win_ids = api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(tabpage) local target_winid if not M.window_picker.enable or mode == "edit_no_picker" then target_winid = lib.target_winid else local pick_window_id = pick_window() if pick_window_id == nil then return end target_winid = pick_window_id end if target_winid == -1 then target_winid = lib.target_winid end local do_split = mode == "split" or mode == "vsplit" local vertical = mode ~= "split" -- Check if file is already loaded in a buffer local buf_loaded = false for _, buf_id in ipairs(api.nvim_list_bufs()) do if api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(buf_id) and filename == api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf_id) then buf_loaded = true break end end -- Check if filename is already open in a window local found = false for _, id in ipairs(win_ids) do if filename == api.nvim_buf_get_name(api.nvim_win_get_buf(id)) then if mode == "preview" then return end found = true api.nvim_set_current_win(id) break end end if not found then if not target_winid or not vim.tbl_contains(win_ids, target_winid) then -- Target is invalid, or window does not exist in current tabpage: create -- new window local split_cmd = get_split_cmd() local splitside = view.is_vertical() and "vsp" or "sp" vim.cmd(split_cmd .. " " .. splitside) target_winid = api.nvim_get_current_win() lib.target_winid = target_winid -- No need to split, as we created a new window. do_split = false elseif not vim.o.hidden then -- If `hidden` is not enabled, check if buffer in target window is -- modified, and create new split if it is. local target_bufid = api.nvim_win_get_buf(target_winid) if api.nvim_buf_get_option(target_bufid, "modified") then do_split = true end end local cmd if do_split or #api.nvim_list_wins() == 1 then cmd = string.format("%ssplit ", vertical and "vertical " or "") else cmd = "edit " end cmd = cmd .. vim.fn.fnameescape(filename) api.nvim_set_current_win(target_winid) pcall(vim.cmd, cmd) lib.set_target_win() end if M.resize_window then view.resize() end if mode == "preview" then if not buf_loaded then vim.bo.bufhidden = "delete" vim.cmd [[ augroup RemoveBufHidden autocmd! autocmd TextChanged <buffer> setlocal bufhidden= | autocmd! RemoveBufHidden autocmd TextChangedI <buffer> setlocal bufhidden= | autocmd! RemoveBufHidden augroup end ]] end view.focus() return end if M.quit_on_open then view.close() end end function M.setup(opts) M.quit_on_open = opts.actions.open_file.quit_on_open M.resize_window = opts.actions.open_file.resize_window if opts.actions.open_file.window_picker.chars then opts.actions.open_file.window_picker.chars = tostring(opts.actions.open_file.window_picker.chars):upper() end M.window_picker = opts.actions.open_file.window_picker end return M